Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category


Steam Baths For Skin Care

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Steam rooms are known as being an aid for skin care. People who use them regularly probably know that there aren’t many things better for your skin than a good heavy sweat.

To understand how a steam room benefits your skin, it helps to have an idea what happens to your body during a steam bath…

It’s Hot In There!

From the moment you step inside a steam room, your built-in cooling system starts to kick into overdrive. Two of the many reactions that occur are an increase in…

1. blood circulation and

2. sweat production

Your body maintains a certain temperature commonly referred to as its basal body temperature (normally 98.6 F).

When your steam bath begins, your body increases sweat production in an effort to regulate its temperature.

At first, your body is able to fight off the heat by increasing circulation and sweating, but…

When your body is no longer able to dissipate the heat, your body temperature starts to rise. Blood is then forcefully shunted toward the surface of your skin and sweating increases.

This is where the skin care benefits kick in…

Clean Out Those Pores!

While a shower rinses dirt off your body’s surface, the heavy sweating in a steam room rinses out your pores. This removes dead skin and impurities and leaves your skin feeling squeaky clean and silky smooth!

A plain old shower or bath just doesn’t compare.

Blood Circulation Benefit

The increase in blood circulation brings more oxygen and nutrients to your skin surface. One way this benefits your skin is by enhancing collagen reproduction.

Collagen is partly responsible for your skin’s strength and elasticity.

In summary…

You can see how taking steam baths regularly will most likely improve your skin complexion and the way it feels. Heavy sweating combined with the increase in blood circulation is why steam rooms are good for skin care.

Visit for more info about home steam rooms and steam room benefits.


First Symptoms of Menopause

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What to Expect Symptom-Wise

Perhaps one of the most significant first symptoms of menopause is the hot flashes which can cause you to sweat at night or even during the day when everyone else is comfortable or even cold. These hot flashes may or may not be accompanied by red blotchy skin, flushed skin or even a prickly kind of heat. 

If you normally experience pre-menstrual symptoms like cramps and mood swings, chances are that these symptoms will worsen as time gets closer to menopause. Other early signs of menopause include irregular periods, tenderness of the breasts, sleeping problems and fatigue. In terms of sex, your libido may decrease and there may be some pain during sex due to vaginal dryness.      

Urinary problems may also be early signs of menopause but should always be checked out by a doctor to re-affirm the cause. Frequent need to urinate, development of a urinary tract infection and even leakage of urine when sneezing, coughing or exercising can also be attributed to perimenopause.

Hot Flashes and Weight Gain

I then began to experience another one of the first signs of menopause, hot flashes.  These are called, in clinical terms, vasomotor symptoms.  These happen mostly at night.  They would occasionally surprise me during the day.  Being a fair skinned blond, I blush easily.  I would be sitting in a business meeting and suddenly begin feeling very warm and flush.  This would be quite apparent to others in the room.  During the night I would wake during one of these hot flashes, my clothes damp and sweaty. The ten pounds I gained during the next few months is another one of the first symptoms of menopause. 

Exercise Prescription

Hot flashes, gaining weight, and lack of sleep can result in moodiness and depression.  There are a few things you can do to prepare for this time of life or relieve some of these first symptoms of menopause if you are already experiencing them.  I started an exercise program.  Exercise can help reduce these symptoms and decrease the possibility of heart disease, osteoporosis, and obesity.  I joined a local gym and sought the advice of a female personal trainer.  She helped develop an individualized exercise routine according to my medical and exercise history.

The actual event itself will likely come with little fanfare as you have been experiencing the early signs of menopause for years. You are in true menopause when you have not had a period for at least one year. Of course, those symptoms will likely continue for a while longer past the perimenopausal stage. The real kick in the pants comes with the fact that you can still get pregnant while still exhibiting the early signs of menopause. As long as you are still having periods, that means you are still ovulating and thereby there is always a small chance of pregnancy.

Our appearance improves dramatically when we look after our tresses. The time you put into your hair care treatments will begin to show very quickly. Your hair will feel healthy plus your appearance will make you feel good too. You can care for your hair in so many ways, both internally and externally.

One of the most effective hair care treatments for you to try is your diet. If your diet can be healthier so will your hair become healthier and more vibrant. Just like the rest of your body, your hair also needs to have adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals to be completely healthy. Calcium, iron and vitamin E are some of the most essential nutrients for healthy hair. In addition to these dietary requirements, you should also develop some hair habits such as brushing every night before sleeping and avoiding the use of a blow dryer.

Dyeing your hair can be great for concealing the white strands that are starting to appear, as well as for changing your look. However, it would be better if you can reduce the frequency of applying dyes because this can cause a lot of damage to your hair. Instead, you can opt for hair coloring products that have mehandi, which is an ingredient that is good both as a colorant and a conditioner as well.

If you bathe at night it is advised you make sure your hair is completely dry before you retire. Removing all accessories such as barrettes, pins and elastics before going to bed is also recommended. Sleeping with these accessories still in your hair can not only result in hair damage but it can also put you at risk of sustaining scratches and other physical injuries.

Applying natural oils to your hair can add shine and smoothness and boost its overall health. Any natural hair care treatment is a plus. According to hair care experts, the well-kept secret of many people with great hair is the daily application of ylang-ylang and rosemary essences to their tresses.

If you search the Internet, you will discover hundreds of other natural hair care tips, some of which can actually sound ridiculous. However, you have nothing to lose by trying these hair care tips to see which will actually work best for you. You are all different and therefore your hair care treatments will differ.