Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

It is natural to notice your body going through some changes, when you are pregnant. While a lot of the changes are expected, not many women are prepared for hair loss after pregnancy. Generally, people know that funny things happen to their hair when they’re pregnant. However, most don’t realize that a great amount of hair loss happens after pregnancy.

In fact, it is about three months after giving birth that most of the hair loss takes place. Hormones are on a high during pregnancy which helps avoid too much hair loss during the nine months. Hormone levels will begin to go back to normal about three months after having a baby.

As the body adjust to hormones returning to normal, you’re bound to lose some hair. This is completely natural. So, there’s no need to panic. The hair thins a little with the hormone changes and then the normal cycle for your hair will be back on track. It is possible and you will notice that the hair comes back completely; though it may take up to six to twelve months. This is a completely natural process. Let’s look at it this way. You didn’t have to pay a thing for the luxurious hair you gained when you were pregnant.

If the hair loss really bothers you, there are ways to deal with it. You should actually talk with your doctor so you can make sure that your hormones are at the level they are supposed to be at. Also try to avoid pigtails, braids, or tight hair rollers. Anything that pulls on your hair and gives it stress should be avoided. You should also make sure that your diet is high in vegetables and fruits.  These type of food have antioxidants and flavanoids that will strengthen hair follicles. Silica and biotin in your shampoo and conditioner would help.

When using a blow dryer make sure that you are using the lowest setting, as wet hair is very fragile and can be easily damaged. Also, your going to want to make sure that you don’t brush your hair while it’s wet, because this can lead to more hair loss. Take vitamin supplements if you feel as though you are not getting enough nutrients and vitamins in your diet already. Take as many precautions as you can and you will end up in a better position.

Just keep in mind that you will not be able to stop hair loss after pregnancy completely. The best thing you can do is protect the hair that you already have, making it as healthy and strong as possible to minimize your hair loss. And remember, if everything fails you, it is only a matter of a few months before you have the head of hair that you are used to and you stop noticing the loss of hair after pregnancy.


There are several proven ways to reduce your chances of catching a cold. First of all you can avoid contact with infected people and items that they have touched. Second, if contact DOES occur, you can take preventative measures by keeping your hands out of your eyes and nose and washing them often. Finally, you can take care of your body and keep it healthy and strong so that it can better fight off the sickness should contact with the virus still occur. Let’s delve into this area a little deeper as it is one of the key components of cold prevention.

Improving your immune system function is one of the best ways to keep your body strong and healthy . The immune system is a complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell-forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris. Good eating habits play a very important role in improving your immune system. There are certain foods, vitamins, and supplements that can boost your immune system and keep your body healthy.


Antioxidants like vitamin C & E offer direct protection for your immune system. Everyone should be taking a multi-vitamin daily not only to aid in immune system health but also for general health and well-being. Some immune system vitamins are packaged as a specific product and sold as a specific immune booster supplement.

Immune Boosting Foods

Sometimes taking vitamins is not as effective as actually eating the foods that contain them. Some of the best immune-boosting foods are yogurt, turmeric, garlic, oregano, red bell peppers, green tea, pumpkins, ginger, oysters, and broccoli. Each of these foods have properties that can boost your overall immune system health.

Physical Factors

Being generally physically fit is a huge factor in boosting your immune functions, but make sure not to overdo it as over-stressing your body can reduce the effectiveness if your immune system. A few other physical factors that can maximize your immune response are minimizing damage via UV and other radiation to the immune system and minimizing the aging process.

If you focus on improving your diet and engaging in immune boosting activities you will reduce the number and severity of colds that you catch.

There is a lot of discussion surrounding the issue of bipolar depression medication, and whether it is the right thing to do. If you are one of the millions of people out there who are presently suffering from bipolar disorder, then this is a topic that is going to be of great importance to you.

If you are bipolar, once you have determined the causes of bipolar depression, what your doctor will probably first suggest is that you start on bipolar depression medication. Now most of the bipolar patients who start taking medication find that the medicine helps them to feel better, and at least gives them a more balanced tone and helps them from feeling so high or low all the time.

However there are certain questions about bipolar depression medication as well that you may be interested in, because some medications offer more unfavorable symptoms and side effects as a result of a person taking them, than benefits.

This is why it is so important that a person weigh out the risks and benefits of a medication before starting on it, and your doctor will work through this with you. If you do decide to start on a bipolar depression medication, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind.

The Selection

The first step will be to learn about the different types of medication that are available for treating bipolar disorder, and working with your doctor to find the one that seems as though it would work best for you. This will depend on a few different factors including your age, the state of health you are in, and whether you have any existing health problems.

Give it Time

When you are taking any sort of bipolar depression medication, you need to give it time. At first you may experience some side effects that are not at all fun, but these are only temporary and should go away over time. Most medications take up to six weeks to offer full results, so give it time to work and do its job.

Don’t Stop Taking it

One of the biggest mistakes that bipolar patients make is they stop taking their medication abruptly. It is important that you never do this, because it will do you much more harm than good, and can be permanently damaging. Especially if you have been taking the medication for an extended period of time, this means that your body will have become accustomed to it and so you will go through withdrawal if you stop suddenly.

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