Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

In today’s stressful fast moving society where many of us lack a regular physical exercise regime, eat to much and generally don’t look after our bodies as we should, .back pain in all its variations has become a major irritant to our way of life.

Back pain can be caused by a number of different factors. It can be hurt from over-exertion, the aging process or any host of possible medical conditions. These medical reasons can vary greatly – from mild problems that can be treated at home to more serious issues that require a doctor’s diagnosis and prescription along with specialized treatments. Because of the wide range of causes for back pain symptoms, it is important for the sufferer to recognize the type of back pain that you are experiencing so that you can discern if a doctor is needed or not, to treat your condition properly.

Common Back Pain Symptoms

The most common type of back pain symptom that you will experience is stiffness and the discomfort itself, however, the type of pain can vary significantly. Your pain may range from a persistent ache, or stiffness in the area, especially if you have been lying or sitting in one position for a period of time. Or It may be more of an acute pain that is localized to a specific area of the back. This type of pain is often the result of a muscle strain after lifting something heavy or overdoing your daily exercise routine. Or you may experience a chronic, localized pain that settles in the middle or lower back. This discomfort might also be exacerbated by sitting or standing for long periods of time.

By understanding the type of back pain symptom that you are suffering from you will be able to decide if you need to visit the doctor or not and if you do to describe to the doctor exactly what your symptoms are.This will assist him/her to make an informed diagnosis and then to recommend the type of treatment or medication that is best suited to your needs. Giving you the fastest and most effective relief possible. There are also other back pain symptoms that may indicate a more serious medical problem. If you recognize any of the following symptoms, it is a good idea to contact your doctor for further investigation.

When to Call your Doctor

While many back pain symptoms are short-lived and can be effectively treated at home, there are some that warrant a call to your doctor. For example:

– if you experience any type of numbness or tingling in your extremities, this could mean that there has been damage to your spinal cord.

– If your back pain symptoms include a fever, you could be suffering from an infection.

– Pain shooting down one leg from your spine often indicates the condition known as sciatica.

– A pain that intensifies when you bend over or cough might mean that you have a herniated disc.

– Finally, any back pain symptoms after the age of 50 should be looked at for the possibility of osteoarthritis.

If you are suffering from any of these back pain symptoms the pain you are experiencing can be quite intense therefore, , a call to your doctor will help you to diagnose your condition accurately and allow you to receive the most effective treatment and the subsequent pain relief as soon as possible..

Modern medicine relies heavily on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy in treating cancer.. For all of us who have gone through these devastating treatments, we all look for alternative medicines to treat our symptoms and to rebuild our natural health..

It cannot be denied that modern medicine has come a long way in the treatment and management of many forms of cancer. Our knowledge and treatment of these maladies is far in advance of what was common practice of years past, however, we have a long way to go before cancer is 100% curable. Unfortunately cancer is taking on different forms and is increasing in regularity throughout the worlds population.

There is little hope provided by modern medicine for those suffering from terminal cases , nor is there much in the way of research in prevention which shows immanent clear direction. A very concerning question is being asked “Is our modern farming and food processing technology along with higher levels of pollution greatly influencing the spread of cancer”?

Many of us believe the alternative medicine for cancer can best be found in altering our diets and to include other herbal remedies that are known to assist in regeneration of the body as well as in pain management giving sufferers a moré holistic approach to both prevention and the cure of cancer.

Alternative Medicine for Cancer Prevention

It is well known that adequate fiber content helps to prevent cancers of the digestive tract. Holistic nutrition using coarse grain and unrefined flour are therefore useful forms of alternative medicine for cancer containment. Traditional medicine also has dietary supplements based on the husks of cereals which help to keep bowel movement in good order. It is worth following principles of alternative medicine for cancer prevention if malignancies of the colon and surrounding areas are likely.

Similarly, there are herbal extracts available which help cancerous lesions developing in the liver. The vitamins, minerals, enzymes and elements found in fresh organic fruits and vegetables are known to be the building blocks and the repair kit of the human body It is therefore worthwhile to use alternative medicine for cancer management of vital organs in a pro-active way.

Alternative Medicine for Cancer Management near Termination

As the population of the world becomes more aware of he symptoms of cancer and a general understanding of how to prevent there onset along with timely detection should prevent every case of cancer from reaching a stage at which it can no longer be arrested, but unfortunately medical science is yet to reach the plane from which all patients can be cured effectively. Patients may have to spend considerable periods in terminal and progressive stages of eventually fatal illness.

Thankfully, today more and more people are understanding that essential nutrition and pain management are key considerations to make the final days of a terminally ill patient as comfortable as possible. Alternative medicine for cancer has important applications in this tragic but sometimes inescapable context. Nutrition powders and fluid extracts can be used on patients who are too unwell to enjoy normal meals, while topical preparations can be used with modern drugs to deal with distressing pain.

There are also some unsubstantiated claims of alternative medicine for cancer containment or reversal, which patients and their relatives may like to try when modern methods offer no further hope. Some patients are known to have exceeded the prognoses for their malignant conditions by long periods using alternative medicine for cancer.

Weight Loss Pills Beware

[Each year, increasing numbers of people around the world are becoming overweight, including school children according to recent studies. To cure this problem, some people have resorted to surgical measures whereas others have decided that adjustments to their food intake and an increase in physical activity is necessary. The problem is that many people are impatient and want instant results so they resort to taking weight loss drugs instead of living a healthy lifestyle.

These drugs usually work buy telling the brain it’s no longer hungry, stimulating metabolism to aid the shedding of excess fat. It was only after scientists discovered that these drugs had side effects and were related to heart valve disease that they were taken off the shelves. Since then, newer drugs have been developed and doctors continue to prescribe them although they are still awaiting FDA certification.

The chances are that if you asked enough people, someone will say they have used them and been happy with the results. This is obviously a very tempting prospect, to lose weight while eating the same diet. Many millions of dollars are spent each year in The United States alone while the drug manufacturers spend huge sums on further research into weight loss drugs.

An individual wishing to buy weight control pills can do so over-the-counter or have them prescribed by their doctor, however there are still health risks associated with their use. You must check the packet carefully before you decide to use them because some of the other side effects can be even more harmful, like the possibility of a heart attack or even a stroke, with hallucinations, tremors, breathing problems and convulsions all recorded as side effects for users of these drugs.

This can lower the possibility of some side effects occurring, although this may depend on the genetic makeup of the person using them. Problems like irritability, tiredness, vomiting, stomach pains and sleep problems are all common effects reported when someone stops taking these weight control pills.

{Although these weight loss drugs do work, an increase in beneficial effects occurs when regular exercise is undertaken along with a change in eating habits. Despite all the bad publicity, weight loss drugs do work but they are more successful if they are used in conjunction with a low calorie diet and regular exercise, preferably using a properly worked out exercise regime.} A low calorie diet would consist of meals that contain vitamins, minerals and fibre which are all essential for good health; the best sources are fruit and vegetables.

As far as the exercise is concerned, this needs to be worked out in advance after a physical examination by your doctor. A regime of this kind would increase an individual’s metabolic rate.]