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Because of the different influences in massage therapy, there are numerous variations in techniques, but all these various techniques, still provide the same health benefits. The Swedish and Ayurvedic massage both have very different origins and styles, but they still contribute a lot to attain a healthy and relaxed body.

With so many various forms of massage therapy programs available today, it has made it difficult for individuals to select which one is for them.

The Swedish Massage, which is also known as the classic or traditional massage is the most common massage therapy method and is ordinarily preferred by the majority of individuals. It is characterized by long and flowing strokes which relax muscles, improve joint flexibility and help in better circulation.

The first stroke is known as effleurage, involves long, gliding strokes from the neck down to the base of the spine, or from the shoulder down to the fingertips. It is also done on the limbs with all strokes directed toward the heart to aid blood and lymphatic flow. The therapist uses their whole hand or a thumb pad. This technique is done for familiarisation of the person’s body

Next is petrissage, this consists of the gentle lifting of muscles, then rolling and squeezing them, while applying a gentle pressure. This assists to enhance deeper circulation, it also increases circulation which in turn eliminates toxins from muscle and nerve tissue.

Friction, the third technique and the most forceful one is characterized by deep circular movements using fingertips applied near bony areas and joints and it relaxes the muscle fiber which enhances flexibility in muscles and joints.

After friction, another technique called tapotement is done. Tapotement is a series of quick forceful movements made by striking or tapping the muscles with the hand. It can be applied with a closed fist, fingertips and the edge of the hand. It releases tension and relieves muscle cramps.

Lastly, the therapist uses vibration or shaking that entails the pressing of hands on the back or limbs and shaking in a rapid motion for a few moments. It improves circulation and muscle contraction and is advantageous to individuals with low-back pain.

On the other hand, Ayurvedic massage originated from India and its purpose is to create harmony and balance within the person and it aids in the removal of toxins and rejuvenation of the body. It was not practiced publicly until Indian practitioners decided to roam around and give muscle, joint and back massages

Ayurvedic massage is based on a specific system that includes the knowledge of Ayurvedic and Greek systems of medicine which is focused on Ayurvedic doshas and marmas or pressure points. Muslim massage techniques were also adapted in this system.

Ayurvedic massage techniques uses specific oils that suit your dosha and depends on your being. Another one is the Abhyanga-Garshana which comprises of skin brushing followed by an oil massage, Udwarthanam which is a slimming massage that uses herbal powders and the Ayurvedic foot massage which is a deep massage where the therapist uses his feet.

Now you have sufficient knowledge on both Swedish and Ayurvedic massage, it is up to you to choose between the two which best suits your style of relaxation. Remember both massages have special qualities and techniques, the selecting part can be a little difficult though, so if you are still undecided why not try both?

Would you like to learn more about Massage Therapy Benefits or Swedish Massage Therapy. Then visit this popular website, that provides more free information to help you relax and de-stress with its Massage Therapy Tips.


Iyengar Yoga – A Detailed History

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Iyengar yoga was founded amid a poor caste of Brahmins in Belur Karnataka, India by Belur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar. As a child, he suffered from malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and malnutrition. To overcome these maladies, he studied the vedas and the yoga sutras of Patanjali. He has published fourteen books on Iyengar yoga, including “Light On Yoga” (the quintessential yoga book) and most recently, “Light On Life.” He was awarded the Padmi Shri (1991) and Padma Bhusan (2002) as a distinguished citizen of India and was named one of the 100 most influential people by Time Magazine in 2004. Today, the eighty-six-year-old yogi continues to practice the style of yoga he founded and has inspired tens of millions of students.

Spiritually, Iyengar yoga is based upon Patanjali’s eight limbs of raja yoga. The first is Yama, meaning physically and mentally abstaining from the following five things: violence toward others and oneself, from coveting others’ belongings, from sexual intercourse, from attachment to possessions and anything that is untrue. The second limb is called Niyama, referring to the five observances: cleanliness of body and mind, satisfaction with what one has, penance and mental control, introspection and surrender to God. Asana refers to posture and position (ideally an erect stance with relaxed muscles) and Pranayama is the directed control of one’s breath, which is so vital to successful yoga practice. Pratayahara calls for the quieting of senses connected with the outer world. Only then will Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (oneness with the Supreme Being) naturally follow.

In practice, Iyengar yoga is characterized by the use of belts, straps, sandbags, benches and blocks to aid in performing 200 asanas (postures) and creating body alignment. Equally important are the 14 pranayamas (breaths). Less emphasis is placed on muscular effort and more importance is given to finding the ideal position. Standing yoga poses can build strong legs, improve circulation and coordination and help students with skills they can take to other yoga forms. The instruction is rigorous, compared to other styles, with highly trained and certified teachers actively placing students into the right positions and correcting misalignments. Beginners will surely get individualized attention and the most out of their instruction if they attend Iyengar yoga classes. 

The benefits of Iyengar yoga include: increased circulation and comfort, better posture, stronger muscles, better balance and coordination — in addition to feeling more at peace, with less stress and anxiety. Americans practice this style of yoga in the tens of thousands, instructed by certified teachers from IYNUS. For more information on how to get started, visit

It may surprise you to learn that Yoga dates back to 3300-1700 B.C.E. and has long been a practice of Buddhists, Hindus and other Eastern religions. But what should not be surprising the tremendous benefits that this form of exercise and meditation can bring to your life. Working professionals, students, home-makers and the retired alike are finding how wonderful they feel after participating. The sense of calm that prevails as well as the satisfaction of muscles well worked all make Yoga the perfect blend of philosophy, religion and exercise. Even if you do not practice the spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, you can still benefit. Click here to see more: Benefits Of Yoga and at Types Of Yoga also at Yoga Posture Techniques

Regardless of whether you are thinking of using an over the counter or a prescription weight loss diet pill, surely, somewhere in the back of your head you are not sure if these products are effective and if so how they do it.  As the consumer is concerned with looking as fit and trim as our bodies allow continues to steadily increase,an increasing number of consumers are becoming interested in using the best weight loss diet pill or products that are manufactured and what they promise to produce.

If you are considering buying weight loss pills yourself, here is some vital information that you should be aware of prior to starting.  So sure, there are a number of weight loss pills and products available that are proven to work and which have assisted health seekers drop weight, but there are others that have multiple problems with some that you should pay attention to.

The problem is, or at least one of the most glaring issues is, that most diet pills that are sold on the open diet market are intentionally advertised as natural or herbal since this means that the government agencies are not able to force the vendor to prove the effectiveness and quality of the product.  What you truly need is something that does work, and so you need to look for clinically proven weight loss pills which are not going to waste your time and which are going to offer you the results that you are looking for.

Just make sure, regardless of which particular weight loss diet pills you choose, that you also make a few important lifestyle changes if you want to achieve the best possible results. This means eating right by including  cereals and whole grain breads, fresh vegetables and fruits, and lots of water, a minimum of six to eight glasses daily.

You will need to get adequate exercise. Remember, you can eat as healthily as you want, but if you are not exercising and boosting your metabolism, you are just not going to be able to achieve the results that you are looking for.

Studying reviews will also be helpful to you here, as it will give you an idea on what other consumers has to say about different weight loss aids.  Save yourself some time, check out reviews of all the best diet pills in one spot and discover some great weight loss tips too.