Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

Growth hormone therapy has been subjected to extensive scrutiny and the findings are amazing. The news has been embraced by the public, leading to publication in important journals like the New England Journal of Medicine.

Among of the benefits reported in these studies include an eight percent increase in lean muscle mass, weight loss without exercise, and an average 4% loss of fat.. Also reported was a loss of cellulite, wrinkle reduction, younger looking skin, enhanced brain function, improved vision, improved sleep, decreased blood pressure, better cholesterol profiles, better cardiac function and many other health benefits.
Trying to develop drugs that furnish any one of these benefits the pharmaceutical industry has expended large sums of money and utilized major human capital. Knowing that there is a pharmaceutical available that combines all of these great benefits into one miracle substance, one will want to find out what can go wrong.

Whenever your body is introduced to a large dose of any hormone there will be a danger of side effects. HGH taken in excess can therefore produce some very dangerous side effects. A person’s individual genetics greatly impacts how they react to various dosages of hgh.

The greatest HGH side effects have been observed in body builders and athletes who have in all likelihood taken abusively large dosages over long periods of time. Cases such as these have been known to produce unusual growths with unnaturally large bones being one characteristic. Time has shown there is a possibility of heart damage, irregular cardiac rhythms, and joint and facial deformities from prolonged usage.

Over use of the drug has been documented to be the cause of most hgh side effects. The side effects of HGH can be reduced by strictly following the dosage prescribed by your physician and by limiting the time the hormone is used. The risk of reactions can be reduced by injecting a smaller dosage.

In some of the initial studies there have been a few recorded cases of patients who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome, and a condition of enlarged breasts called gynecomastia. Other side effects that have been observed are high blood pressure, swollen joints and chronic joint pain, increased hair growth, and edema.

Stress to the liver and even liver damage can occur when it has to process large dosages of the synthetic forms of HGH in the blood.The risk of your body producing less growth hormone as a result of increased synthetic levels in the blood is also real. In some cases the pituitary gland might entirely stop producing any hgh.

An individual needs to look at the benefits and side effects to determine if HGH therapy is for them. Weighing all the risks and considering the many alternatives are important to making an informed decision.

With obesity rates continuing to soar in the West it is perhaps not surprising that we are seeing a growing number of overweight children. Of course the effects of childhood obesity are all too obvious, but precisely what is it that causes childhood obesity?

The simple answer is that there is no one cause of child obesity and there are a variety of things which give rise to obesity in our children.

It is generally the case for instance that a child whose parents are overweight or obese will be overweight or obese which suggests that there may well be an inherited or genetic element to obesity. However, although this is an area that is currently being studied, no clear genetic link has so far been discovered and it is felt much more likely that it is the diet and eating habits within the family that lead to obesity and not genetics.

We have witnessed a considerable change in eating habits in the last few years with fast food restaurants appearing on every street corner, junk food widely available and the shelves of our supermarkets lined with ‘convenience’ foods which are more often than not very high in sugar. The days when we sat down to home cooked meals are long gone in the majority of households and have been replaced by take-away food or microwave meals. In fact, all too many parents are now opting to take their children out for a pizza instead of preparing meals at home not just because it is easier than cooking a meal but also because it saves a lot of washing up!

We have also seen a very marked drop in activity levels for many groups of children, spurred on in no small measure by the arrival of computers, video games consoles and now the ubiquitous mobile phone. Of course, as activity levels have dropped so children have lost their god given ability to burn off the calories gained from eating a growing quantity of junk food.

The Internet, magazines, television and other forms of media also play an important role as they all but dominate our childrens’ lives and fast food, junk food and candy manufacturers are not slow in jumping onto this particular bandwagon and take full advantage of the advertising opportunity provided by the media. Many people would argue that advertising has done more to encourage the rise in childhood obesity than almost anything else in the last few years.

There are also many psychological factors at play in the world today and many children today will simply eat whenever they get bored. Additionally, they will turn to food when they find themselves angry, stressed, depressed or anxious.

Right now a great deal of medical research is being directed towards the cause of child obesity and its treatment and much of this is aimed at finding a solution to the problem using diet and exercise once confronted with an obese child. However, with childhood obesity continuing to grow at an alarming rate, and with the obvious dangers of child obesity, perhaps it is now time to attack the roots of the problem and to stop our children from getting obese in the first place.

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Have you fallen prey to the disease of the new millenia? Has obesity claimed your life, so much so, that your loved ones think that you prefer food to them?

Do your friends make fun of your obese figure? Then its time to shed that extra flab and reclaim your life! There are numerous options available to help you tone yourself and burn body fat, but they may confuse and baffle you, unless you do thorough research.

In the first instance, you should look at different websites and check out the fat loss programs offered by them. Don’t forget to consult a doctor first and get your body measurements done. This will be useful in deciding what sort of exercise pattern or diet will be suited for your purpose. Learn more about the type of body you have…

Is there something wrong with you genetically? Are you prone to gaining weight quite easily? Some medical tests would surely be a great help before you plunge into a new diet or get into the groove of a strenuous exercise regime.

Have you noticed how the number of overweight people is multiplying at an astronomical rate with every year that passes? What is the main cause behind it? An inactive lifestyle plus an extremely unhealthy diet, has resulted in this worldwide problem.

To cope with this problem, several health clubs and spas offer various kinds of diets for fat loss. They are not free, but these diets are also available on the internet. So before you invest your hard earned money on it, we recommend that you check out all the help with weight loss guides that are available on the internet, what do they comprise of, do you have the body to carry off such a diet, does it pack in the energy needed for your day to day activities, etc.

Not all diets are suitable for everyone, so instead of buying a useless product due to lack of research, choose something that will pay off in the long run. Read any reviews and customer feedback on these fat loss programs, and check to see if they are any good.

Discuss with a health professional whether this health product would benefit you or do you more harm than good.

Have you questioned yourself about what type of calorie intake would be suitable for a person of your bone mass ratio? Is this sounding strange to you? Don’t be afraid, because the internet is always there to help you out with these trivial issues. Some websites offer assistance regarding the exercises, cardiovascular and weight training equipment, recipes for different healthy diets(low calorie, high in Fiber), protein supplements, health capsules, herbal fat-burning medicines and others.

The obvious question that strikes us, is, whether there is a genuinely good 2 week weight loss program at all.

You must understand that the process of burning fat and keeping the weight off is not an overnight one. It takes time, so on your part, you need to be motivated enough to adhere to your weight loss program over the months and years.

Your determination to stay fit will make all the difference.