It’s not unusual for someone to experience both Back Pain and fatigue at the same time.  This can be for separate reasons of course; you might just have worn yourself out after a long day at work on the same day that you pulled a few muscles in the back, but often the two are related and connected.  One can actually cause the other, with either back pain or fatigue starting first and the other following.  So what is the connection between these two conditions and what can a person do to help himself or herself?

Let’s look at how Back Pain and fatigue are connected when we start with back pain.  The back is involved in virtually every movement we make.Your back is connects to your arm muscles and your leg muscles through other muscles in the body.  This means that any movement of the legs or arms will begin with the back muscles.  The back also works all the time even when a person is asleep because it supports the upper body and keeps it in place.  With all the work it does it’s not uncommon for people to have constant and chronic back pain.  Fatigue then sets in because the back is always working and we rarely give it a rest the way we should.  We sit in poorly structured office chairs and never think about what heavy objects we’re lifting, and then sleep on a lumpy mattress that offers little if any support.  When the back muscles hurt, the entire body hurts since there’s rarely any relief we can get from back pain.  When the body is facing pain on a constant and consistent basis, especially back pain, fatigue is going to set in because the body is then working overtime to address that pain.You body is amazing in that even when you don’t know it, your body is working to fix your back pain problems.

Now let’s look at how back pain and fatigue are related when you begin by being fatigued.  When a person is tired they usually have a tendency to slump or slouch because they’re just too tired to hold themselves up in a proper position.  When you slouch or have poor posture you’re going to experience pain in the lower back region.  Poor posture keeps the muscles cramped with little blood or oxygen flow.Sometimes being tired could mean that you are not exercising enough.  This too can lead to back pain; fatigue that keeps you physically inactive means that those muscles aren’t being loosened up as they would be through exercise and this causes pain.

When you have back pain and fatigue together it’s good to rest as much as you need to but not to become unbalanced and linger in bed or just lounge on the couch; get active and loosen those muscles for some relief. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.


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