For thousands of years the human race has used herbs in various ways. These uses can be placed into three distinctive groups; religious, culinary and medicinal. In the article below we will discuss each of these categories in order focusing upon medical uses and essential oils.
Throughout history there have been many other uses of herbs which we will not be examining here and these include them being used instead of cash, as a disinfectant and as a perfume or powerful smell to mask sickening smells. Herbs come from various parts of the world and each culture usually had unusual uses for them. It is interesting to note that the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greek and Sumerians, the Romans all wrote about them in detail and other writings exist from Ancient India and China. We shall be concentrating on modern uses.
Herbs And Religion
Herbs are still used in a multitude of around the globe. A large number of Christians will recognize myrrh from the Nativity (myrrh is the dried sap of Commiphora myrrha). Hindus will be extremely familiar with the Tulsi plant, which is a type of Basil, as it is cultivated by many and praised as a Goddess. In Wiccan and Pagan religions herbs are used widely in spells, rituals as well as for healing.
Kitchen Uses of Herbs
The leaves of various plants are used in cooking however there is a distinction between leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, and a herb, such as parsley, in that the latter are used in minute amounts due to their distinctive, and powerful flavor. Virtually every person in the world has benefited from the these amazing plants which are capable of lifting the plainest meal into the realms of a culinary masterpiece.
Herbs And Medicine
As well as being powerful in flavor a herb can also have a profound effect upon the human body. Some types are used as recreational drugs, such as cannabis, which can cause legal problems as they can also have useful medical properties which are still being scientifically researched.
Essential Oils
An essential oil is the oil extracted from a variety of plants. Essential oils are invariably produced by the method called distillation but some need a different process of extraction such as such as solvent extraction or expression.
Essential oils have a number of uses, such as perfumes, bath oils, flavorings, burning (for scent) and in cleaning products. However most people know of their use in medicine and especially in aromatherapy and other forms of alternative medicine. I use lavender oil in a number of ways, I add it to my mixture for my oil burner to make the room smell nice but I also use about three drops in a bath when I suffer from aching legs. When my legs are very painful I gently massage it into the muscles but only when it is mixed with a carrier oil. As well as helping to relax the muscles it also helps me sleep more soundly.
Herbs should be handled with immense care and attention as some can be extremely toxic to the human body (in large quantities). Special care should be taken if you are about to have a baby as something that seems safe could be dangerously problematic, such as peppermint oil which should be totally avoided in its raw form. However spearmint and a few other mild oils can be used but to avoid the risk of miscarriage I would avoid all herbs and essential oils unless you are one hundred percent certain they are safe.
The awesome thing about herbs is that growing your own is as hard as buying a herb kit and placing it near a window. To discover more visit