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Beer beverages are one of the oldest beverages, probably as old as agriculture, with the first written history of beer-like beverages being recorded in ancient Egypt. Most likely, these beer-like beverages that contained carbohydrates and underwent fermentation were independently invented among various cultures.
In the middle ages, beer beverages were consumed by all social classes since the purity of water could not be guaranteed. Beer was particularly popular in the northern regions of Europe because it was easier to grow oats, barley and wheat as compared to fruits, such as grapes, used to make wine. A Carolingian Abbot introduced hops to beer beverages in 822. Along with flavoring the beers hops improved it’s conserving properties and beer would not spoil as easily. Hopped beer was perfected in the towns in Germany by the 13th century.
Nowadays beer beverages are promoted as the ultimate man’s drink, probably because the carbonated bitter brew appeals to men’s taste buds more so than to women.  There are no shortages of commercials depicting “A clear hot day with virile sexy hunks choosing this foam headed brew to quench their thirst. No female in her right mind can ever resist such a testosterone oozing male, particularly after having a brew.” So, is the myth true? After having one or more of this thirst quenching brew, will the human male turn into an irresistible stud muffin?

Let’s take a closer look at the composition of beer.
Beer is obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of a malted cereal, usually barley malt with or without other sugars, and to which hops have been added. A typical beer will contain water, carbohydrates in the form of maltose and dextrin, hops, yeast, and alcohol.  More than 90% of beer is water and breweries generally get their water from a well or spring, or they use tap water. There are many salts and minerals in the water, which affect the ultimate flavor and head formation of the beer.

Malt is the sugar that comes from the grain and that is fermented into an alcohol. Barley is generally used, but at times wheat and occasionally oats or spelt are used. Sugar is often added to help the fermentation. Yeast is a single cell micro-organism needed in the brewing process for converting fermentable sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Hops, whose scientific name is Humulus lupulus, give beer its bitter flavor and are also a natural preservative. Only the flowers from the female hops are used for beer, and these flowers contain lupulin, a resinous substance that gives the typical bitter flavor.  Besides being used for its bitter taste and natural preservative properties hops have many other useful medicinal properties. The strong bitter flavor makes them a great candidate to strengthen and stimulate the digestion, increasing gastric and other secretions.  Hops are potent diuretics; this is why after drinking beer you are constantly running to the bathroom to empty your bladder.  Also hops have calming and sedative properties.  Often you feel like having a nap after drinking a beer.

The female flower of hops contains phyto-estrogens with powerful estrogenic activity. Therefore, hops are often recommended in herbal remedies for females with menstrual problems and menopause symptoms.   These phyto-estrogens are detected in beer beverages and with each bottle of beer a man drinks he is consuming some estrogen with that beer.  Heavy beer drinkers consume a significant amount of estrogen. Males naturally have small amounts of estrogen in their body due to the testosterone conversion process. But an excess of estrogen will shut down the production of testosterone from the testes, which results in the following:
Loss of muscle tone;
Increased body fat;
Enlarged prostate;

Last, but not least, is the loss of libido and sexual function.  So, sorry guys, but beer will not turn you into an irresistible stud muffin, it will more likely turn you into a doughboy!!!!

For some people there comes a time in their lives where they are simply not happy with specific parts of their body and they consider getting a little liposuction done. However, while the majority of individuals are innocently enough thinking of getting these procedures completed, not many really understand the liposuction costs that are involved.

A person who is considering these procedures on one or more areas is looking at somewhere between $3,000 to $10,000. The reality for many people is unless you have been budgeting for a while, it is more than likely that you will need to take out a loan so you can get the surgery since liposuction costs money.

While there are numerous unique costs that each individual surgeon asks for their respective services, many of the costs involved are primarily universal. However, it is usually a wise idea to consult with a few different doctors so that you can make certain the amount you are paying is standard for the industry for the kind of procedure you are asking for.

Nevertheless, you should be prepared, since regardless of where you go, it is likely to be expensive regardless or how you look at it. You are obviously going to make certain that the surgeon that you pick is a good choice.

Basic Liposuction Costs

The costs are highly dependent on what you are going to get however lets say for instance that you really are just looking to focus on one specific area that you wish to improve. The basic liposuction costs for one specific area is roughly $3,500 and that just covers a basic fee for the surgeon and the anesthesiologists and the primary run of the mill fee for the facility.

Certainly, the bulk of the funds is going to go to the surgeon, since they are the ones that are performing the main task. If you are looking to get three areas done the fees run around $7,000 which is not that bad for the quantity of body mass that is being removed from the three separate areas on the body.

In the case of you looking to get as much fat sucked out of you as possible while you are on the operating room table you are going for five areas of the body. The basic liposuction cost for five areas of your body can run you roughly $10,000. Quite a few surgeons may also suggest some added work for when you are on the operating room table.

If you are thinking of getting a buttock lift to your already expensive liposuction costs, you are looking at an added $5,000 and if you are considering a tummy tuck that will run you an added $5,000. However, for those individuals on a budget, you can always get a laser treatment if they have leg veins and that is just a lesser fee of $400.

To learn more go to Liposuction and at Tampa Face Liposuction

Making an informed decision about any surgery requires that you feel secure in your knowledge and understanding of the procedure that you will be having, which in this case is liposuction surgery. The Tumescent Liposuction technique has been recognized as the procedure with the least amount of pain, the greatest safety, the quickest recovery time and the best results.

Liposuction is often referred to as body sculpture and is heralded as a dream come true. If you have localized areas of accumulated fat that even dieting and exercising will not remove, then it is likely an inherited trait, which until recently you were stuck with no matter what. Liposuction surgery has made tremendous strides since its inception, such as being able to perform the procedure in an outpatient surgery center rather than a hospital. A great plus for the Tumescent procedure is that most patients will be able to walk out of the center or doctors office within 30 minutes after the procedure and should be able to go back to work within a day or two.

It is also interesting to note that for both women and men this is a very popular choice. In women, the most commonly treated areas for liposuction procedures are the abdomen, thighs, knees, hips, calves and ankles. Chin liposuction has also become popular. For men, the most commonly treated areas are “love handles,” the abdomen, breast and the chin, as well as neck liposuction.

The body fat of an adult usually increases gradually over the years and normally after the age of 30 much of the fat is the result of a genetically predetermined pattern. Unfortunately, this fat distribution tends to be resistant to exercising and dieting. For many individuals who have inherited this trait a liposuction procedure is the only realistic means of changing their body.

Fat cells that are removed during liposuction do not grow back. As long as you do not gain an excessive amount of weight, the results are permanent. If there is one complaint that most patients have in common, then it is the fact that due to post surgical swelling the ultimate results normally require 12 to 16 weeks to become completely apparent.

One factor that makes the Tumescent liposuction technique so popular is that it is performed completely under local anesthesia rather than a general anesthesia used during most surgeries. This eliminates the need for dangerous drugs and there is no nausea that can happen when using general anesthesia.

As with any surgical procedure, liposuction surgery is associated with some common side-effects, such as bruising, temporary numbness and swelling. And while some irregularities of the skin are possible after liposuction, this side-effect is minimized, along with other side-effects like infections, bleeding and nerve injury by using the Tumescent technique. Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of this procedure is the minimal downtime involved, which those individuals with busy lifestyles really appreciate.

Liposuction recovery, after using general anesthesia, must be done in a recovery room until the doctor is satisfied that things such as blood loss, nausea and vomiting are under control. However, after having Tumescent liposuction, where local anesthesia was used there is little to no nausea and virtually no blood loss. At times a patient undergoing the Tumescent technique may be on the surgical table longer as it takes a while to inject the local anesthesia, however with the quicker recovery period it works out to roughly the same amount of time spent.

Liposuction can be the answer for many people that are suffering from excess weight that will not come off with diet and exercise. No matter how much you try to lose those pockets of cellulite through diet and exercise they just seem to never disappear. Before you go under the knife by a cosmetic surgeon you can check out other methods to get rid of that cellulite or at least reduce how it looks. You can be the shape you want without the surgery. All you have to do is begin your search by clicking here:Chin Liposuction and at Park City Liposuction