Posts Tagged ‘headaches’


Nutrition Knowledge Test – A for Apple

   Posted by: Lita    in Nutrition

Try this nutrition knowledge test.  The nutrition knowledge test has 10 questions that you can answer either true or false.  

The nutrition knowledge test answers are listed below.


True or False:

  1. There is more iron in 1 lean hamburger than one cup of prune juice?
  2. The presence of histamine in wine has been blamed for headaches?
  3. A fruitarian is a person who grows fruit?
  4. Vitamins provide energy? 
  5. The DASH diet refers to a diet used by athletes who run in marathons?
  6. There is 1930 mg of sodium in a 4 1/2 oz dill pickle?
  7. A 12 oz can of pop contains about 1 tablespoon of sugar?
  8. Freezing kills bacteria in food?
  9. A teaspoon of butter is higher in calories than a teaspoon of margarine?
  10. A snickers chocolate bar has 13 grams of fat while 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds has 17 grams of fat?


  1. False:  Iron is found in small amounts in many foods but only a few foods, such as liver, beef and prune juice provide a rich source.  1 cup of prune juice = 9.0 mg of iron/1 3oz lean hamburger = 3.0 mg of iron.
  2. True:  If you have an intolerance to histamine your body is unable to break down histamine during digestion.  It then accumulates in your bloodstream and causes headaches.
  3. False:  Fruitarian refers to a person following a form of vegetarian diet where fruit is the major food source.  Be wary of diets that provide inadequate amounts of a variety of nutrients.
  4. False:  Carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide energy to your diet.  However, your body does need vitamins to convert the energy in the food you eat into energy that your body can use.
  5. False:  The DASH (Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension) diet focuses on lowering your blood control and keeping it under control.
  6. True:  Restricting your intake of foods where salt has been added during processing is an effective way for you to lower your salt intake.  Other high salt, processed foods include salad dressings, canned soups, corned beef, sausages and other luncheon meats as well as snack foods like potato chips and cheesies.
  7. False:  A 12 oz can of pop contains about 3 TABLESPOONS of sugar.
  8. False:  Freezing will cause most bacteria to stop multiplying but it does not kill them.  If the food is contaminated with bacteria before being frozen then the bacteria will still be present when you thaw it.
  9. False:  Butter and margarine contain the same amount of fat, therefore, they provide the same number of calories which is 35 per teaspoon.
  10. True:  Almost 90% of the fat in sunflowers comes from good, unsaturated fat while a snickers bar contains saturated fat which can be unhealthy.

Did any of the questions and answers on this nutrition knowledge test surprise you?  If you think you could benefit from nutritional changes to your diet, but you feel overwhelmed, then identify changes in eating that will have staying power; first list the weak points in your diet.  For example, in the nutrition knowledge test you learned about restricting your salt intake.  If you are concerned about high blood pressure or diabetes then first eliminate luncheon meats from your diet.  Instead, try cooking a small fryer chicken and using the meat for sandwiches.  This will give you several days of good lunches.  Next try salmon or tuna or avocada, cucumber and tomatoes in your sandwich instead of luncheon meat.  Even peanut butter (unsalted) and honey is a good alternative. 

Give yourself a regular nutrition knowledge test and make small but significant changes that will last for your better health.



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Just about everyone during their life time feels the throb of a headache. They can run the gamut from very mild dull ache, to a throbbing, face crushing, nauseating, debilitating pain. Fortunately, there are a variety of herbal and natural headache remedies that have demonstrated headache treatment success in clinical testing.

Before you start to treat a headache, it is very important to know what type of headache you have.

There are two general types of headaches: Primary and Secondary.

A primary headache is the most common. These are when the main condition is the headache and related head pain. Primary headaches include migraines, tension headaches, dehydration headaches, cluster headaches, etc. These are generally not dangerous but can be extremely painful and even debilitating. But, what makes it primary is the focus of the condition is the headache itself, not some other condition. So if you treat the headache, you will eliminate the medical problem, so to speak.

Then there are secondary headaches. These are more dangerous because they are a symptom of a (usually) major health problem. They are usually extremely dangerous and cannot be cured or treated with normal, natural OR synthetic remedies.   For example, a brain tumor can put pressure on the cranium and result in extreme headaches. Another source of a secondary headache is a brain hemmorage. A sharp blow to the head or other head trauma can cause water on the brain or other inflammation that can cause a serious headache. These are all very urgent medical issues, and some aspirin or lavender won’t be effective in treating these problems. It is necessary to seek immediate professional medical treatment for the underlying cause. Only this will stop a secondary headache.

So, once you determine you have a primary headache, here are several Tested natural headache remedies :

Feverfew – This is probably one of the best herbs for eliminating migraines. It will reduce the frequency of a migraine occurence, as well as the duration and degree of pain that comes with it. Best to take feverfew every day if you want the migraine relief. This is because feverfew works as a preventative step… it won’t treat a migraine once it is throbbing.

Peppermint oil – Rubbing a 10% peppermint oil solution gently on the forehead can relieve the pain and intensity of a regular dehydration or tension headache.

Tiger Balm – This is a mixture of essential oils and it has a similar application and effect as peppermint oil. It is often sold O.T.C. in pharmacys and health food stores or you can buy it on the internet. It has also proven effective to relieve headache pain.

Melatonin – When it comes to migraines, this natural hormonal supplement has proven effective in decreasing the amount of migraines a person will have in a month.  It needs to be taken every day, but it can be a great natural migraine remedy.

Of course there are other herbal headache remedies as well but these are a few that are proven effective for eliminating migraines and other primary headaches.

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For an updated version of chronic headache treatment and more tips about headache types go to relieve headache.

Chronic headache can be a serious issue, offering a significant challenge to every day life. Don’t let chronic headache detract from your enjoyment of life. Although medical science has not pinpointed an exact cause of chronic headache, it is widely known that a set of circumstances can definitely lead to chronic headache. Chronic headache can be a lifelong issue that acts as an obstacle to daily activities. The medical community typically organizes the realm of headaches into three easily diagnosed categories. Primary headaches are how the majority of headaches can be categorized, with cluster and secondary headaches making up a far smaller segment of that number.

Primary headaches, although common and not life threatening, can range from slight discomfort to severe pain. For this reason, patients suffering primary headaches must look for treatment options as they would any other medical issue. The causes of primary headaches are not definitively known, but the medical community does understand some of the triggrs that can prompt symptoms. It is widely believed that a great deal of headaches are caused when the muscles that surround the skull contract too tightly, introducing an increased level pressure. This contraction can be caused by significant emotional or physical stress.

Chronic headache may be related to ongoing emotional and physical stress. If chronic headache seems to happen almost regularly, examine the circumstances. Circumstances that trigger a great deal of emotional and physical stress may be at the root of chronic headache. Stress management can be an effective solution to chronic headache. If physical stress is believed to be involved, more frequent breaks must be taken to avoid triggering the condition.

Ibuprofen and Aleve are also effective treatments for chronic headache. It should be noted, however, that if chronic headache persists despite stress management and over the counter treatment, a doctor should be seen promptly. Persistent headaches that seem to occur without provocation can actually be secondary headaches. A secondary headache occurs in reaction to another root cause, such as a deeper neurological problem. Internal bleeding, tumors, and chemical imbalances can cause secondary headaches. Consult a doctor promptly if chronic headache persists for a long period of time.

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