Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category

Maybe you already know that there are numerous advantages to a stretching routine for your muscles. But did you know that there are actually two different kinds of stretches? These motions are commonly called static or dynamic stretches.

Dynamic stretching routines are most beneficial just before engaging in heavy cardiovascular exercise. This might include a workout at the fitness club, participating in a team sport, or taking a dance class. Dynamic stretches incorporate muscle movement into the routine. A static stretch involves holding a position for at least 10 seconds before you relax the muscle.

Each of these stretching techniques has its pros and cons. Static stretches particularly seem to cause controversy among fitness experts. Although stretching routines have been practiced for countless years, there is still some disagreement with regard to the benefits of each particular style.

Static Stretches

Static stretches are most often performed prior to an extended period of physical activity such as strength training or a cardiovascular workout. The benefits of static stretches for your muscles are impressive. Among these is improved blood flow. Better blood circulation leads to a better delivery of oxygen to your muscles and organs.

You can do the most good for your muscles by performing several kinds of stretches. These should each be targeted to a different area of your body. This includes your back, neck, legs, arms and chest muscles.

Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretches are common among professional and competition athletes. But they have benefits even if you’re not heading into an intense workout. When you’re doing this type of stretch, you need to make sure you’re moving at the same time you achieve the greatest muscle stretch you can.

When you’re doing a dynamic stretching routine, your muscles must be warmed up so they can be pushed to the maximum. Getting into high gear with cold muscles can lead to injury, strains and cramps.

So you now see that static stretches and dynamic stertches each have their strong points. The choice is yours depending on the fitness program you’ve committed to.

Saunas have been around since antiquity and are still very popular today. Let’s explore the history of saunas and learn how they work

Saunas are designed to provide either moist or dry heat. This takes place in a small room where bathers remove their clothing and assume a comfortable position while the hot temperature (greater than 80 °C) penetrates their pores. The opening of the pores and sweating make it possible for impurities to easily be removed from the body. If water is poured on the hot stones, steam is produced which makes the sauna moist. The sauna is loved not only for it’s relaxing properties, but also for improving the immune system and helping detoxify the body.

The word sauna simply means a traditional Finnish bath. In ancient times, saunas were small dwellings dug in the bottom of hills and slopes to keep people warm in winter. The sauna consisted of a fire wherein stones were heated to high temperatures, then doused in water to release steam heat.The heat would be so strong that often people would undress when this was done.

Eventually the sauna was improved with the addition of a metal woodstove and chimney. In traditional Finnish saunas the temperatures within often exceeded 90 degrees Celcius. Steam vapor was also generated by spraying water onto the heated stones. The steam vapor and high heat caused bathers to sweat a great deal.

In order to take full advantage of the sauna, the Finns gathered a bundle of bird branches containing tiny, fresh leaves. This was called a vihta.Many bathers continue to practice this today because the vihta stimulates the pores and cells, therefore improving blood circulation. Also, the pleasant birch scent aides in relaxation.

As previously noted, a sauna is a wonderful and effective way to relieve stress. It accomplishes this in two basic ways. One obvious way is psychological; the heat and steam have a highly relaxing effect. The other way in which a sauna relieves stress is by releasing chemicals from the body. When your skin heats up during a bath, large quantities of chemicals that cause stress are expelled from the body. Thus, in addition to reducing the amount of chemicals in the body, the sauna bath also slows the formation of chemicals.

The opening of the pores also makes it easier to remove toxins from the body. Toxins travel through your sweat glands and are released with your perspiration. As noted earlier, a sauna creates a high amount of perspiration and therefore is excellent for detoxification

Finns utilize saunas on a regular basis, and saunas are lauded thoughout Finland as the best, most natural way to cleanse oneself both in body and mind. Then and now, the sauna remains a key component to healthy living in Finland. Families often bathed together in home saunas, and in the past Finnish women often gave birth in saunas.

When the Finns migrated to the different parts of the globe they shared their knowledge of sauna designs and customs. They taught other cultures about the sauna’s health benefits which helped the sauna to evolve further. Eventually, this led to the development of electric sauna stoves and far infrared saunas which became quite popular. Since then various cultures around the world have been recognizing, adopting and improvising the sauna.

When you think about living a health fitness lifestyle, what does that really mean? Basically it means getting in some moderate exercise on a weekly basis, eating healthily, and quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption and maintaining a normal weight. To the average person who is strapped for time and busy with job and family commitments, maintaining your health may seem overwhelming. It does not need to be. As we will see, small changes in your daily living can mean big changes in your health.

Eating right does not have to be a chore. Simple changes you can make while on your next visit to the grocery store can get you on the right path to eating better. Small substitutions like eating more fruit and veggies and eating less refined and processed foods over time saves calories and adds nutrients to your diet. Don’t force yourself to shelve your entire diet and start with something restrictive. Feeling deprived leads to failure. Go slow and enjoy each new item you add to your diet.

Exercise does not have to be a dirty word. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, start slow and increase your activity level as you reach small goals you set for yourself. It may be just using the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Over time, you might decide to walk for part of your lunch break. Eventually you may want to join a fitness center to increase your progress. Go at a pace you are comfortable with and enjoy.

If you smoke, consider a smoking cessation program. There are medications in pill, patch and gum form that can assist you in stopping. Talking to a counselor or adopting a quit-smoking buddy has been shown to help smokers quit smoking at higher rate than trying to go it alone. Side effects of smoking include rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath and more serious problems like cancer, emphysema and heart disease can eventually develop.

Drinking alcohol in moderation has actually been shown to benefit the cardiovascular system. However, consuming more than a glass or two a day can cause liver damage. The liver acts as a giant filter system of the body. When the filter is clogged, the body does not function properly. Jaundice, gallstones, blood clotting difficulties, organ failure and death can result when the liver is compromised.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) can help you calculate what a healthy weight is for your body type. You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight by the square of your height or go online and use a BMI calculating tool. Regulating your diet and adding health fitness weekly can help stabilize your weight.

So you’ve let yourself go. You don’t feel fit. You lack energy. Serious health issues may run in your family. What to do? It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Integrate more healthful food choices into your life. Add health fitness to your routine. Quit smoking and have a glass of red wine with dinner. Eating better and increasing your activity level helps you maintain a normal weight. Each little change gets you closer to the lifestyle goals you set for yourself.

Let’s face the facts…most people do not get the recommended daily exercise they need to stay healthy. Even those that are in their target weight area may not be exercising as they should. It may be that they are embarrassed to exercise in front of others. It might also be that they do not have the time. Even the weather can play havoc on an exercise regime such as walking. But there is a way to get the exercise that is needed. Treadmills are great ways to get in shape and stay healthy. Click here to find out more: 5 Components Of Physical Fitness also Discount  Fitness  Equipment and at Mens Fitness