Posts Tagged ‘breathing meditation technique’


A Simple Breathing Meditation Technique

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Meditation

Using a breathing meditation technique is probably the easiest meditation technique that you can learn. You're breathing at this moment, so all you need to learn is how to notice and focus on your breathing.

Begin your breathing meditation by finding a quiet place. Do your best to make sure you won't be disturbed. If you're interrupted whilst you are learning a new technique it's possible you'll be a bit frustrated.

It could be an unused room in your house. There may be a park or enclosed garden close to your home or where you work. Anywhere you can find that's fairly quiet. Over time, when you start to get comfortable with using breathing meditation, you'll discover that the "requirement" for a quiet place isn't needed. With practice, you will find you can relax absolutely anywhere, whenever you want.

You can stand up or sit down whilst you practice breathing meditation. Unless the method you've chosen dictates otherwise, it's your choice.

Initially, just notice each breath in and each breath out. Are your breaths shallow, regular or really deep?

Next, start to focus on your breathing. Consciously breathe in and gradually fill your lungs. If you're comfortable doing so, hold the air in your lungs for a second or two. And then, breathe out again. Emptying your lungs of as much air as you feel OK doing.

Repeat the process five or more times. You'll likely find that your breathing gets deeper as you do this. There's a good chance you'll start to feel more relaxed.

One of the best things about using a breathing meditation is that a simple technique like the one above doesn't take very long. And if you choose it to be, those people around you don't need to know you are meditating. You can perform a breathing meditation almost anywhere.

Congratulations! You’ve just performed your first breathing meditation..

You can find out more about using breathing meditation here.

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