Archive for the ‘Sleep Snoring’ Category

Insomniacs are well aware of the huge affect lack of sleep can have on people’s lives. We are of the firm opinion that drugs are not the best way to cure insomnia, natural insomnia cures are better and can be a a longer lasting cure for the problem. Drugs should not be taken for longer than a few weeks and do not offer a permanent solution. Sleep patterns of sufferers vary with many people unable to sleep until the early morning hours while others fall asleep only to wake frequently during the night.

Nightly battles with sleeplessness will make you very aware of the nature of this problem. Not only do you have difficult nights but the next day you will have difficulty with functioning efficiently. All the best natural insomnia remedies are gathered together here to help you get rid of your insomnia without resorting to drugs.

Insomnia Symptoms

  • difficulty in falling asleep
  • falling asleep but then waking up after a short time
  • waking up much too early
  • waking up frequently during the night
  • sleeping through the night but so poorly you are not refreshed the next day

Insomnia can lead to problems during the day time including difficulty concentrating, tiredness, irritability, depression etc To feel refreshed properly most people will need about eight hours of quality sleep.

Classification of Insomnia

Chronic – classed as difficulty sleeping for at least three nights a week that lasts for a month or more
Intermittent – insomnia that is short-term but repeats
Transient – insomnia that lasts for up to a few weeks but then disappears completely

Chronic insomnia can also be divided into two types, primary insomnia which is not associated with other health problems and secondary insomnia which results from another medical condition. This may be chronic pain, depression, asthma, cancer or other mental or physical problems. This type of insomnia includes things that contribute to a poor sleeping environment such as snoring or restless partners, loud noises etc.

More than twice as many women as men suffer from insomnia. In women, pregnancy and symptoms associated with the menopause, such as night sweats can lead to insomnia. Some insomnia is a result of physical causes so talk to your doctor first. Keep a sleep diary in the week before consulting a doctor so you can answer his questions about your sleeping patterns. If your insomnia is seriously affecting your life you may be referred to a sleep center by your doctor.

Natural Insomnia Cures

Some natural cures for insomnia include ensuring your sleeping environment is adequate for good sleep, eating a nutritious diet during the day and not consuming caffeine or alcohol in the evening, using some natural herbs, learning meditation or relaxation techniques and developing good sleep hygiene.

Stop Snoring Exercise Program

When you are aware that you are disturbing your partner in his or her sleep and this becomes a real problem, you know you need to do something about it. That is one of the reasons that many snorers are looking desperately for treatments and cures to prevent snoring. But before you can put a stop to it and prevent snoring you need to know what is causing it. Snoring is in 90% percent of all cases caused by a vibration of excessive tissues like fat and muscles in the throat and air passages. These vibrations can be extremely loud and that is what your partner is hearing. Luckily there are some effective ways to prevent snoring and now you know the cause of your snoring you can understand why they work. We will give you a three steps system to prevent snoring that really works.

Step 1 to prevent snoring is loosing weight

You now know that being overweight can have a great effect on your snoring because of the vibration it is causing in excessive tissue like fats. Losing weight and reducing those body fats can be a great first step to prevent snoring. And lets face it reducing that extra weight will not only help you to prevent snoring but also to be more healthy in general. You will be less prone to sickness and diseases. When you are not overweight you still can have loose tissue in your air ways and that is where step two in our method starts.

Step 2 Stop Snoring Exercise Program

The Stop Snoring Exercise Program is probably one of the most powerful ways to prevent snoring, you need to actually do something for this to work but when you put in about 3 minutes a day this Stop Snoring Exercise Program will prevent you from snoring forever. It is easy and can be done by anyone and the benefits are extremely great. Imagine never have to worry again about your loving partner leaving the bedroom or you who needs to sleep on the sofa so your sleep partner can have a good night rest. But also for your own health, no more getting up tired in the morning, no more worries about apnea and extreme anti snoring treatments like snoring surgery, implants and other horrible devices for the rest of your life. With these exercises and our other 2 steps you can change your live and that of your partner completely.

Step 3 change your sleeping position

If you want to know if you snore more and louder if you sleep on your back, you need to ask your partner? You probably are, and there are some easy ways to start sleeping in another position so the snoring will be reduced very quickly. Step 3 alone will not prevent snoring completely but it will have a great effect in the complete treatment. Sleeping on your side or elevating your head and upper chest might work also. All the information about how you can change your sleeping positions when you are actually asleep is part of the Stop Snoring Exercise Program material.

A last quick tip is the fact that there are types of medication that can cause you to snore more and louder. This is because some medications are actually made to relax the muscles. You need to ask your doctor if this can be the case with the medication he prescribed and ask if it is possible to describe something else.

If you want to prevent snoring and want to know more about snoring remedies and the stop snoring exercise program you can follow these links to our website

If you regularly suffer from insomnia, you know that it’s a real problem that can cause you considerable difficulties. When you’re short on sleep, it can have a major impact on your ability to carry out your day to day routine.

You can always ask your doctor for a prescription. But sometimes the side effects of insomnia medications are almost as bad as the condition itself. If that’s the case, you might want to consider some herbal options that are considered to be a useful insomnia remedy.

Consider beginning with something relatively mild, such as chamomile. Chamomile has been used for centuries as a way to get a good night’s sleep. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory qualities. So it might help to relieve your minor aches and pains, which you might not even be aware of. Have a cup of chamomile tea before turning in for the night for the best results.

Lavender is another herbal treatment you might want to take a look at. Lavender is known for its ability to calm down the nervous system. People who experience insomnia due to stress and anxiety find this to be a particularly effective remedy. Try spritzing some lavender oil on your pillow before you go to bed at night.

Passion flower is considered by many herbalists to be a highly effective natural remedy for insomnia. Not only can it calm you and help to induce sleep, it’s also known as a pain reliever. It was used by the ancient Aztecs as a sedative and analgesic.

Another popular insomnia remedy is St. John’s Wort. It’s been used for ages as a treatment for insomnia, as well as for other health concerns like depression and anxiety.

You could also try Valerian Root. People have been treating their insomnia with this herb for countless generations. Because of its natural sedative abilities, it’s become one of the most popular herbs for the treatment of insomnia. Another of its uses is as a muscle relaxant. Not only do its sedative properties fight insomnia, they can also relieve nervous problems and calm your restlessness.

Keep in mind that you must use any of these herbal treatments according to the directions. The fact that they’re a natural product doesn’t mean that there can’t be side effects. And taking more of them won’t make the condition go away any faster. And there’s a chance it will actually get worse.

These herbal remedies have all been shown to be effective for encouraging a restful sleep. But it will most likely require some patient testing before you find one that helps you the most.