Archive for the ‘Self Improvement’ Category

If only you could literally remove the stress from your mind and body, seal it inside a box and throw it so far away that it cannot come back to bother you, you would. Unfortunately, that can only happen in a farfetched dream.

In reality, stress is here to stay. And it will get the better of you after some time. That is of course if you do not learn how to deal with it. So, how does one deal with stress?

For one, it is important that you should surrender to the fact that running away or hiding from it is not the solution to this problem. Managing stress, on the other hand, is the only way you can keep your sanity despite the piles of work and the overload of daily stressors in your life.

Another way to lower stress is to get your daily recommended amount of sleep. Take a couple of minutes out of your day to sit down, relax and remove busy thoughts from your mind. These few minutes of your day can make a big difference in your life. So, for a short while, stop worrying about what meals to cook or the deadlines that your boss gave you. Give yourself a well-deserved sanity break.

Another great way to beat stress is by getting a hot stone massage therapy session. This variation in the traditional massage is an excellent way to relax both your mind and body. This relaxation technique incorporates the use of hot stones which, when placed in key points of your body, can regulate energy flow and release muscular tension.

During a session, the therapist will place massage stones on different parts of your body. These stones, which are efficient in storing heat, will enable the muscles to loosen up and relax to make the tissue manipulation easier. These stones also release toxins that are clogged within the muscles.

The positive effects of a hot stone therapy are also enhanced with the use of aromatherapy oils and candles, which give off scents that can soothe and calm your mind.

To make sure you make the most out of your massage experience, here are some of the things you need to do:

  1. Drink plenty of water before and after the session to flush out toxins.
  2. Don’t eat a full meal before the therapy starts.
  3. Stop thinking about work or stress.
  4. Relax in a warm bath before the session.

What is also great about this therapy is that it will not take a lot of your time. For just an hour and a half, you will experience the intense benefits of a massage that can do wonders for your well-being.

Some may see this as an unnecessary luxury but what most people do not know is that its positive effects on your physical and mental health make it a necessity in life.

Mary Singleton regularly writes for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry products such as hot stone massage kit, as well as many other many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

It’s funny but  this subject came up a few weeks ago during a conversation between my wife and myself.  We were talking about a nightmare she had and I asked her why she just didn’t change it.  That got a real HUH? reaction out of her.  You see, I’ve been able to control the path of my dreams for years.  In fact, I always assumed everyone could.  If you don’t like the direction it’s taking change the channel, rewrite the script.  Why have a nightmare when there are so many more pleasing interludes available.

Anyway it’s a pleasure to see I was right (take that wife!).  An article in Scientific American talking about dream research backs up the contention that we can control our dreams.  Here’s a quote from their article.

“Techniques to control, or at least influence, our dreams have been shown to work in sleep experiments. We can strategize to dream about a particular subject, solve a problem or end a recurring nightmare. With practice we can also increase our chances of having a lucid dream”

You can find the full article here

Ok nap time, let’s see what Megan Fox is doing..zzzzzz

Do you feel anxious before a dental visit or starting something new? Have you gotten the jitters before speaking in front of a large group or sweaty palms when thinking about the future?

Reactions like these does not necessarily mean anything is wrong when faced with unfamiliar or scary circumstances.

Many people can suffer from more severe forms of anxiety that may cause much more serious physical and bodily symptoms.

To better understand if your anxious feelings could be a sign of an anxiety or panic disorder, let’s take a look at some of the symptoms:

1. If you feel your heart is racing and you can’t breathe correctly, this can be a symptom of anxiety that is severe enough for you to get professional help.

2. Some people have uncontrollable fears of things like crowded places, driving, or germs that cause complete avoidance of places or situations.

3. The consistent inability to concentrate can be a symptom of anxiety. This must be consistent behavior, and not just on those occasions when you lack sleep or are hungry, for instance.

4. Nervous behaviors, such as walking around the same area over and over again or twitching your fingers or toes repetitively, can be a symptom.

5. A feeling a doom or that something will happen to you, such as an accident, heart attack, or even death, can be symptoms of an anxiety disorder or panic disorder.

6. Numbness in your hands, fingers, toes, and legs or feeling like you can’t stand are also common symptoms.

7. If you find you have trouble swallowing or unusual dry mouth episodes, these may be indications of anxiety.

8. Fear of people around you and the desire to be alone are feelings that many anxiety sufferers face.

9. The inability to leave your home can be a symptom of a severe anxiety or panic disorder.

10. If your normal activities become overwhelming to you, you could be suffering from anxiety or a panic disorder.

The good news is these symptoms and conditions are no longer thought of as being something people shouldn’t reveal or talk about.

There’s help for you if you suffer from anxiety. Many mental health clinics and hospitals offer affordable help if you’re on a lower or fixed income. Luckily, your health insurance company cannot reveal treatment to your employer, so get the help that you need from them.

As scientists and the medical world become more informed about these disorders, more medications and other forms of relief are found to be effective in treating them. Relaxation techniques are very effective, and can even be done at home or in the workplace.

Understanding your condition can help alleviate the stress and fear these panic attacks cause and will also help you find a solution to stopping the attacks altogether. The fear of another panic attack will hold you hostage, preventing you from living your life and doing the things you love to do.

If you suffer from some of the symptoms above, seek help from a professional. Get the treatment that can put you back on the road to peace, health and happiness. You’ll be glad you did!