Posts Tagged ‘natural remedies’


Natural First Aid – Take The Bite Out Of Summer’s Little Woes

   Posted by: Dr. Tonia Mitchell ND    in Natural Remedies

It’s summer time and this means more time outside with an increased likelihood of minor first aid issues such as bug bites and sunburns.  Let’s talk about some natural first aid remedies that you can use to take care of most of summer’s little woe’s.

Sun burns: Normally, on freshly cooked pink lobster you would drizzle butter and garlic; when we become as red as these crustaceans it could be quite serious.  It doesn’t take long to burn so it is important to be proactive with adequate sunscreen.  If you do find yourself with pink/red, hot, dry skin then break off a leaf of an Aloe vera plant and spread the soothing gel on your skin. If you don’t have an Aloe vera plant, you can find some Aloe at your neighbourhood pharmacy, just try to find one as pure as possible. At your local health food store you can probably find homeopathic Cantharis 30C which is great for burns that feel stingy or are swollen.  Remember to drink lots of water to rehydrate yourself.  Vitamin E oil can also be applied topically and zinc can be taken internally.  If your sunburn blisters or you feel nauseous or you have a fever or chills, you should probably seek medical attention.

Heat Exhaustion: This is another concern on hot summer days, especially when you’re really active and you have lost water.  You might be dehydrated if you’re suffering from headaches, dizziness or blurred vision.   Again, drink lots of water and it may be important to replace electrolytes.  Try 1 tsp of sea salt in 1 L of water.  Anything beyond mild dehydration is considered serious and should be treated medically. Shock might occur and its tell tale signs are cold, clammy skin, shallow breathing, rapid pulse, cramps, dilated pupils, unconsciousness and vomiting.  Move out of the heat and elevate the feet above the head to encourage blood flow to the heart and brain.  The most severe form of heat exhaustion is called heat stroke when the body can no longer regulate it’s temperature via sweating and then it heats up very quickly. You can support your body with homeopathic Bryonia alba (you have a severe headache, nausea and a huge thirst) or Belladonna (throbbing headache, red face with dilated pupils) until medical attention arrives.

Bugs bites: Mosquito, spider and black fly bites usually respond well to natural first aid treatments.  The area is red and itchy and there may be a risk for infection.  Adequate vitamin C, zinc and protein are important for proper healing.  Bug bites may cause allergic reactions and medical attention may be necessary. Try to prevent getting bitten by wearing protective clothing.  Tea tree and citronella oils might dissuade bugs from landing and biting.  You can apply it directly to your skin or for large areas dilute in a carrier oil such as almond, olive or Castor oil.  If you do get bitten try topically applying tinctures of Witch Hazel or St. John’s Wort.  Homeopathic Apis 30C can be taken if the bite stings, swells and is hot.  Ice or baking soda in water might help reduce the pain.

Poison Ivy/Oak: Contact with these plants can cause varying degrees of allergic reaction but symptoms usually appear as a red, itchy rash with fluid-filled blisters.  These will appear a few hours to a few days after exposure and will last up to 4 weeks.  Again, note that some allergic reactions might be severe and require medical attention.  Obviously, the best way to treat this uncomfortable reaction is to prevent it. Learn to identify these plants (key: leaves of three).  Wear long clothes to decrease skin exposure when you are walking in the woods.  If you do brush up against one of these plants then avoid touching your clothing and be sure to wash everything separately (you don’t want to transfer the poison to your bedsheets or anything else for that matter!).  First line, natural first aid treatment involves washing the exposed area with soap and water as soon as possible as it takes about 10 minutes for the resin to soak in and cause a reaction.  Apply a cold compress and you can include 1 tbsp of sea salt to reduce itching.  Homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron 30C can be used, especially if the person is chilly and restless.

I would like to gratefully acknowledge the inspiration for this article: Barnes, K. Naturopathic First Aid: a guide to treating minor first aid conditions with natural medicines. CCNM Press; Toronto: 2004.

Naturopathic Medicine is a safe, effective and natural approach to you and your family’s health.  Naturopathic doctors can and will empower you to live a healthy lifestyle while treating and preventing disease.  Find more information on the services I offer at Arbour Wellness Centre at Nanaimo Naturopathic Doctor.

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Hello, my name is Dr. Tonia Mitchell and I’m a Naturopathic Physician.  I’m excited to join the team here at  I will be writing articles, on an approximate weekly basis, on different health topics.  I would like to take some time to introduce Naturopathic Medicine, to those who may not be familiar, while I also hope to clear up some common misconceptions.

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct form of primary health care that can treat and prevent acute and chronic illnesses.  It seeks to find the root cause of a person’s illness, remove the obstacles to health and allow the body to bring itself back into balance so it can heal naturally.   Let’s look at an example of a headache.  Instead of prescribing a painkiller to decrease the sensation of the headache (the symptom) the Naturopathic Physician attempts to figure out why that headache is there in the first place.  Once the root cause is addressed, the headache will disappear.  A descriptive analogy commonly used is the one of the oil light displayed in your car.  There are several things you can do so that the oil light is not on anymore:

  • You can rip out the light;
  • You can put a piece of tape over the light;
  • You can stop the car, perform an oil check and potentially change the oil.

Only the last option treats the root cause of why the light was on in the first place.

Naturopathic Doctors treat the whole person on an individual basis.  Again, looking at the headache, if three people with headaches come in to my office, I will approach each patient differently depending on what they are experiencing and the reason for the headache.  One patient might need support for his blood vessels, the second patient might need support for stress while the third might have food allergies or a toxic metal load.  Naturopathic Doctors treat people, not diseases.

Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine teach the principals of healthy living and prevention to their patients so that they can get well and stay well.  They educate their patients on proper nutrition, hydration, stress management and other aspects to promote healthy living.

Above, I have discussed what Naturopathic Medicine is and what Naturopathic Doctors do.  You may ask; How do they do it?  One of the most exciting things about being a Naturopathic Doctor is the number of ways we are trained to help people.  We are trained in the following:

  1. Nutrition;
  2. Herbal medicine;
  3. Asian medicine (including acupuncture);
  4. Counseling;
  5. Homeopathy;
  6. Orthopedics;
  7. Chiropractics;
  8. Massage and hydrotherapy.

Every Naturopathic Doctor practices slightly differently while some receive further training in different energetic, intravenous or cosmetic therapies.  Consider a Naturopathic Doctor a general practitioner of the alternative medical world.

Your question may be: Who should see a Naturopathic Doctor?  The answer is: Anyone.  You can consult a Naturopathic Doctor for all of the same reasons that you would consult your family doctor, including but not limited to:

  • skin problems;
  • infections;
  • reproductive problems;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • emotional concerns;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • weight loss and detoxification.

Naturopathic Medicine is a safe, effective and natural approach to you and your family’s health.  Naturopathic doctors can and will empower you to live a healthy lifestyle while treating and preventing disease.  Find more information on the services I offer at Arbour Wellness Centre at Nanaimo Naturopathic Doctor.

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