Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis-related disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, that involve every part of the body. There are relatively mild forms of tendinitis (as in ‘tennis elbow’) and bursitis to crippling systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are forms of the disease, such as gout, which almost nobody connects with arthritis, and there are other conditions – like osteoarthritis, the misnamed ‘wear and tear’ arthritis – that a good many people think is the only form of the disease.

How do you know if you have arthritis? While symptoms and severity vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are: pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness and warmth. Osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive stiffness without swelling, chills or fever. Rheumatoid arthritis is the painful swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists, which are prevalent on both sides of the body and are usually worse in the morning. Children with on-off fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and a blotchy rash on the arms and legs might have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. You should call the doctor if symptoms appear suddenly, or if they are accompanied by a fever or rash.

The most common types of arthritis are: osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and systemic lupus erythematosus. Osteoporosis primarily affects the elderly because it is a degenerative disease resulting from a gradual loss of cartilage. Consequently, both joints and bones in the hips, knees, as well as the spine rub together, which results in both pain and muscle/nerve damage. Rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects those between 25 and 55 years of age and is characterized by a burning, stiff sensation in the hands, knuckles, arms, legs and feet. A pain disorder which is widespread that almost never totally goes away and is thought to be a nervous system that is malfunctioning. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sufferers have fevers, fatigue, myalgias, joint pains and malaise. Roughly 30% os the people who have SLE additionally show lesions of the skin and 10% also are afflicted with seizures of psychosis. While symptoms range from on-off pain to severe degenerative disease, this isn’t something that should just be “suffered through.”

Local community news is usually filled with “Walks For Arthritis,” encouraging citizens to educate themselves about this common pain condition and raise money for those who suffer. There are times when the best method to overcome this disease is to talk with others who have it and combine your experiences and knowledge. In support groups, you can hear about treatments that work or don’t work. Because arthritis is such a well known topic at this point in time, a lot of new research is coming out in regards to likely treatment.

To learn more go to Arthritis Care and at Home Remedies For Arthritis

On the misery scale where one is a mosquito bite and ten would be a yeast infection, head lice rates about a four.  Getting bit by dog or cat fleas is far more annoying and far more painful.  Pet fleas are also harder to eliminate than head lice or body lice.  Although there is a very high creepiness factor in head lice, you get used to the idea very quickly, because you don’t have any other choice.

 Symptoms of head lice

 The first symptoms of head lice are not the itchiness, as is commonly thought.  It’s finding black specks on your fingertips and under your fingers whenever you either run them through your hair or do manage to give the odd scratch as you would normally do throughout the course of the day. Those black specks are head lice droppings. You might also find these smudged on your pillow if you never scratch your head. 

The second head lice symptom will be in the hair that you normally shed.  The strands will not just consist of hair.  Somewhere along the strand, usually about halfway down, is a teardrop-shaped hard round thing.  That thing is a of head lice egg.  Don’t just let the strand of hair drop onto the floor.  Throw it in the trash or burn it. 

And then your head starts to really itch.  You can’t help but scratch, even though you know the head lice will be waving at you from underneath your fingernails as a result.  Things are really bad when you see the adult louses crawling down the strands of your hair to fly off and make their fortunes. 

Getting Rid Of Them

 Head lice symptoms are one of the easier itchy conditions you can successfully treat.  First, you should wash your hair, making sure every strand is saturated.  This will drown most of the adults.  To get the rest, you need to thoroughly coat your hair with at least half a bottle of any hair conditioner you can get a hold of.  This suffocates the rest of the adult louses. Leave it on for about ten minutes, then comb your hair with a nit comb, then rinse. 

Put all of your bedding and sleepwear into the dryer (washing isn’t necessary) and run them through for ten minutes.  That’s all it will take to kill the eggs laying about. You also need to go buy and use a nit comb and over the counter head lice medications to combat the symptoms of head lice, these will do a good job killing your tiny hitch hikers.


Although a common skin problem that affects millions of people worldwide, effective acne treatments are widely available. First before we look into these treatments, acne is most noticeable in younger people while in their early teens and you can spot acne on the forehead, cheeks and chin.

It becomes obvious as they develop into pimples showing up on the forehead, cheeks and chin. While acne can show up on the chest, back, shoulder or upper arms, it is not uncommon for it to continue into adulthood.

Acne has multiple effects, it can be so severe it can result in devastating ones self esteem or it can be subtle enough to unnoticed. Living with severe acne, many people lack confidence, feeling very insecure and have fears in leaving their homes.

Listed are some of the causes

The biggest questions regarding this skin condition is what causes it. There are actually a few answers to this question, but first we should dismiss the myth that fatty foods like hamburgers and french fries or sugary foods cause acne is this is actually not true. There, now don’t you feel somewhat better?

Where Do Pimples Come From?

The occurance of acne begins when the pores on the skin become clogged. The follicle is a canal in the skin pore which produces oils and when combined with dirt and debris, it will become blocked and clogged. Because of this, pimples have the potential to develop.

What Starts Acne?

Family history plays a major role as acne can be triggered by your genetics. Due to menstrual periods, females can experience hormal changes. Using oily, greasy cosmetic products or using some medications and even high levels of humidity can manifest acne.

If you experience certain symptoms, such as whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, redness on the skin, crusting of skin eruptions, or scarring on the skin, chances are you have acne.

How To Find An Effective Acne Treatment

Depending on your condition, whether it is mild or serious, you should get some type of treatment before infection starts. The best way to get an effective acne treatment is to speak to your doctor or dermatologist. They will analyze your skin condition, providing an assessement on your acne and then prescribe a specific treatment method for you.

More than likely they will suggest a lifestyle change first, but of course there are various acne creams and lotions that are available which can be used to deal with your present acne. Many of these remedies help you to prevent your acne from being too severe in the future.

To summerize, when your doctor prescibes medications you should follow through with his guidance because this will currently be the best effective acne treatment for you. By taking the effort to keep your skin healthy is the important point here. Best of luck to you.