Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

sleep disorders

Newsweek called Medline “the absolute best source of up-to-date medical information on just about every disease or condition, plus any medications you might need to know about. It’s one-stop shopping and your tax dollars pay for it, so you should use it!” The Wall Street Journal added that “MedlinePlus should be the first stop in any internet health search.” The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) gave this health site an 86/100 score, which is the highest of any government site, and Yahoo said it’s one of the “seven most trusted health sites on the net.” If you’re looking for medical advice, information, research or local resources, then join the 32 million visitors who come to Medline each month.

Medline offers many unique functions to enhance your understanding and enrich your life. For instance, if you are about to undergo a colonoscopy or hip replacement surgery, a biopsy, a laparoscopy, LASIK eye surgery or another procedure, then you can watch an interactive tutorial that will show you what will be done and alleviate some of the mystery and anxiety. Another resource you may find very useful is the “Health Check Tools” page, which gives you educational quizzes about breast cancer, arthritis or alcoholism, as well as an “alcohol calorie intake counter,” a mental health screening quiz, a cancer risk questionnaire, a diabetic “rate your plate” assessment, a target heart rate calculator, an interactive menu planner and a risk assessment tool for coronary heart disease.

Medline is set up to accommodate all different types of people. Speak Spanish? No problem, as there is a version en Espanol, as well as forty other languages! Is your eye sight failing? Don’t worry, there is a version, located on the lower right-hand corner of the “Health Topics” page, which offers an easier to view page.

Did you hear about a drug on television, from a friend, in the news or from your doctor that you’d like to know more about? Medline has a comprehensive “Drug Information” section. For example, if you were to look up Lunesta, a chronic fatigue drug used to treat sleep disorders, then you can have the following questions answered: Why is this drug prescribed? How should this medication be used? What are other uses for this medication? What special precautions should I follow? What special dietary instructions should I follow? What should I do if I forget a dose? What side effects can this medication cause? What storage conditions are needed for this medication? What should I do in case of an overdose? What other information should I know? What are the brand names for this drug? The answers are presented all on one page with quick, informative, bulleted responses for a quick scan.

As the G.I. Joes said, “Knowing is half the battle.” The more educated you are, the better chance you will have at living efficiently. No one wants to live out the last 20 years of life stuck in a wheelchair with limited mobility. We want to be looking great and feeling great for as long as possible! Whether you’re looking for research to give you renewed optimism for a chronic disease or information on a medical procedure/medication you’ve been prescribed, Medline is a gold mine of medical information, paid for by your tax dollars. So why not take a look and get your money’s worth? Visit Medline at

For enthusiasts and true believers, kettlebells are considered as “the ultimate tool for extreme all-round fitness.” Proponents of kettlebell training attest that the benefits of training with kettlebells exceed the other training equipment.

Here are the top five benefits of training with kettlebells according to the experts:

1. Kettlebell training is several different workouts combined into one. For people who think they need separate workouts for strength training, flexibility, cardio and core conditioning, think again. No more than 45 minutes of Kettlebell training is required to equal a full body workout.

2. A workout consisting of high repetition kettlebell training is considered to be aerobic. Men who are apprehensive to join a step aerobics class or who may be easily bored with less intense cardio programs now have an alternate. Women who enjoy intense cardio workouts can also develop strength for overall health. Bottom line, you’ll get the best of both worlds simply with kettlebell training.

3. The kettlebell will give you infinite freedom of lifting. A kettlebell workout is unique in how it strengthens the stabilizing and supporting muscles. Traditional weightlifting actually discourages the use of stabilizing muscles, ligaments, and tendons and target one particular muscle group at a time.  With kettlebells, you are working more areas of your body all at the same time. If you desire a svelte look, kettleball training will help you eliminate body fat, increase muscle tone, enhance tendons and  ligaments as well as build body endurance for daily tasks.

Four. By design, kettlebells lessen training injury risks Training with kettlebells are highly unlikely to cause a shoulder injury.
In addition, the position of the handle allows dynamic passing of the kettlebell from hand to hand for a great variety of powerful juggling type exercises strongly endorsed by the Russian Federation State Committee on Physical Culture. These drills develop dynamic strength and injury-proof the body in many planes unlike conventional linear exercise.

5. Kettlebells can be so much fun! You are better off to try this than go to a sweaty gym. Save on gym membership fees and do your training where you love it the most. You can even do most of your training outdoors. Kettlebell exercises and movements are simple, fun, unique and you can combine it with other exercise modalities. Use your imagination and creativity. Have a great time and have fun with the overall results!

A bonus benefit is:  These cost less when compared to other kinds of exercise equipment.  You can get a complete body workout including cardio and resistance training and do it in around 20 minutes a day in one piece of equipment for under $100.

Without paying a sky-high cost you can get maximum output from kettlebell taining. There is no good reason to wait any longer. It is time to begin kettlebell training!

You can learn about kettlebell reviews and buy kettlebells cheap at

The main reason why people prefer eating organic herbs is that such herbs are not known to contain harmful chemicals or any other forms of artificial substances. There are several dangers to consuming foods that contain chemicals and so, it is advisable to look for alternative foods that are devoid of harmful chemical substances and pesticides.


Zestful Flavors


Besides being healthier, organic herbs also give you a better taste and they add zest to the flavor of the foods that you eat, and best of all, they have medicinal properties as well. If you want to live a healthier life and want to avoid foods that are loaded with preservatives and other artificial ingredients then organic herbs are a good alternate food available to you.


It is also a good idea to have a stock of bulk organic herbs on hand as these will come in very handy when you go about preparing healthy dishes at home. You can easily choose from items such as bay leaf, curry powder and basil as well as cumin – to name but a few of the many organic herbs that are readily available on the market today.


Organic herbs are also used to make teas with extra fragrance and chamomile as well as peppermint comes to mind in this regard. You will enjoy taking these organic herbs at any time of the day or even at night as they are very refreshing and have a soothing effect on your stomach. You can even combine different organic herbs to make your own blends that have the type of taste that suits you the best. So, for sweet taste, you can try blending chamomile and peppermint along with some cinnamon as well as licorice root.


If you are planning on using organic herbs for commercial purposes you can save a lot of money by buying your organic herbs from wholesalers. When purchased in bulk quantities you could negotiate for decent discounts on the purchase price. Organic foods are fast becoming the popular choice of food among health conscious people.


As a matter of fact, there are also many fresh herbs available that will help you cook up dishes that can even help to heal different kinds of ailments that you may be suffering from. Other than that , the genuineness of organic herbs is an important reason why these herbs have become so popular and if you reserve your shelves with such herbs, you will be able to enjoy your meals and also can expect to live a longer life.