Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

Liposuction is commonly referred to as liposculpture, suction lipectomy (“suction-assisted fat removal”) or lipoplasty (“fat modeling”) and is a form of body contouring. To put it another way fat is removed from various parts of the body to help achieve a desired shape. Liposuction has been around since the 1960’s however it is only since the 1990’s that it has become increasingly popular|so incredibly popular. Before then the procedures utilized were less successful, and the results were mixed. It was in the 1990’s that ultrasound was introduced into the liposuction technique, which made it far less difficult to remove larger amounts of fat. This was achieved by first liquefying the fat.

It’s not uniquely women who seek the help of liposuction surgeons but men also. 20 years ago this was rarely, if ever, heard of, but in today’s society men are commonly having the very same beauty procedures as women. Men often wish to have specific areas of the body sculptured, for example, male breasts, abdomen and flanks, women usually wish to treat such such parts of the body as the thighs, abdomen and hips. Whatever place one chooses to have contoured it would be wise to be mindful that all cosmetic surgery has a few risks. Sadly there are negative aspects to having liposuction, if an extremely large amount of fat is removed, the area can sometimes be lumpy, or appear to have rifts in the skin.

One important aspect of liposuction, which must not be overlooked, is that it should never be used as an alternative to diet and exercise. There are large number of contraindications to liposuction and being dangerously overweight is one of them. An aesthetic surgeon will frequently refuse to operate on anybody who is morbidly or severely obese. This is not an act of discrimination, but justa medical decision based on proven facts. People who suffer from obesity are nearly always very unfit and generally not in good health, both of which cancels out one’s eligibility for the procedure. There are also risks with anesthesia if a person is overweight. The best candidates for liposuction are those folk who are in generally good shape and healthy, and who do not smoke tobacco.

Liposuction is performed either; using general anesthesia, local anesthesia with sedation, or local anesthesia, local anesthesia. At the start of the procedure the surgeon will make very small cuts in the skin at the areas where the offending fat is to be removed. Generally the fat is removed via a cannula and aspirator (a hollow tube and a suction device) During the surgery, several points are considered that can the amount of fat that can safely be removed. The safety issues are not only relate to the amount of fat extracted, but also to the total health of the person, and the choice of anesthesia used.

The method called hearing therapy is a health-related specialty which deals with the treatment of hearing impairment, which may be the result of congenital diseases, accidents or trauma, side effects of medications as well as illness like German measles and infection.

People Who Need Hearing Therapy

Individuals who need hearing therapy may include the following:

* For those with acute or progressive hearing loss
* For the indviduals or family members that that need to comminicate effectively with people that have hearing impairment
* Individuals who are in need of instruction on the proper use of assistive-hearing devices

Those That Provide Hearing Therapy

In most cases it is the audiologist who provides hearing therapy. An audiologist is a medical professional who diagnoses and treats any form of hearing impairment or loss. Based on the diagnosis, the audiologist presents various treatment options to the individual. They can also dispense hearing aids and other assistive-hearing devices as part of any hearing therapy program that they may choose to implement for a patient. The program may also include a referral for possible surgical treatment as deemed necessary by the audiologist.

Know More About The AV Approach

The Auditory – Verbal approach is one model of hearing therapy for hearing-impaired children which has been practiced for more than 30 years. It involves the use of individualized, diagnostic sessions which uses hearing technology to acquire listening as the main avenue to develop spoken language. The A-V method is based on the principle that children with mild to moderate hearing loss can communicate through speech if they have the appropriate amplification and enough listening and language stimulation to develop their hearing potential.

What About Music Therapy

Some may consider music therapy as impractical and ineffective, however the proponents of this method stress it’s usefulness in the treatment of the hearing impaired due to the variety of frequencies and the usual intesity that is found in music, that makes it very accessible to the hearing impaired. In addition music is also very flexible and can be modified accordingly to suit the needs and tastes of each individual.

Proponents of music therapy count the following as the main benefits of music therapy in the hearing impaired:

* It can enhance auditory training and  encourage the use of residual hearing
* Enhance language  development
* Enhance communication skills
* The enhancement of pysical well-being emotions
* Enhance education through improvements in language and communication
* The promotion of self awareness, socialization and improvement of self-esteem
* Great tool for self-expression
* Promotes a sense of social responsibility

Cellulite may not be a medical problem, but it is so concerning to millions of women, that it may as well be. Because of this concern, we cellulite sufferers are lucky that so much effort has gone into finding effective treatments. Of course, those efforts have thrown up a lot of misinformation and bogus treatments as well.

The fact is, there is no cure for cellulite, and researchers really don’t know the cause of it. A number of theories have been proposed, including toxins, water retention, changes to the fat cells, and changes to the connective tissues in the affected area. Heredity is believed to play a large part, as is poor choices with regards food and exercise. The general consensus is that cellulite is caused by a combination of these issues.

Treatments range from the more expensive salon treatments like body wrapping, endermologie, and mesotherapy, to home treatments like cellulite creams, massage devices, and suction cups. There are also herbs and supplements that can assist. Can these cellulite treatments really work?

Salon Treatments

Salon treatments include mesotherapy and endermologie, as well as countless creams, wraps and massage. The endermologie and mesotherapy treatments are the only two that can have a lasting , although still temporary, effect on cellulite. However, they do cost more. Whilst it may seem a contradiction that something can have both lasting yet temporary effects, it’s all relative. Compared to other forms of cellulite treatment, the effects of these two can seem to last a long time. After the initial course of treatments, you may only need follow-up treatments every month or every few months. This is compared to the almost continuous use needed for creams and wraps.

A course of treatments for endermologie and mesotherapy is required, and they can also be a bit painful. It can take two to three weeks before any change in your cellulite is seen.

Home Treatments

Home treatments usually encompass the many contouring creams on the market, and a number of body wraps and massagers that are available for home use. The creams exert the most temporary of temporary effects, and the massagers tend to be the most effective of the home treatments. The body wraps vary. Herbal and mineral rich, these wraps are good for detoxing your skin, and may help you lose an inch or two from drawing out excess water from your skin.

You’ll need to invest either time or money, or both, to see any improvement in your cellulite. For many women, salon treatments are not a viable option, given their expense. Fortunately, you can buy some great home cellulite creams and wraps that are just as effective as their salon sisters. And creams like avon cellulite cream can also help you lose a couple of inches. But endermologie and mesotherapy are better than those. Even the temporary cellulite creams and body wraps can have a dramatic effect, smoothing skin and reducing dimples, making them worthwhile for those whose appearance is a concern for them.