Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

Since ancient times, people have practiced meditation for the numerous benefits it offers. Incorporating meditation into your everyday life could make a huge difference in your mindset and attitude.

Most forms of meditation call for the spine to be straight and the posture to be erect. The explanation for this is that sitting upright encourages the movement of your spiritual energy. This is considered to be your life force.

A straight back is essential to most of the meditation traditions, and is a standard component of the various postures used in this practice. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1. Seated position. The individual sits upright while maintaining a straight back. The head and spine are in alignment and not tilted. The thighs are parallel to the floor. The hands are placed on the arms of the chair or on the knees.

2. Cross legged posture. This is a very common posture; the lotus position is included in this category.

3. Kneeling position. The individual is on the floor in a kneeling position. The buttocks rest on the heels and toes, which are placed side by side. The hands are placed on the thighs.

4. Lying down position. In yoga this is referred to as savasna; it’s also known as the corpse position. The person lies down on the floor keeping the legs unbent and at ease. This posture isn’t that common since it so closely resembles the sleeping position. A person might doze off at times. This is better as a means of reducing stress more so than for meditating.

In addition to these postures, there are several gestures and movements that can be incorporated into the practice of meditation. Among these are hand gestures called Mudras. A theological meaning is at the root of these gestures. Coming from the yogic philosophy, they can impact your consciousness. One illustration is the typical Buddhist hand placement. With the thumbs touching, the right hand is positioned on top of the left hand.

Integrating assorted repetitive actions like chanting, deep breathing or humming also assists in bringing on a state of meditation. Some people practice walking meditation. It’s common to keep the eyes closed or partially open while meditating. However, Soto Zen practitioners perform their meditation with their eyes wide open in front of a wall.

To achieve the advantages of meditation, stick to the advice and training of the kind of meditation you have chosen to practice. Be aware that persistence and acceptance are required to achieve success. This could be of help at times when you find difficulty in meditating, and it will also improve your concentration in daily life.

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Some Easy Ways To Meditate

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Meditation

Meditation is one of the most popular ways to relax and unwind from all the different things that our modern lifestyle thinks we can cope with on a day to day basis.

There are a number of easy ways to meditate that can be performed whether you’re at work, in your house or even traveling by car.

These meditation methods are proven to quickly relax without forcing yourself to spend hours trying to relax.

In fact, they’re so simple that you don’t need to set aside a special room, or sanctuary to relax and meditate.

While some people choose to only use one room in their house, meditation really can be performed anywhere.

All you have to do is find a room that will be quiet, or place where there are no distractions. So you’ll need to keep your children occupied, turning off the television, and maybe darken the room. Don’t forget to put your cell phone on silent as well – these have an annoying habit of ringing just at the wrong moment!

Some meditation teachers will say that in order to meditate properly you must sit ramrod straight in a chair and keep your knees bent. If you’re comfortable sitting this way, no problem. But lots of people think that it’s simpler to carry out their meditation whilst they lie down on a bed, or sitting down in their favorite chair. The choice is yours and unless the instructions for your chosen meditation say otherwise, experiment to see which is best for you.

Then it is simply a matter of taking a few long, deep breaths and begin to concentrate on those breaths until your mind chatter fades away.

Remember that you shouldn’t try to force yourself to focus on just one thing, but rather let everything start to flow. After a few days or weeks of practicing it’s simple to begin to meditate in different places and at different times.

Meditation can help in focusing your mind, clear out your mind fog, and simply de-stress after a hectic, busy day.
Discover the best meditation method for you at Meditation Reviews

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Meditation Techniques Advantageous

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Meditation

mindfulness meditations

There is a broad group of people who are not really aware of what meditating entails or why people would want to spend their time practicing such an endeavor. In fact, in many instances people think the only people who meditate are those who live in far away Eastern lands or who live out their lives in monasteries. However, there is a growing trend in the Western world toward learning more about meditation practices and the benefits of it.

While it is true that the practice of meditation has strong and deep connections to many Eastern cultures and religions, it is also a fact that meditation has been practiced around the world by a wide variety of people of many beliefs. While meditating is something that has been done for thousands and thousands of years in these other areas, it has only been in the last few decades that it has become better known, understood and practiced in the Western world.

The techniques for meditation are simple and they can be practiced by anybody, regardless of their background, their age, or their situation. Many people have experienced great benefits, with regard to lowering stress levels, reducing anxiety, dealing with illness and disease, and simply enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle.

There are a number of different approaches to the subject of meditation, but they all center on the same basic principles. The first thing people need to do when learning how to meditate is to quiet the mind of the clutter and chatter that is so common in today’s life, and increase mindfulness of things that can calm and relax.

Some of the more common ways to meditate that are among the most recognized, are prayer, transcendental meditations, mindfulness meditations, Zen meditations, Taoist meditations, and Buddhist meditations. Some of these meditation techniques require that the body be kept absolutely still, while others incorporate deliberate and controlled movements.

Regardless of the method of meditating, the process leads to a deeper contemplation and reflection of whatever is going on in one’s life, helping to bring those things that are most important to the surface. In this way, meditating can help to open the way for spiritual development and spiritual enlightenment because it is an effective way of allowing the mind to focus on the inner aspects of life and tune out the distractions of daily tasks and demands.

There are a number of different healing benefits that have been reported throughout the years. The benefits are most often seen by those who choose to make meditating a regular practice that is incorporated into their daily lives. Many have reported that their meditations have brought about healing in the physical body, the spirit, the emotions and the mind.

A few of the most commonly reported health benefits from meditation include the reduction of blood pressure levels, a lower resting heart rate, better circulation and oxygenation, better breathing and improved sleep patterns. Many people have also said that they feel more energetic, and that people comment to them that their skin and overall appearance seems younger.

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