Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

high functioning autism

Those who suffer from Asperger syndrome are marked with impaired social behavior, motor milestones, limited patterns of repetitiveness and even clumsiness. It is also known as Asperger’s Syndrome or AS and is one of many disorders concerning autism. AS patients have a lot of the same symptoms as those individuals who have high functioning autism. This sometimes makes a diagnosis difficult because the two disorders are so similar. However, AS is different from any other type of autistic disorder in that there is no delay in their language skills or their cognitive development.

Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician, was the first to pinpoint the disorder in 1944, when he described his patients as failing to demonstrate empathy, as well as lacking nonverbal communication skills. It wasn’t until 50 years later that this syndrome was finally recognized and classified as an actual disorder. Today, there are still many questions about the autistic disorder-like impairment. There has long been doubt about the differences in high functioning autistic individuals and those that have AS.

Many physicians use individual treatment plans, depending on the age of the individual, to help manage the lives of those who have Asperger syndrome. The plans vary depending on the development and functioning of the person and can be changed as the person progresses in development. Treatments for AS are very similar to those used to treat highly functioning patients with autism.

There are many forms of disorders within the autism spectrum, and asperger syndrome is just one of them. Since it was first found, there have been many different studies to try to fully understand this disorder, yet there is still not enough information to allow physicians to understand it completely. It is understood that individuals with AS share some of the same symptoms as those who have high functioning autistic disorders. It will take much more research to try to fully understand why these disorders, even though they are part of the autism spectrum, so closely resemble each other.

Anyone that suspects they have the condition should familiarize themselves with the symptoms of sleep apnea. This condition is not something that is just annoying but is dangerous and can also be downright deadly. Some have unfortunately died from the cessation of breathing during the night, so of course realizing if you have this condition and getting it treated properly is vitally important. So let’s look at some common symptoms of sleep apnea and remember, you might not be able to recognize these symptoms in yourself but may need to ask your bedmate or another family member if they notice them when you sleep.

Your breathing and the sounds you make during sleep are common symptoms of sleep apnea. When your body stops breathing temporarily during the night of course it works very hard to get itself breathing again and this might mean sounds like choking, gasping, snorting, or wheezing. Many people think that these sounds are just common or harmless snoring but these noises, especially when loud or severe, are common symptoms of sleep apnea. The body gasps when it starts breathing after being denied oxygen or someone wheezes when that oxygen gets cut off. These are not good sounds for anyone and should be taken very seriously.

Sleep apnea interferes with a person’s sleep whether they’re aware of it or not. The way you feel during the day can also be common symptoms of sleep apnea. You might think you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep but if you’re fatigued when you wake up, have headaches throughout the day, get daytime sleepiness, or just generally don’t feel rested all of these can be symptoms of sleep apnea. It’s important that a person get several hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to be really refreshed and recharged but sleep apnea of course interferes with consistent rest. Again, a person isn’t typically aware of the fact that he or she has sleep apnea and is waking up during the night so these daytime symptoms should be considered.

Any and all of these symptoms of sleep apnea should be taken seriously. A doctor can refer you to a sleep clinic, but most cases of sleep apnea are caused by excess body weight. If you’re several pounds overweight you might want to consider doing what you can to lose this weight and see if perhaps these symptoms of sleep apnea don’t clear up.

In reality there are a few areas on the the human body where liposuction is unable to be used on, nevertheless the most usual type of areas for an individual to get liposuction include their arms, buttocks, thighs, back and neck. The neck as well as the facial area is actually one of the typical places on a persons body that people choose to have liposuction surgery on, yet there are some facets to neck liposuction surgery that each individual needs to be mindful of prior to deciding to go through with this type of surgery.

What Exactly Is Neck Liposuction?

One of the most common and popular types of cosmetic procedures by far is liposuction. It is the surgical removal of fatty tissue, and lipoplasty gives the surgeon the ability to extract collections of localized tissues of fat from differing sections of the body as well as helping to make a better size and shape of the face and neck in addition to the rest of the body.

Neck liposuction is a surgical procedure whose primary goal is the tightening up of skin that is sagging in the area of the neck as well as the facial area. For this type of procedure the incision is normally done in the area behind the ear, as this is the most unnoticeable area and after the surgery the scar will be pretty much impossible to see.

After the incision is created a thin tube is inserted into it so that the suction of fat can begin and frequently will also be utilized to assist in tightening any excess skin that will be left over once the fat is taken away.

There are numerous advantages that neck liposuction can offer a person. It it a relatively short procedure and typically only lasts roughly a half hour to an hour. There is little to no recovery time needed in the majority of instances as there is frequently negligible post op discomfort.

Just like any other surgery or procedure however, there are specific complications and risks that can happen as a result of an individual getting this procedure done, and which anybody thinking of getting this procedure should be aware of.

Liposuction is, generally speaking, less complex than other cosmetic procedures which lowers the risks yet there is some potential for complications nonetheless. Excessive bleeding, extended swelling, removal of too much fat, high rates of bleeding, emergency admission to the hospital, clear and present irregularities in the contour of the body, infection as well as lasting nerve damage – these are simply some of the most typical risks of liposuction that patients have experienced. Always consult your physician prior to any such procedure.

To learn more go to Facial Liposuction and at Liposuction Of The Neck