Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

Believe it or not, there are some things you can do to Stop Back Suffering.  We say believe it or not because many people have been dealing with back pain for years, maybe even decades, and have come to the conclusion that it’s just something they’ll need to get used to since it’s obviously not going away.  While this may unfortunately be true in some cases, usually there is much that a person can do to alleviate back pain if they’re willing to admit the common causes of it and face the changes that need to be made.

Its difficult for people to come to the conclusion that weight effects back pain in many cases.  Obesity is one the rise not just in the United States but worldwide and with these increased cases of obesity comes increased cases of lower back pain.Just a little bit of weight lose can seriously help back pain but if you are obese you would consult a doctor to see how much weight you need to lose to get results.  Excess body weight puts undue pressure on not just the back but the knees, hips, ankles, feet, and every other part of the lower body as well.  Since the back works to hold up and support body weight you can see how losing those extra pounds can help to alleviate back pain in many cases.  Carrying extra body weight is like carrying extra weight in any other form and the back and body is just not meant to work that way.

You can also help to alleviate Back Pain by exercising regularly.  Very often when a person sits at a computer or hunches over car engines or lifts boxes all day long, those back muscles begin to cramp up in order to protect themselves from overuse.  This cramping can result in stiffness and soreness.  Simple aerobic activity will alleviate back pain in these cases because the muscles open up and blood flow is increased, as is oxygen.  These help the back to loosen up and can help to feed and nourish the muscles so that they can heal themselves and that cramped feeling is also alleviated.  Of course excessive activity or anything that jars or overextends the back should be avoided; if golf hurts your lower back, avoid it.  The same is true of things like step aerobics or jogging.  Try a recumbent bicycle or an elliptical machine instead; these can help to alleviate back pain because they have little or no impact.

By paying attention to the changes you need to make yourself you can help to alleviate back pain in many cases.  Of course there are times when medical intervention is necessary, but then again, there is little a doctor can do to alleviate back pain if you remain seriously overweight and very physically inactive.Working out on a regular basis will help with overall health but also with your back pain and back muscles. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

types of HPV

Today, there are many different sexually transmitted diseases that individuals who are sexually active need to be aware of. One of them is the threat of different types of HPV and genital warts. While there are many other types of HPV infections and sexually transmitted diseases, these warts can become a serious issue and is one of the most common of those sexual diseases out there.

When learning about genital warts, one should know that they can be transmitted by both females and males. Because of the nature of the woman’s body, these warts are far more prevalent in females. Men however, can end up becoming carriers of the warts, which are derived from HPV, otherwise known as the Human Papilloma Virus. Today, there are a variety of treatments for this sexually transmitted disease, including a vaccination that can help prevent them from spreading.

In some of the more rare cases, it has been seen that the Human Papilloma Virus (genital warts) have been spread during unclean practices. Some reports have shown that medical equipment that has not been properly cleaned and/or sanitized can lead to the transmission of the disease. While this has been shown, it remains true that the most common transmission of the virus is through sexual contact with an infected person.

If you are a woman who has been involved in sexual relations with a partner who has the Human Papilloma Virus, then you should know that your infection might not stop with you. Women who have become pregnant have passed these warts off to their children during childbirth. Once this happens, the newborn can get infected in such areas where the virus can thrive, including their mouth and throat.

Practicing safe sex should always be on the mind of those who are sexually active. The HPV virus cannot be cured; however, the genital warts that the virus causes can be treated. The medications that are used to treat the virus will cause the warts to appear less often, yet is also important to remember that even if you are not having an outbreak of the warts that are associated with the HPV virus, you can still pass it on to someone else. This is just one more reason why protecting yourself and others, when having sex, is very important.

Autism Society of America

Autism Speaks and The Autism Society of America are two organizations that are highly dedicated to raising autism awareness. The main focus of these organizations is the individuals who suffer from these disorders, as well as working to raise funds for research and to hopefully find a cure. These organizations raise money for research through benefits, donations and events, such as walks for autism.

After becoming aware that their grandson had autism, Suzanne and Bob Wright founded the organization Autism Speaks in February of 2005. It is based in New York City and is a champion in helping raise autism awareness. The Autism Society of America also does a huge amount of work and began back in 1965. It was founded by Bernard Rimland, Phd. Today, it has grown in huge proportions, with well over 200 chapters nationwide, and over 120,000 members and genuine supporters.

The month of April has been designated as Autism Awareness Month. During April, U.S. television shows dedicate episodes to different aspects of autistic disorders. Also, many companies and organizations have teamed up to raise awareness for autism disorders and funds to help with research. In December 2007, a resolution that declared April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day was passed by the United Nations. Having awareness raised to these levels is extremely important if huge strides will ever be made in solving the autism puzzle.

Many have heard of autism, but unless you have been affected by the disorder or have a close friend or family member who has been diagnosed with one of the many autism spectrum disorders, then you many not fully understand it. Disorders of this nature normally do not “hit home” until it is witnessed first hand. Organizations such as AS, The ASA and The Walk for Autism Research program work to bring the effects of autism out in the open and show individuals the importance of further research. Only through more research and autism awareness will a cure ever be found.