Of the variety of available exercise equipment for people today has to be the treadmill. Compared to walking or running on hard surfaces, a treadmill creates less impact on the body with its shock-absorbing walking deck. They are easy to use, burn calories efficiently and are conveniently located in your home. Apply those same principals to your pet, and you could have a treadmill dog on your hands. Your dog needs exercise as much as you do. Think of the benefits of training your dog to get his exercise inside your home.
A treadmill is easy to use for both humans and animals because it allows for the natural movement as walking or running outdoors. There are treadmills made especially for pets, but they work similarly to regular treadmills. Training your pet to walk on a human treadmill is just as simple as training them to walk on a specialized dog treadmill. When you have the equipment already in your home, there is no need to be out the expense on doggie equipment.
A treadmill can give you so much convenience. Not only do you avoid the fluctuations in weather conditions, your treadmill dog can get the workout he needs day or night with no safety worries like traffic conditions.
The first step in the training process is always safety. Make sure you have a harness with a place to attach a leash in front of the chest. This way it’s easier to control the dog while you’re in front of them, and it will prevent unnecessary tension on a neck collar.
Another thing to keep in mind while you exercise your dog on a treadmill is that they are doing all the work, and we’re not. Treadmill activity can be a big workout for dogs because it requires a steady pace. Make sure to watch and listen for signs that your dog is getting tired or overheated just as you would for any activity.
Now, make sure the treadmill is at its lowest setting. A dog can become frightened by the intensity of the ground moving too quickly beneath him. Get yourself comfortable in a spot in front of the machine so that you will be close to your pet. If you get up and leave your dog in the middle of the training, he may become anxious. Never leave your dog unattended on a treadmill. He could lose his footing and become choked.
Next take and offer your dog a treat to lure him onto the treadmill. You will want to make this a positive experience for your dog. Once your dog is positioned on the platform, thread the leash in through the front of the treadmill and turn the machine on low. Use the treats to lure your dog forward and keep them just beyond his nose until he willingly moves forward with the machine. Don’t forget to reward the behavior with a treat.
Dogs respond positively to words of encouragement, so call to him and tell him how great he’s doing. Make sure to always start out slow and progress until your dog reaches an easy trot. Do this for five minutes a day until he moves smoothly even without a treat for a lure.
Because treadmills are a healthy way to boost fitness levels, their popularity is enormous. Applying the same logic with your dog, you get the convenience of walking him in your home and he gets the benefit of a consistent exercise program. A treadmill can benefit both you and your pet. You just may have a treadmill dog living right under your nose.
Walking is the number one exercise performed by people daily. If you are a walker then you know how important a role the weather plays in your exercise schedule. Stop being a slave to the weather. Treadmills are the ideal way to stay in shape. You do not have to worry about walking in inclement weather and you can exercise in the comfort of your own home. This will help influence you into exercising more and getting into the best shape possible. Stop using the weather or time as an excuse. Get on that treadmill and start walking to a healthier new you. Click here for more information: Fitness Programs also Fitness Magazine and at Peak Fitness