Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

Saunas have been around since antiquity and are still very popular today. Let’s explore the history of saunas and learn how they work

Saunas are designed to provide either moist or dry heat. This takes place in a small room where bathers remove their clothing and assume a comfortable position while the hot temperature (greater than 80 °C) penetrates their pores. The opening of the pores and sweating make it possible for impurities to easily be removed from the body. If water is poured on the hot stones, steam is produced which makes the sauna moist. The sauna is loved not only for it’s relaxing properties, but also for improving the immune system and helping detoxify the body.

The word sauna simply means a traditional Finnish bath. In ancient times, saunas were small dwellings dug in the bottom of hills and slopes to keep people warm in winter. The sauna consisted of a fire wherein stones were heated to high temperatures, then doused in water to release steam heat.The heat would be so strong that often people would undress when this was done.

Eventually the sauna was improved with the addition of a metal woodstove and chimney. In traditional Finnish saunas the temperatures within often exceeded 90 degrees Celcius. Steam vapor was also generated by spraying water onto the heated stones. The steam vapor and high heat caused bathers to sweat a great deal.

In order to take full advantage of the sauna, the Finns gathered a bundle of bird branches containing tiny, fresh leaves. This was called a vihta.Many bathers continue to practice this today because the vihta stimulates the pores and cells, therefore improving blood circulation. Also, the pleasant birch scent aides in relaxation.

As previously noted, a sauna is a wonderful and effective way to relieve stress. It accomplishes this in two basic ways. One obvious way is psychological; the heat and steam have a highly relaxing effect. The other way in which a sauna relieves stress is by releasing chemicals from the body. When your skin heats up during a bath, large quantities of chemicals that cause stress are expelled from the body. Thus, in addition to reducing the amount of chemicals in the body, the sauna bath also slows the formation of chemicals.

The opening of the pores also makes it easier to remove toxins from the body. Toxins travel through your sweat glands and are released with your perspiration. As noted earlier, a sauna creates a high amount of perspiration and therefore is excellent for detoxification

Finns utilize saunas on a regular basis, and saunas are lauded thoughout Finland as the best, most natural way to cleanse oneself both in body and mind. Then and now, the sauna remains a key component to healthy living in Finland. Families often bathed together in home saunas, and in the past Finnish women often gave birth in saunas.

When the Finns migrated to the different parts of the globe they shared their knowledge of sauna designs and customs. They taught other cultures about the sauna’s health benefits which helped the sauna to evolve further. Eventually, this led to the development of electric sauna stoves and far infrared saunas which became quite popular. Since then various cultures around the world have been recognizing, adopting and improvising the sauna.

Recently there have been numerous online diet generating websites coming online.Is there a use to these weight loss websites?This is exactly the question we want to find the answer to.In this short article we’ll talk about exactly what an online diet generator does, if they’re difficult to follow, and what type of results you should be looking to have while following one.

Online Diet Generators How do they work?

The two popular types of online diet generators either help you follow a popular offline diet such as the Mediterranean diet, or they create a custom meal plan for you based on your input of foods you like to eat.

An example of the first type is the website which offers several online diet plans that follow popular offline diets such as Slim Fast and Atkins.Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a good example of an online diet generator that will create a customized diet for you based on your food selections. You can read our detailed fat loss 4 idiots review here..

How Tough are Online Diets to Follow?

A key benefit to an online diet is that the facts, figures, and information you need is all available in just a few clicks of the mouse on the Internet. Simply login to the website and check what you should be eating or to grab a recipe for dinner.

For those that are computer savvy using an online diet generator is the easiest way to lose belly fat.One tip, don’t get weighted down in the details because there is a lot of information available, be sure you take action.

What type of Results are Expected?

The differences between offline and online diets end when we talk about expected results. You can achieve similar results on either type of plan but you need focus and discipline to make that happen. The results you can expect to get are directly related to how closely you follow the program.

If you decide to be lax, or have a difficult time eating exactly as you’re supposed to then you will struggle not just with an online diet generator but any diet you try to follow. There is no substitute for discipline when it comes to weight loss.

Using a breathing meditation technique is probably the easiest meditation technique that you can learn. You're breathing at this moment, so all you need to learn is how to notice and focus on your breathing.

Begin your breathing meditation by finding a quiet place. Do your best to make sure you won't be disturbed. If you're interrupted whilst you are learning a new technique it's possible you'll be a bit frustrated.

It could be an unused room in your house. There may be a park or enclosed garden close to your home or where you work. Anywhere you can find that's fairly quiet. Over time, when you start to get comfortable with using breathing meditation, you'll discover that the "requirement" for a quiet place isn't needed. With practice, you will find you can relax absolutely anywhere, whenever you want.

You can stand up or sit down whilst you practice breathing meditation. Unless the method you've chosen dictates otherwise, it's your choice.

Initially, just notice each breath in and each breath out. Are your breaths shallow, regular or really deep?

Next, start to focus on your breathing. Consciously breathe in and gradually fill your lungs. If you're comfortable doing so, hold the air in your lungs for a second or two. And then, breathe out again. Emptying your lungs of as much air as you feel OK doing.

Repeat the process five or more times. You'll likely find that your breathing gets deeper as you do this. There's a good chance you'll start to feel more relaxed.

One of the best things about using a breathing meditation is that a simple technique like the one above doesn't take very long. And if you choose it to be, those people around you don't need to know you are meditating. You can perform a breathing meditation almost anywhere.

Congratulations! You’ve just performed your first breathing meditation..

You can find out more about using breathing meditation here.