Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

We love to hate our sugar.  We want to say goodbye to refined sugar but we are unable.  The sheer magnitude of giving up sugar, entirely, overwhelms us and rightfully so.

Most of us are educated on the many reasons why refined sugar is playing an important part in our health problems.  While many of us are horrified or dismayed at having an alcoholic family member,  it seems we will allow our children and ourselves to become habitually addicted to candy, gum, pop, ice cream, pie, cake, jam and a host of other sugar laden foods.

As refined sugar is permeated throughout almost everything we eat it is very difficult for us to give it up entirely without becoming an outcast to our friends, family and social life.  There are many choices we make in any given day and we can make the choice to try and cut down our sugar consumption.

Refined sugar is not all bad, if you need it for industrial purposes.  According to an article titled “Sugar Cane: Past and Present” written by Peter Sharpe, it is stated “Today, sugar cane has many industrial uses and is one of the most widely used and cheapest domestic products (Jenkins 1966).  Molasses is a by-product of the manufacturing of cane sugar.  The uses of molasses are many.  Starting around 1850 it was often used as a fertilizer for cane soils, however, this use is negligible today.  Its use as a stock feed can be dated back to at least 1911 in Germany.  Molasses, along with cane juice and other by-products can be fermented to produce an alcoholic distillate, otherwise known as rum.  Ethyl alcohol is another alcohol produced from molasses, which in itself has many uses.  The main uses are in:

  • vinegar;
  • cosmetics;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • cleaning preparations;
  • solvents and coatings;

One of the future uses of ethanol which is currently being studied is as a gasoline extender.  Still other products produced from molasses are butanol (a solvent), lactic acid (a solvent), citric acid (mostly for foods and beverages), glycerol, yeast and many others (Paturau 1982).  Another useful by-product of sugar production is bagasse, the fibrous residue left after the juices are extracted from the cane. It is the main source of fuel in sugar factories. It can also be used in making paper, cardboard, fiber board, and wall board (Purseglove 1979).  It is quite possible that further uses of sugar cane will be developed in the future, but even now it can be seen that sugar cane is a very important and useful plant crop worldwide.”

Let’s leave the refined sugar uses to the industrial world as much as possible.  Try reducing it from your diet, and your children’s diet, as much as possible.  Refined sugar is not really needed by our body and, in fact, will borrow vital nutrients from your healthy cells to metabolize it within your body.  Nutrients such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium are stolen from various parts of your body to make use of this invader..

When you avoid eating refined sugar you can expect more vibrant health together with a much longer life with greater freedom from some of the acute and chronic diseases that have become rampant in our society.

What are you waiting for?  Forget about cutting sugar out entirely, simply try cutting back and wherever possible choose unrefined raw sugar such as evaporated cane juice or unrefined raw brown sugar (not the familiar “brown sugar” found in grocery stores that is simply sugar coated with molasses) eaten in small amounts.  Although honey is a refined sugar it is also a satisfying sweetener that offers some nutritional benefits.

Behind the scenes of your body is a remarkable mechanism for vibrant health that is ready to serve you with the best possible health for many, many years – if you give it the proper care and nutrition that it needs.  Start really living – without sugar.

Beer beverages are one of the oldest beverages, probably as old as agriculture, with the first written history of beer-like beverages being recorded in ancient Egypt. Most likely, these beer-like beverages that contained carbohydrates and underwent fermentation were independently invented among various cultures.
In the middle ages, beer beverages were consumed by all social classes since the purity of water could not be guaranteed. Beer was particularly popular in the northern regions of Europe because it was easier to grow oats, barley and wheat as compared to fruits, such as grapes, used to make wine. A Carolingian Abbot introduced hops to beer beverages in 822. Along with flavoring the beers hops improved it’s conserving properties and beer would not spoil as easily. Hopped beer was perfected in the towns in Germany by the 13th century.
Nowadays beer beverages are promoted as the ultimate man’s drink, probably because the carbonated bitter brew appeals to men’s taste buds more so than to women.  There are no shortages of commercials depicting “A clear hot day with virile sexy hunks choosing this foam headed brew to quench their thirst. No female in her right mind can ever resist such a testosterone oozing male, particularly after having a brew.” So, is the myth true? After having one or more of this thirst quenching brew, will the human male turn into an irresistible stud muffin?

Let’s take a closer look at the composition of beer.
Beer is obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of a malted cereal, usually barley malt with or without other sugars, and to which hops have been added. A typical beer will contain water, carbohydrates in the form of maltose and dextrin, hops, yeast, and alcohol.  More than 90% of beer is water and breweries generally get their water from a well or spring, or they use tap water. There are many salts and minerals in the water, which affect the ultimate flavor and head formation of the beer.

Malt is the sugar that comes from the grain and that is fermented into an alcohol. Barley is generally used, but at times wheat and occasionally oats or spelt are used. Sugar is often added to help the fermentation. Yeast is a single cell micro-organism needed in the brewing process for converting fermentable sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Hops, whose scientific name is Humulus lupulus, give beer its bitter flavor and are also a natural preservative. Only the flowers from the female hops are used for beer, and these flowers contain lupulin, a resinous substance that gives the typical bitter flavor.  Besides being used for its bitter taste and natural preservative properties hops have many other useful medicinal properties. The strong bitter flavor makes them a great candidate to strengthen and stimulate the digestion, increasing gastric and other secretions.  Hops are potent diuretics; this is why after drinking beer you are constantly running to the bathroom to empty your bladder.  Also hops have calming and sedative properties.  Often you feel like having a nap after drinking a beer.

The female flower of hops contains phyto-estrogens with powerful estrogenic activity. Therefore, hops are often recommended in herbal remedies for females with menstrual problems and menopause symptoms.   These phyto-estrogens are detected in beer beverages and with each bottle of beer a man drinks he is consuming some estrogen with that beer.  Heavy beer drinkers consume a significant amount of estrogen. Males naturally have small amounts of estrogen in their body due to the testosterone conversion process. But an excess of estrogen will shut down the production of testosterone from the testes, which results in the following:
Loss of muscle tone;
Increased body fat;
Enlarged prostate;

Last, but not least, is the loss of libido and sexual function.  So, sorry guys, but beer will not turn you into an irresistible stud muffin, it will more likely turn you into a doughboy!!!!


Taming Acne Outbreaks

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Acne has, over the years, been the cause of an incredible amount of heartache, especially amongst teenagers. However acne is not a disease restricted to just this age group as the problem can persist well into adulthood and even appear in adults who had note previously suffered from the affliction.

A large number of women are alarmed to find that they can suddenly develop acne during pregnancy. My husband was rather alarmed when blemishes began to appear on my face as I had not even had spots during my teenage years. To be honest I think that my skin never really recovered as I continued to have acne outbreaks for many years until I learnt how to bring them under control and reduce the frequency of them dramatically. Although there are periods when I get the odd pimple or two I can usually stop it progressing to a full outbreak with just a little care and attention to the way I treat it.

Although many people say that not washing your face is not the cause of acne I would say that having a good skin care regime is paramount to success in the fight against pimples. I have, through trial and error, discovered that if I keep my skin clean and healthy I have fewer spots appearing. Therefore, if you suffer from acne prone skin, I strongly advise you cleanse your skin deeply every day followed by the use of an astringent or toner (which closes the pores after cleansing).

When choosing which skin cleansers and toners to use you need to ensure that you match the skin care product with your skin type. This is extremely important as some skin care products, especially if they have been formulated for greasy skin, are simply far to harsh for sensitive dry skin.

An alternative way in which you can massively minimize the risks of an acne breakout is by having regular skin care treatments such as microdermabrasion or a mild chemical peel. These treatments were developed as anti-aging skin care treatments but it has been scientifically proven that they can have a dramatic effect upon acne prone skin vastly reducing the risk of outbreaks and bringing acne quickly under control. However you should never have such a treatment on areas where there is active acne.

If, after you have tried the above, you discover that you still have zits appearing on your face then it may be time to try something a little more aggressive. If you are only suffering from it a little then it is perfectly reasonable to try some of the over the counter remedies. Sometimes these products can nip the problem in the bud. Benzoyl peroxide, in a 2.5 – 20% solution, is usually the main ingredient in the over the counter topical acne treatments.5 and 10%. Other active ingredients include sulfur and salicylic acid (sulfur has been successfully used in the treatment of skin problems for over 50 years.

If, sadly, your acne persists you should really seek further medical advice by visiting your family doctor who will be able to prescribe acne treatments which are far more powerful than those available over the counter. Sometimes a short course of antibiotics will bring an outbreak under control within a few days. Alarmingly it is far too common to find that doctors prescribe antibiotics for acne even before trying to stop it using other proven methods and treatments first. While this will make the patient happy it is now often accepted that the overuse of such drugs can only lead to problems. I therefore feel that it is important that you at least try using the simple methods first.

If you want to learn more about acne and acne treatments visit