Archive for the ‘Beauty’ Category

A cosmetic treatment that has become increasingly popular in recent times and with the increase of various celebrities with sparkling perfect smiles most of us feel motivated or even compelled to get a similar sparkling pearly white smile.

With the demand on the increase for teeth whitening procedures there has also been an additional amount of locations that make available these types of services. Teeth whitening by beauty salons has turned highly popular and teeth whitening by beauty salons has become highly sought after and are being highly publicized as a less costly as well as more effective than going to a visit to your local dentist.

Be Cautious of False Advertising

Numerous advertisements of teeth whitening by beauty salons have claimed that the procedure has a more effective result than taking a trip to the dentist and is also less expensive. The latter fact might  be accurate but the former can only be done through increased concentrations of chemicals that bleach, which more often than not can be harmful.

If your local dentist has said that you would not be able to have your teeth whitened to the same degree as your favorite red carpet celebrity then there is likely a good reason for him to tell you that. Excessive chemicals that bleach can be harmful to not only your teeth, mouth, but also for your esophagus and even your stomach.

Teeth whitening procedures by beauty salons frequently utilize an elevated concentration of chemicals compared to what a dentist would use. Even though this might have the effect of making your teeth whiter it might not be safe. Excessive exposure to the chemicals utilized in these types of teeth whitening procedures by beauty salons even when the concentration is at 3% can eventually cause irritation and discomfort to both your mouth as well as gums

Consulting a Professional

The reality of the matter as well as the bottom line is that you are  best off to see a professional dentist in your area. Even though teeth whitening by beauty salons might provide you with the end result that you are hoping for, you also run the potential risk of having your teeth damaged. You might also have even greater problem if you by accident ingest the chemicals used.

The staff of beauty salons typically are not trained similar to dentists and even though they might have has some basic training they mostly will not have the needed experience and extensive training as a dentist would. You will always find it more prudent to pay some added money up front to consult a dentist who is more qualified than to wind up in the office of a doctor with a burn from exposure to chemicals.

Keep in mind that the spectacular smile that you notice in magazines and on your television are normally not one hundred percent real. Many models have the assistance of enhancement through digital means to have their smiles appear brighter while numerous celebrities have veneers made out of porcelain to get those perfect smiles. Regardless of who you are healthy teeth will yellow as they age, sadly it is inevitable, so it is not in your best interest to go all out in your bleaching efforts.

To learn more go to Teeth Whitening Using Lasers and at Oakland Zoom Tooth Whitening


Tips for Choosing the Right Beauty Product

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If you have strolled the aisles of a beauty supply store lately, you may have been overwhelmed at the huge selection of products available. Today, you can find a beauty product that promises to do everything possible to make your skin, hair and body more attractive. But which beauty product will actually deliver on its promises and which ones do you really need to stock up on? Read on for the best tips in stocking all the supplies necessary for a more beautiful you, whether you hit the stores or find your favorite beauty products online.

The first step to beautiful skin is to keep it clean. Cleansing is usually recommended in a three-step process that includes a beauty product for cleansing, toning and moisturizing, respectively. The best way to choose beauty products for these needs is to select them according to your skin type. Most women fall into three categories; oily, dry or normal. Some will have a combination of two, perhaps sporting dryer cheeks and an oily T-zone along the forehead, nose and chin. When you know which type of skin you have, you will be better equipped to find a beauty product to address your individual needs and also cellulites.

As a general rule, toners tend to be more important if your skin is extremely oily, while moisturizers are primarily a necessity for dry skin. Some women may choose to replace one of these items with a different type of beauty product or forgo the additional step altogether. For example, a woman with oily skin may replace the moisturizer with an acne lotion or a wrinkle cream that can provide a specific purpose.

In addition to the regular cleansing routine, many women will add a beauty product or two that will give an extra lift to the beauty regimen. One option is a mask tailored to your specific skin type that can be used once or twice a week for deep cleansing and conditioning of the skin. Another possibility is to use an exfoliating beauty product that will remove the dead, surface skin cells, leaving smoother, softer and blemish free skin underneath. Wrinkle reducers are another good addition if you are hitting your thirties or forties and beginning to see the effects of the aging process on your skin. Some women will also opt for a beauty product for the eyes that can reduce the look of puffiness and dark circles for a more beautiful appearance.

The right beauty product will make all the difference in the face you take out in the world everyday. However, that doesn’t mean you have to buy out the beauty counter at your department store to look your best. The best beauty product will be tailored to your individual skin type and your unique needs.

Nearly half the marriageable population is divorced these days, with many middle-aged men and women moving into the populace in search of a mate again. It doesn’t seem fair, but there is clearly evidence that youthful looks and attractive appearance are factors in workplace advancement. Facelifts, collagen injections, and anti wrinkle creams may address certain aging symptoms, they do not deal with those brown “liver” or age spots on your arms or legs. You’ll be happy to know there are some options to alleviate that too.

UV rays, tanning beds and excess sunlight are generally the culprits behind the darker pigmentation, but as we age, the body produces extra melanin, which also contributes to the appearance of “liver” spots. Medical researchers have speculated about other causes. For example, pregnancy or certain kinds of birth control pills that create shifting hormone levels have been rumored to cause them too. Some researcher believe that chemicals absorbed by handing parsnips, limes and parsley (psoralens) before sun exposure can increase your chances of developing age spots. Medicine culprits may include antibiotics like Tetracycline, diuretics (water pills) and antipsychotics, like Thorazine. But then again, in some cases it’s mostly hereditary.

Most dark spots are benign, but it is a good idea to ensure your spots are not some cancerous form before using any skin treatments. Consult a competent medical advisor. There is a certain risk they may be cancerous melanoma.This type of skin cancer, Lentigo Maligna Melanoma, generally develops as a result of long-term exposure to the sun. The tan or brown lesions associated with this form of cancer slowly darken and enlarge over time. In addition, these cancer generally have irregular borders, are slightly raised, and show uneven coloring.

Assuming you are not dealing with cancerous melanoma, there are many options for lightening and eliminating these spots. Reversa HQ and Neo Strata HQ are prescription bleaching creams containing Hydroquinone–a substance that can be quite harsh. As drastic as it may seem, people will apply these creams gradually to develop tolerance, or even use mild steroids to ease the irritation as they treat there age spots with these products.

We prefer Revitol Skin Brightener Cream which uses plant-based ingredients to reduce the appearance of dark spots including freckles and uneven pigmentation. Revitol lightens dark age spots safely while keeping the skin moisturized and soft. I always favor treatments that do not contain mercury or other harmful ingredients, particularly when I’m applying it to my skin. I don’t know how long this deal will last, but as of this writing, they are offering Two Free bottles with your purchase.

Our favorite treatment for age spots, however, is Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex. It gets rid of dark spot and reduces the appearance of skin discolorations and hyperpigmentation in just 2 weeks and is particularly effective for age spots, sun damage, melasma, acne scars, birthmarks and freckles. The product comes with 100% money-back guarantee, so there is absolutely no risk when trying it.

Laser therapy is sometimes used to combat age spots or repair damaged skin by destroying excess melanocytes. Laser treatment can be quite effective with age spots disappearing in a matter of weeks–results though require several office visits and can be quite expensive. With a very low probability for scarring, this is a rewarding option. As far as skin solutions go, this may be expensive, although for more serious cases, it’s ideal.

For the brave or desperate, chemical peels are an alternative for pesky age spots. Impatient people won’t appreciate this option, but it works very well over several treatments. These chemicals act like a severe sun burn, causing the skin to peel and promoting a smooth, delicate skin finish underneath. Chemical peels have also been used as a successful skin treatment for acne and eye wrinkles. But whenever you go out into the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen generously!

For more information and to find great deals on all skincare products, visit today.