Posts Tagged ‘stretch marks’


Stretch Mark Treatments That Really Work

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Skin Care

Stretch marks are a form of scarring that can occur when a person’s skin is overstretched. Stretch marks have the initial appearance of purple or red looking lines. Over time, they will fade until they are pale in color.

The two main causes of stretch marks are pregnancy and obesity. Stretch marks are a very common condition. A large percentage of the population has been overweight or pregnant at some time in their lives! It’s not just women who get stretch marks, either. Few people realize that they are a common complaint of male body builders as well.

The good news is that there are several treatments for stretch marks that have been shown to be highly effective. Here’s a look at three of the most common ways to deal with this condition.

1. Dermabrasion. General anesthesia is required when you undergo this kind of stretch mark surgery. The aim of dermabrasion is to remove or lessen the appearance of scars, damage from the sun or dark spots. In this procedure, the surface of your skin is sanded off using special equipment.

This procedure is most effective is the scar is raised above the skin’s surface. It’s generally much less effective when used to treat sunken scars. The procedure is very painful and the healing process can take several months. But the final result can be very impressive.

2. Microdermabrasion. Often referred to as microderm, this is a far less invasive procedure. It’s a popular, easily accessible treatment that doesn’t require an anesthetic. It involves removing the surface layer of the skin by using a special wand with a roughened surface to lightly sand the skin. People like microdermabrasion because it has a reputation for being a safe, painless procedure.

3. Skin treatment creams. There are hundreds of products marketed these days that claim to prevent or eliminate stretch marks. Creams and lotions containing Vitamin A, cocoa butter or an assortment of other ingredients are highly popular.

Some of these products have a lot of research behind them and can be quite effective at reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Some of the more effective treatments for stretch marks are Trilastin, Revitol and NuVectin. You should be aware that most of these products are best for preventing rather than eliminating stretch marks.

However, many products tend to overstate their ability to get rid of stretch marks. It’s important that you read some independent customer reviews on any stretch mark product before you buy it. Do a web search for the product you’re considering, and examine sites that aren’t associated with the manufacturer. Also, check out the company’s website and try to follow through on any of their claims.

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When you spot those nasty stretch marks on your body, your self confidence and self image can take a big hit. Many people don’t like to talk about the problem if they have the condition. But when they do show up, you need to find out as much as you can about the causes and about how to get rid of stretch marks.

Why You Get Stretch Marks

When your skin is stretched beyond its limits, such as during pregnancy or periods of excessive weight gain or loss, it loses its elasticity and becomes damaged. Your skin’s middle layer, or dermis, is where the damage happens. However, the damage shows up on the top layer of skin, making the stretch marks visible on the surface.

Researchers claim that the process that leads to stretch marks also expands your capillaries. That causes stretch marks that are usually purple or red in color. In their early stages of development, they are frequently purple in color. Over time they fade and can often become white.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks is to use a specially formulated stretch mark cream. These products include ingredients like vitamin E, lanolin or cocoa butter, or a variety of different oils like olive or lavender. The more advanced stretch mark creams include Vitamin A or AHA in their ingredient list.

By using these creams your skin’s flexibility will be enhanced and it will also regenerate cells more easily. Just about any one of these creams will minimize the appearance of your scars, in particular those that list cocoa butter among their ingredients.

Another simple means of getting rid of stretch marks is to use vitamin E oil, which is especially effective when it comes to pregnancy stretch marks. Vitamin E oil helps to keep your skin firm and taut, even during pregnancy.

When you’re trying to select the stretch mark removal cream that will work best for you, there are lots of choices, quite of few of which you can get without a prescription at your local store. There are a number of very effective stretch mark creams that can be bought on the internet.

Other methods of treating stretch marks include laser treatments, dermabrasion or even stretch mark surgery to banish those unappealing scars. Undergoing surgery just to get rid of stretch marks might seem rather extreme, but the reality is that it’s the most effective way to deal with the problem.

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