Posts Tagged ‘meditations’

meditation techniques

In many ways, people who live today have the most advantages and conveniences of any other period of human history, yet for some reason many of these advantages have resulted in people feeling even more pressured to do more and do it faster. With cellular phones, PDAs, and laptops glued to their sides, it is hard to even feel that they are ever actually away from work. Interestingly, the ancient practice of meditation might be the best way for modern people to cope.

There are numerous benefits to meditation. As more modern, mainstream medical practitioners look into meditation techniques, the more they have started to acknowledge some of these benefits. Of course, this is nothing new to a great many people and is simply what Eastern religious and cultural traditions have known for centuries.

But, in the Western world, coverage of the benefits of meditation on a national, mainstream broadcast marks a definite shift in the society at large. Multiple research studies have revealed that when cancer patients are taught to incorporate meditation sessions with their cancer treatments, their treatments are more successful.

The fact that this is a major news story in the Western world, and yet is simply a well-known fact in the Eastern world, is a clear indication of how far behind Western medicine is, with regard to integrating spirituality into healthcare approaches. In fact, to many in Eastern cultures it even seems laughable to waste time on a study of the benefits of meditation when in that part of the world it has been a fact of life and practice for as long as anyone can remember.

But, the news is that researchers in the Western world have proven through scientific means, that the regular practice of meditation is an effective, simple and safe way to balance a person’s emotional, mental and physical state. As a result of this, it is commendable that more and more mainstream doctors are suggesting to their patients that they learn to meditate in conjunction with their traditional medical treatments. Many doctors have reported that meditations have helped their patients heal faster and respond better to various treatments and medications.

Of course, there are also many benefits even for those who are not undergoing any type of medical treatment, and many advocates of various meditation techniques say that a regular practice of meditating can help keep a person healthy and can actually be instrumental in warding off illness and disease. It is believed that one of the reasons for this is the fact that the meditation helps to keep stress and anxiety in check and since these are major contributors or triggers of many health issues, it is natural that those who meditate enjoy better health.

One of the primary benefits of the practice of meditation is the fact that it helps to significantly reduce levels of stress in the body. When people engage in meditation practice on a consistent basis, they are able to reach greater levels of inner contemplation and deeper relaxation. This in turn helps them to deal with the pressures and the worries that build up during the course of a day, and can help them to enjoy more calmness and peace in everyday life.

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the meditation

With the hectic pace of life in the modern world, it is no wonder why more and more people are dealing with issues of anger, rage, stress, depression and anxiety, as well as many other negative reactions and destructive emotions. With busy lives and packed schedules it is also easy to find yourself going through a day on “auto-pilot” and actually missing some aspects of life. Mindfulness meditations are one way that people are combating these issues.

The concept of mindfulness meditations is to help you to be more aware, or mindful, of the many aspects of your life and of everything you are doing. So many times it is easy to get into a groove or a rut and fail to recognize patterns of behavior, attitudes, emotions and actions that begin to take over. Sometimes, it seems that it is easier to let habit or outside circumstances and influences “push” us through the day, and living starts to take on an aspect of “unconscious existing.”

It has been said that you simply cannot change what you don’t acknowledge or what you are not aware of in your life. When people get into this mode of unconsciously going through the motions of life as opposed to consciously living, mindful meditations can be very helpful.

Taking time on a daily basis for mindful meditation practice is the way to become aware of the patterns that a person has fallen into. Once this awareness is brought about, the person who is meditating can then start to see their life from a different perspective and start to see where they can make changes and improvements. In general, meditation techniques help people to gain a more balanced, realistic and grounded view of their behaviors, attitudes and actions.

As you become more aware of all the different aspects of your life, your unique situation, and the environment you are surrounded by through mindfulness mediations, this in turn helps your body to relax, which also helps the nervous system to relax. As a result, stress can be greatly reduced simply by becoming aware through the meditation process.

Another of the benefits of gaining this increased awareness on many levels through mindfulness meditations is that you can then start to take greater control in your life. Often, one of the most stressful things is the feeling of not being in control of one’s own existence. Meditation techniques can be the first step in breaking the unconscious patterns and habits that have taken charge and shifting the control back to conscious decision-making.

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