Archive for the ‘Beauty’ Category

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) the distinction between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is that plastic, also known as reconstructive surgery, normally allows for repairing abnormal structures of the body. These abnormalities may have been caused by birth defects, trauma, injuries and even tumors, such as breast and skin cancer. Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve appearance and boost self-esteem by restoring or reshaping normal body structures.

You may be surprised to learn that many men are now opting for this type of elective surgery. One of the more popular procedures for men is neck liposuction, which removes areas of fat around the neck and sculpts the area for an improved look. More often than not, this is combined with a face lift or other type of facial surgery, such as chin liposuction. When asked why they want the surgery in the first place, many state it is for work related reasons and view it as an investment in themselves.

Ultrasonic liposuction is the number one cosmetic/plastic surgical procedure being performed. The method behind the ultrasonic procedure is that the fat is “shaken or loosened” and this enables it to be sucked out of the body more efficiently.

Many people feel that we live in a beauty and youth fixated culture and that this type of procedure is almost necessary in order to succeed in both work and relationships. Is plastic surgery a viable option or alternative for you? Each of us has a self-image, a perception of how we believe we look to others. It has been shown that people who are happy with their self-image are more likely to be self-confident, as well as more successful in both work and social situations. Those who are not satisfied tend to be self-conscious, inhibited and less adept at holding their own in social situations.

With any specialized or general surgery you will need time to recover after surgery, and the time varies from person to person as well as according to the procedure. You will also need to allow time for both physical and emotional issues. Many physicians say that the emotional recovery is usually something the patient has not counted on and as such, they try to make sure to discuss this issue before all surgeries.

Even way back in 310 BC, beauty was seen as a stepping stone to a better life. Aristotle said “Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.” Is that true? Possibly. But is it reason enough to consider plastic surgery? That may depend on the individual and how they think the outcome will improve their life. As well, there are many variables that need to be considered, such as age and the persons overall health. They are not sculptors working with clay; they are surgeons working with skin. If they feel a patient understands this, then they may just be a good candidate.

There are so many cosmetic procedures currently out on the market, it is a wonder that we have not turned ourselves plastic with all the remodeling. Liposuction is one of these cosmetic procedures used to rid the body of unwanted cellulite. Before you make that important decision to have liposuction you should try less invasive procedures. Some of these procedures do show a dramatic difference in the cellulite pockets and are easy to use. No machines and no needles are the answer you should seek out first. Simply take a look at the non-invasive procedures before making your mind up. Click here for more information:Beverly Hills Liposuction and at New York City Liposuction


What Exactly is a Tummy Tuck And How Can It Help?

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Many people hear tummy tuck and think weight loss surgery, but actually it is a procedure done after a significant weight loss has already taken place, to remove loose skin and improve ones appearance. Many times it is considered a minor procedure, when in reality it is a major operation, with just as many risks as any other invasive surgery.

Another term for this surgery is abdominoplasty, where loose skin, and at times, skin that has stretch marks is removed. The abdominal muscles are usually tightened up with sutures as well. This results in a dramatic reduction of a protruding abdomen.

Of course, as with any surgery there is some swelling and pain. Depending on the extent of the surgery you may be discharged within a few hours, or remain in the hospital for several days. After surgery you will be encouraged to take a slow walk, however, it is likely that you will not be able to stand straight. Since the skin on the abdomen will be quite tight you will be instructed to remain bent over at around 45 degrees.

There will be drains placed in your body during the surgery to remove extra fluid. While the drains are in place, you will be on bed rest with a very small amount of walking. Approximately 4 days after the surgery you may begin to straighten up but your doctor will advise you to not overdo the movement. Remember, even though it is an elective surgery, it is still a major invasive surgery and recovery times will reflect this fact.

Your doctor may suggest an alternative to the full procedure if he feels that it would be more beneficial to you. This alternative, called a mini tummy tuck, is very similar to the original procedure but this one targets the lower abdomen only. There are, of course, other benefits to having this particular surgery, which is also known as a partial abdominoplasty. One benefit is the fact that it will take less time for the operation.

Some are under the impression that this method is the same as a liposuction procedure, but that is not the case. The major difference is that an abdominoplasty is performed to remove excess skin that has been stretched out, possibly after a substantial weight loss. Liposuction surgery is used to actually remove the fat.

Perhaps you have wondered why someone would want to have a tummy tuck, which is an elective surgery. If a person was seriously overweight and suddenly lost a significant amount of weight, which may be the result of some type of weight loss surgery, their skin will very likely no longer “fit” their body. When this type of weight loss is achieved, you naturally want to improve the rest of your appearance, which would include removing the excess skin and tightening up the muscles.

Cosmetic surgery has become all the rage and it is no wonder. People are simply unhappy with their bodies. Perhaps it is a few wrinkles or it may be a pocket of cellulite that simply will not go away with exercise. Have hope though before you go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. There are alternatives to liposuction that may work out to your advantage. Creams and certain lotions have been proven to help reduce cellulite and it may be just what you need to rid yourself of that unsightly cellulite budge. Click here for more information:Liposuction Chart and at Liposuction of The Tummy


How Crucial Is Cosmetic Surgery ?

   Posted by: author1 Tags:

How many of your friends or acquaintances have had cosmetic surgery performed? Are there many of them? Does it tend to make you feel like you are the odd one, the one in the minority? Should they have just been happy with what they had or do you think having a choice is the best solution? Perhaps you and your friends feel that with so many advancements and improvements it would be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity to make changes in yourself, despite what anyone else thinks.

This has been looked at and talked about for so long, along with being the subject of many talk shows and books, that it is difficult not to have an opinion. One person may say that if it is reconstructive surgery that is being performed, then it is ok. While a counterpart may believe that having that type of surgery for any reason, even if you are unhappy with your looks, is not ok. Is a surgery, especially an elective surgery, performed after a necessary operation considered frivolous? In other words, if you underwent surgery for something like a Mastectomy, would it be wrong to undergo another surgery to correct the appearance of your breasts? And what about surgeries to rid the body of excess fat, such as a liposuction procedure? A weight loss surgery such as an this may be considered totally cosmetic, but for those who are morbidly obese, this type of operation may be a life saver.

If you have breast surgery after a Mastectomy is that still considered a frivolous form of cosmetic surgery? Since the original problem has been removed you shouldn’t worry about what the results look like, right? So, do they believe you should just be happy with what you have left after the original surgery and not waste money on any further surgery or do they perhaps consider that one reconstructive?

Surgeries of this type are, of course, a personal choice. Perhaps it does seem strange to some that you would choose to have surgery for something that was not absolutely necessary. Maybe they think that having elective surgery is completely wrong, but wrong for whom? Is it wrong to want to look normal or even better than average? Should you have to walk around for the rest of your life and have a constant reminder of what you went through every time you look in the mirror?

For some, the term cosmetic surgery may automatically make them think that it is an unnecessary procedure, as cosmetic refers to appearance and in their minds it is a waste. Even so, do they have the right to try to make you change your mind or to try to make you feel ashamed of your decision? Or should they keep their mouths shut and get on with their own lives?

There are so many cosmetic procedures currently out on the market, it is a wonder that we have not turned ourselves plastic with all the remodeling. Liposuction is one of these cosmetic procedures used to rid the body of unwanted cellulite. Before you make that important decision to have liposuction you should try less invasive procedures. Some of these procedures do show a dramatic difference in the cellulite pockets and are easy to use. No machines and no needles are the answer you should seek out first. Simply take a look at the non-invasive procedures before making your mind up. Click here for more information:Liposuction and at Liposuction Risks