If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how debilitating they can be. Migraine headache symptoms vary from person to person but it’s important to know what yours are, as well as what’s causing your migraines, in order for you to find proper migraine headache treatment. Whether you suffer from frequent migraines or merely sporadic migraines, record every variable you can think in order to pin point the cause of this horrible feeling. Record the time, what you ate up until that time, the weather, your location, any perfumes or colognes you may be wearing, and anything else you can think of that may be causing your migraine headache symptoms.
Frequent Migraines
If you experience frequent migraine headaches, that should be a huge red flag that something’s wrong. But don’t worry. It’s not likely a brain tumor or something really serious as you may think. It could be something such as a food allergy or an allergy to something else. What you should do is record all the variables that occur whenever you experience your migraine. For instance, if you always get them in the morning right after you eat cereal and milk, it could be a milk
allergy. Try cutting out those foods, or changing those variables around to see if you still experience migraine headaches. If you can’t figure it out even after experimentation, try going to a doctor who will help you better diagnose why you get migraine headaches.
Occasional Migraines
If you only get migraine headaches occasionally, over the counter aspirin or ibuprofen should help. You can also try an ice pack on the back of your neck or a heating pad might also do the trick. What works for one person might not work for all so try to test out various versions of migraine headache relief. And, again, if nothing works a visit to your doctor is probably a good idea.
Sometimes, you can find a link. Try to change that variable. Hopefully, by doing that, you can prevent the migraine headache symptoms from ever coming back. If you can’t seem to make any progress, it’s that time that you should see a doctor as there may be something more serious going on that you’re not aware of.