Posts Tagged ‘binge drinking’

Just a few days ago, Frank applied for a position as a bouncer at one of the local discotheques. He had studied aikido, gatka, ninjitsu, judo, and karate for three years; he was a body builder; he took daily vitamins, minerals, and supplements; he was into health foods and healthy eating; and he seemed like a natural for such a job. In fact, since he was concerned about his health, he started drinking in moderation roughly two years ago and then totally quit drinking alcohol about four months ago.

When Frank received the announcement that he had been selected for the job, he was exceedingly delighted. Since this was an elite nightclub, nonetheless, he had to go through a six week instructional class.

People At Clubs Who Drink In an Irresponsible Manner and Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms and Signs

On the first day of class, the lecturer started talking about drinkers who drink excessively and what the barmaids, bartenders, and bouncers should do when this state of affairs arises. When the lecturer started discussing alcohol poisoning, Frank was pleased to find out that all of the new workers were required to learn about alcohol poisoning and what they should do when they spotted a individual who was manifesting alcohol poisoning symptoms or displaying the signs of alcohol poisoning.

More specifically, all the new employees were instructed that vomiting and nausea were almost always the first signs of alcohol poisoning and that unconsciousness was in all probability the most highly perceptible alcohol poisoning sign or symptom. The trainer also made it a point to emphasize the fact that alcohol poisoning signs were messages from the body and from the brain that the drinker has ingested more alcohol than his or her body can metabolize.

There were, nonetheless, quite a few other symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning that all the new workers were taught to be familiar with. For instance, the members of the class discovered that drinkers who experience alcohol poisoning often have seizures, exhibit confusion, are difficult to awaken, and they exhibit poor reflex responses.

Not only this but, the members in the class discovered that many drinkers who have alcohol poisoning also exhibit blue tinged or pale skin; little response from painful stimuli, for instance from pinching; slow, shallow or irregular breathing; and slurred speech.

Moreover, people who suffer from alcohol poisoning repeatedly exhibit an inability to make eye contact or sustain a conversation, often pass out, they usually feel very ill and exhibit excessive vomiting, and they often display erratic behavior.

An Instructor Clarifies Why Alcohol Poisoning is Not Inevitably Suffered Only by Alcohol Addicted Individuals

The trainer then explained that an alcohol overdose is not inevitably experienced only by individuals who are addicted to alcohol.

More explicitly, the trainer told the class members that most instances of alcohol poisoning were in all probability experienced by alcohol abusers and that a special kind of abusive drinking known as “binge drinking” was almost certainly the key precipitating factor in most instances of alcohol poisoning. The teacher then defined binge drinking as follows: drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting for males and consuming four or more alcoholic beverages at one sitting for females.

To underscore the effect that binge drinking has on alcohol poisoning, the teacher informed the class members that an individual who gets drunk just once annually, is by definition engaging in abusive drinking, is probably not an alcohol dependent individual, but is more likely than not engaging in binge drinking. As expressed by the instructor, engaging in binge drinking even once, unfortunately, can result in alcohol poisoning that in some situations can be fatal.

The Instructor Spells Out Why Letting A Person With an Alcohol Overdose Sleep is Not The Proper Plan of Action

One of the members in the class raised his hand and asked the teacher if it is a good idea to let a person with alcohol poisoning “sleep it off.” The teacher maintained the point that letting a drinker with alcohol poisoning sleep is exactly what should not be done because doing so places the individual at risk since he or she is no longer being observed. What is more, letting the individual go to sleep when she or he experiences alcohol poisoning is a faulty response because the drinker may never awaken.

The instructor then informed the students in the class that the best response for alcohol poisoning is the following: if it is suspected that a drinker has alcohol poisoning, call 911 and ask for immediate medical assistance, even if the person is underage. By following this plan of action, the drinker will get the prompt alcohol poisoning treatment he or she needs.


After learning about alcohol poisoning and particularly about the symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning, it may be pointed out, Frank believed that he had learned some valuable information that might save a person’s life in the distant future. Without a doubt, Frank learned that knowledge of the usual alcohol poisoning signs and symptoms and knowing how to quickly and appropriately react to such signs and symptoms (by immediately calling 911 and asking for emergency medical assistance) can help an individual avoid a lethal case of alcohol poisoning.

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alcohol consumption

Alcohol abuse can be tough to determine in this day and age. It seems like every 20-something is binge drinking on the weekends. Perhaps it’s just a rite of passage? Likewise, it seems like all your coworkers are slamming back a few brews after work to let loose. Where does one draw the line between normal and excessive alcohol consumption? While tolerance levels vary, the general rule is that you’re drinking too much if you’re a woman who has more than 7 drinks per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion, if you’re a man who has more than 14 drinks per week or more than four drinks per occasion, or if you’re over 65 having more than 7 drinks per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion.

Can problem drinkers simply cut down on alcohol consumption to combat their abuse of alcohol? The answer to this popular question all depends upon the individual. For the most successful recovery from alcoholism, abstinence is really the only cure. On the other hand, people who have experienced alcohol related problems, but aren’t actually alcohol dependent, may be able to cut back on their own. Before hitting “rock bottom,” it’s recommended that the drinkers stop covering up their alcohol consumption, read information on alcoholism to assess the situation and avoid situations where alcohol will be involved.

Some of the physical symptoms of alcohol abuse emerge over time in some of the more advanced stages. Common symptoms include “the shakes,” nausea, nervousness, anxiety, sweating and depression. Often there is a loss of appetite and the individual needs to drink more and more to sustain a buzz. Cravings may drive the person to drinking alcohol every weekend or even every day. Delirium Tremens (DTs) is the ultimate manifestation of severe alcohol abuse, with the drinker suffering hallucinations, nausea, agitation, confusion, the shakes and panic attacks from alcohol related withdrawal. In 5-15% of these cases, the person may die unless treated by a medical professional.

Perhaps the person with a propensity to engage in alcohol abuse suffered cycles of excess and deprivation as a child, or perhaps trauma and overall unhappiness is causing some people to self-medicate with alcoholic drink. If they’re naturally reckless, impulsive, rebellious, authoritarian or alienated, then perhaps it’s deeply embedded in one’s personality type. Scientists have many theories about what specifically causes one to abuse alcohol. The best treatments are patient-chosen and range from AA meetings, long term alcohol clinics, alcohol drugs, psychotherapy and abstinence.

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