Posts Tagged ‘Health’


Weight Loss and Fish – Sea a Slimmer You

   Posted by: Lita    in Weight Loss

Langley SureSlim Consultants

Langley SureSlim Consultants

Weight loss and fish can be best friends.  Unfortunately, fish is rarely on the dinner plates at most tables.  What is served most often is found advertised on tv, whatever tastes good or is offered in fast food restaurants.  Many will simply eat sweet or junk foods to feed their emotions, without considering the health implications.

Why do weight loss and fish benefit your overall health? Living overweight and subsisting on the standard North American diet is not a prescription for good health.  When your diet routinely includes processed, packaged foods that contain artificial ingredients, artificial flavorings, sweeteners, heavily processed oils and fats, fried foods, red meats and chemical preservatives it’s only a matter of time before your body will be delivering you to the Doctor’s office.  So many folks are not preparing meals from scratch with wholesome ingredients.  Is it any wonder we are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight?

Consider weight loss and fish in your meal plans.  Fish is a wonderful addition to any healthful diet due to its low saturated fat content which makes it the perfect protein substitute for fatty cuts of beef and pork.

Here are three reasons why weight loss and fish will benefit your overall health:

  1. Protect Your Heart: Potential or existing heart problems are a major reason your doctor wants you to lose weight.  Weight loss and fish contribute to a healthy heart which goes hand in hand in providing you with a much healthier life. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackeral and trout are chock full of omega 3 fatty acids.  These fish should be a staple of everyone’s heart healthy diet as they will contribute to reducing or even eliminating bad cholesterol in your system. Consumption of two fish meals per week can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, sudden death and stroke.  Your chances of having coronary problems later in life can be reduced by almost 40 percent.
  2. The Protein Factor: Complete proteins are essential in any weight loss program. It’s the protein choice that’s likely to make all the difference.  A 6 oz broiled porterhouse steak carries 38 grams worth of protein.  It also delivers 44 grams of fat, 16 of which are saturated.  That’s almost ¾ of the recommended daily allowance for saturated fat.  The same amount of salmon will provide you with 34 grams of protein while delivering only 18 grams of fat with 4 of them being saturated.  Fish is clearly a superior choice for overall weight loss and good health.
  3. Enhancer for Brain and Joints:  Exercise is also part of healthy living. How can you participate in your favorite activities if you have arthritic joints or, worse, Alzheimer’s disease?  A healthy brain and body are required to enjoy many activities. Weight loss and fish to the rescue.  Omega 3 fatty acids, typically found in fish are a healthy, natural way to manage joint pain   Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to work against crippling disorders like inflamed joints and memory impairment, allowing you better body movement, coordination and quality of life.

Are you ready to lose weight and be healthy? The SureSlim program does not include gimmicks, bars, pills, injections or brand name packaged foods.  Based on your blood work, the Sureslim program is a personalized, doctor formulated weight loss program that consists of only normal grocery store foods, including fish.  If you live in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada then contact the Langley clinic for a free information session.  Follow Langley SureSlim on Twitter

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Competition Is Key In Optimal Fitness

   Posted by: author1    in General, Health and Fitness

Some form of competition is needed to achieve really big things. Great athletes get better when competing with better athletes. Businesses get better (or go out of business) by competing with better businesses. We are driven forward by competition. Coach Sonnon of the Circular Strength Training® system likes to point out the etymology of the word. It derives from the latin con and petire which in essence is to seek together. By entering into competition we seek excellence through our interaction with others. We push each other forward.

When faced with discomfort (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) we tend to back off, unless we are driven by something bigger. Whe I can’t imagine doing another rep, or running another 30 seconds, I can focus in on that goal of competing at my peak and that allows me to push through.  Consider the Will Smith secret to success.  If you get on the treadmill with him, you’ll get off first or he’ll die trying to stay on longer.  That’s the power of competition.

Competition has become taboo in modern society. We teach kids that as long as they are having fun, nothing else matters. Everyone gets to be right. Everyone has the right to win. All the time! Now, I am not saying that we should not encourage our kids to have fun. If you aren’t having fun, it’s harder to learn. But we should also be teaching them that there is a value in seeking to improve every time out. They should want to win, or at least do better than they did the last time. And they should feel bad when they don’t win! And want to figure out how to improve. Those are valuable lessons that our politically correct dogma is trying to whitewash. I agree that competition is not about winning and losing. But it is about using winning and losing as a tool to grow and improve!!!

If you want to inch ever closer to your potential, you need to constantly slip past your comfort zone. That is a very hard thing to do on your own. The best motivation is competition. But you don’t need systematized competition. Sometimes something as simple as having a training partner who pushes you is, in itself, a form of competition. But something needs to be driving you forward and making you examine yourself when you don’t make the grade.  If you are in the fitness dip, and need some extra motivation, start looking for a challenge to break through the barrier and achieve excellence.

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I Can’t Believe Her Teeth Are So White!

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness


If you are looking for a brighter smile, you are need to find the best tooth whitener on the market.  When we smile, we like to know that we our smiles are bright.  That, of course, comes from what is known as a white smile.Many factors influence the color of your teeth, but tea and coffee can turn them into a duller version of what you want to see. 


Fortunately, there are now many new ways to change that dark unattractive shade to bright white again and in a very short amount of time, depending upon which method you choose.  It is wonderful that today you don’t even have to make an expensive dental appointment to get it done.Whitening your own teeth at home has become the latest fad. 


You should begin by researching the different products on the market.  Some cause tooth sensitivity and others can cause permanent damage.  You must be careful how you treat your tooth enamel. Many whiteners can be hard on your hard on your teeth and cause tooth sensitivity to hot and cold beverages.   This is a warning sign that your tooth enamel is being affected and you should watch the warning labels for the product that you are using.


There are many types of tooth whiteners on the market.Whitening your teeth now includes strips, gels, trays and specialized lighting.  If this is a problem for you, and you just have to have pearly white teeth for your next hot date, an occasion, or because you want to look all of the time each and every day, find the tooth whitener and get it done.  It will boost your already good looks and your self-esteem at the same time.  There is nothing more attractive than a bright white smile.




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