Posts Tagged ‘stress reduction’


Stress Reduction Techniques – Breathe or Die and I’m Dead Serious

   Posted by: Dr. Tonia Mitchell ND    in Stress

This is the third in a three-article series about stress.  First, we looked at the sources and symptoms of stress then we looked at the physiology of stress.  Now we will explore ways to help your body cope with stress reduction techniques.

As I discussed in the previous two articles, our adrenal glands are in charge of producing hormones that help us cope with stress.  With chronic or repeated stress the adrenal glands can become quite worn out and will not be able to produce these hormones any longer.  The other outcome of chronic stress is elevated levels of hormones in your system that are only meant to be elevated for short periods of time.  In the long run, these hormones make you sick.  The best way to support the adrenal glands is maintaining a daily routine.  The adrenal glands LOVE this like you love your morning coffee.  Try to eat, sleep, exercise, work and study at the same time every day – even on the weekends.  I know!  Even on the weekends!

Stress reduction techniques to decrease your exposure to stress:

  • Blood Sugar: Keeping blood sugar levels steady is very important.  Any internal fluctuation is a stress.  Any stress requires work from your adrenal glands.  Any work from your adrenal glands puts out hormones that if elevated for long periods of time can make you sick.  Have I mentioned this? Choose foods rich in fiber such as (a rainbow of) vegetables along with lean protein (poultry, deep-water, wild fish), and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil) at each meal to delay stomach emptying .  Try to eat every couple of hours.
  • Stimulants: Sugar, coffee, caffeine and energy drinks are best avoided.  They act like little hijackers that try to take over your physiology.  The constant ups and downs are… guess what?  A big stress to your body as it tries to keep everything in balance.  So the things we do to give us energy actually create more work for our bodies and our poor, little, neglected adrenal glands. Once you improve the health of your adrenal glands you’ll never need another self-medicated pick-me-up.
  • Food Allergies: Food allergies, in fact, any allergy is a stress to the body.  Ask your Naturopathic Doctor or licensed health practitioner to help you figure out what you’re allergic to so you can work towards better health.
  • No: Learn to say it.  Practice with me.  “No”.  See?  That wasn’t so hard now was it?  Learn what your limits are.  Know when your plate is too full and practice graceful ways of saying no.  Your health is more important.
  • Breaks: Take relaxation breaks.  Take personal health days off from work (whether you’re “sick” or are trying to prevent being so).

Stress reduction techniques to increase your stress threshold:

  • Exercise Regularly: We all know we should do it and I can’t emphasize this enough.  Our bodies were designed to move.  Get active; pretend you’re running away from a saber-tooth tiger… otherwise the stress might eat you up!  Get your friends and family involved.  Exercise releases endorphins which are natural pain killers while it also improves your blood sugar control and your mood.
  • Deep Breathing: Another thing we all know, however, most of us don’t breathe properly.  Since it happens automatically we don’t ever think about it.  Put a hand on your abdomen just above the navel and when you breathe in count to four and think about pushing the hand on your belly out with your breath.  Take four counts to breathe out.  Breathe this way 100 times per day – do it when you’re stuck in traffic, waiting at the bank or watching the ads at the theatre before the movie begins.  This is a simple fact: you don’t breathe, you die, and I’m dead serious about that.
  • Play: Do something fun and try to laugh every day.  If it isn’t exercise (always try to get your exercise) then watch a funny movie, have a herbal tea date with a friend, stroll along the beach (if you’re lucky to live by one) or walk your dog.  Take time for yourself because you’ll never “find it.”
  • Delta wave sleep/state: This is a very important state that your brain goes into when you are in deep, non-dreaming sleep.  It recharges our batteries by increasing a hormone called DHEA which helps us grow, detoxify, rejuvenate and restore our energy.  This is part of the reason sleep is so important.  There are even cd’s you can buy that help you get into a delta wave state.  Learn more about DHEA in my article on menopause relief.

The stress reduction techniques listed above are ideas of things you can do to help you decrease your exposure to stress and to help your body cope with the stress that it can’t avoid.  There are several herbs, vitamins and minerals that can help as well.  Talk to a health professional about specifics for you.

Naturopathic medicine is a safe, effective and natural approach to you and your family’s health.  Naturopathic doctors can and will empower you to live a healthy lifestyle while treating and preventing disease.  Find more information on the services I offer at Arbour Wellness Centre at Nanaimo Naturopathic Doctor.

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Life comes at us fast. As it does we begin to feel the negative affects taking a toll on our lives. Uncontrolled stress will have a negative effect on our health and well-being and even cause some illnesses to be worse than they need to be.Stress affects your concentration, mood, relationships and even your sleep. There are proven methods to help reduce stress on our bodies and can even improve our health and well being.   Here are three simple relaxation techniques that are easy to learn and use that will get results fast.

Learn Abdominal Breathing

We are often told to take a deep breath when things get a little stressed or we feel anxious. Some say this doesn’t help them relax at all. Some feel taking a deep breath actually increase stress levels and makes relaxation more difficult. They key is to learn a process called abdominal breathing. Learning abdominal breathing when you are calm is a very good relaxation technique that you can use when you are stressed. After stress takes it toll willl be too late to learn these things. Learn when you are calm and relaxed to get the most benefit. This is what I mean.

Place one hand on your chest and another on your abdomen. Slow down and breathe deep. Which hand moved? Concentrate on breathing in very slowly until the hand on your abdomen moves with your breathing and the hand on your chest remains still. Practice this twice a day in front of a mirror and soon you will see the results. As soon as you do, you will quickly feel the results. Be careful not to take to many deep breaths, as this will make you dizzy. Abdominal breathing can be a very effective relaxation method to calm your mind and body.

Learn Stretching Techniques

Here is a very simple and quick technique you can use anywhere. When you feel tense or anxious, you body sends extra blood to your muscles and makes then tight and tense.Because of this your shoulders may begin to ache and give you headache as well. Your jaw may clench as stress increases. Regularly stretching your muscles is a great way to help you relax during the day.

An effective way to relax your muscles is to stand andd stretch as often a possible. This will relax the muscles and help you to breath better.  Relaxed muscles help you to breath deeper more relaxing breaths. Do this throughout the day to reduce your stress level. Yoga are easy excercises to do and you can do them almost everywhere.

Use Relaxation Audios

Learning relaxation techniques take time and patience like any skill you learn. A great way to lo learn to relax quickly is to use audios for several weeks. For maximum effectiveness, use these things once or twice a week to maintain the bebfits. Relaxation audios help you concentrate on the sensations needed that will cause you to relax and help slow down your busy mind. Subliminal audios are also effective because they work on a sub-conscious level. you can learn skills that will help you relax in almost any circumstances according to reports we have been getting.

If you don’t feel much differencce at first, don’t give up. Be consistent for 2-3 weeks because that gets the best results for most people. Daily stress can build up very quickly and cause many relational and health problems for you at home and at work. Not only will the techniques help you reduce the level of stress in your life, they will also work fast.

Here you will find a simple and easy guide to reducing stress from the experts at Home Zone Direct. 





Dr. Don MacKay has an earned Doctorate in Counseling and has been in private practice for over 20 years.  You can find more information on this subject and much more helpful advice from

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