Archive for the ‘Back Pain’ Category

In today’s stressful fast moving society where many of us lack a regular physical exercise regime, eat to much and generally don’t look after our bodies as we should, .back pain in all its variations has become a major irritant to our way of life.

Back pain can be caused by a number of different factors. It can be hurt from over-exertion, the aging process or any host of possible medical conditions. These medical reasons can vary greatly – from mild problems that can be treated at home to more serious issues that require a doctor’s diagnosis and prescription along with specialized treatments. Because of the wide range of causes for back pain symptoms, it is important for the sufferer to recognize the type of back pain that you are experiencing so that you can discern if a doctor is needed or not, to treat your condition properly.

Common Back Pain Symptoms

The most common type of back pain symptom that you will experience is stiffness and the discomfort itself, however, the type of pain can vary significantly. Your pain may range from a persistent ache, or stiffness in the area, especially if you have been lying or sitting in one position for a period of time. Or It may be more of an acute pain that is localized to a specific area of the back. This type of pain is often the result of a muscle strain after lifting something heavy or overdoing your daily exercise routine. Or you may experience a chronic, localized pain that settles in the middle or lower back. This discomfort might also be exacerbated by sitting or standing for long periods of time.

By understanding the type of back pain symptom that you are suffering from you will be able to decide if you need to visit the doctor or not and if you do to describe to the doctor exactly what your symptoms are.This will assist him/her to make an informed diagnosis and then to recommend the type of treatment or medication that is best suited to your needs. Giving you the fastest and most effective relief possible. There are also other back pain symptoms that may indicate a more serious medical problem. If you recognize any of the following symptoms, it is a good idea to contact your doctor for further investigation.

When to Call your Doctor

While many back pain symptoms are short-lived and can be effectively treated at home, there are some that warrant a call to your doctor. For example:

– if you experience any type of numbness or tingling in your extremities, this could mean that there has been damage to your spinal cord.

– If your back pain symptoms include a fever, you could be suffering from an infection.

– Pain shooting down one leg from your spine often indicates the condition known as sciatica.

– A pain that intensifies when you bend over or cough might mean that you have a herniated disc.

– Finally, any back pain symptoms after the age of 50 should be looked at for the possibility of osteoarthritis.

If you are suffering from any of these back pain symptoms the pain you are experiencing can be quite intense therefore, , a call to your doctor will help you to diagnose your condition accurately and allow you to receive the most effective treatment and the subsequent pain relief as soon as possible..

Lower back pain can be defined as any aches of the back that fall above the legs but lower than the ribs. As this area serves as the hinge of the body, where the lower and upper body meets, it is often the target of injury. Usually, it is the twisting motions, reaching beyond the extension of your arms and strength or lifting without using your knees that cause the aches. For this reason you need a lower back pain exercise to ease you through and work out the pain.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

The cause for your pain may dictate the type of lower back pain exercise you choose as different injuries may require different treatments.  These exercises are also different from upper back pain exercise due to the different muscle groups involved in the injury. Exercising the wrong area could actually aggravate the pain you have so it is important that you have a handle as to the cause.

Misjudging your strength and lifting something too heavy can cause pain as can contact sports, a car accident or even stepping off a curb the wrong way. Diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis are culprits, as are herniated discs and loss of muscle and bone mass due to aging. All of these conditions require lower back pain exercise regiments to ease the pain and strengthen your body to prevent more injuries.

Types of Exercise

There are three main lower back pain exercise types to consider and what it all boils down to is strengthening the core of your body which in turn supports the spine and eases the aches.  Stretching, aerobic and strength training are all key to reducing or even getting rid of pain in the lower back.

With stretching lower back pain exercise, the movements warm your muscles up to prevent further injury as well as maintain flexibility. Aerobic activities help oxygenate the blood which can make your recovery progress faster while strengthening lower back pain exercise targets the legs, back and stomach areas, places that provide the most support for all body movements.

Depending on the injury, you will have the best success if your pain sort of dictates how you perform your lower back pain exercise. For instance, you might feel more comfortable in a sitting position with your hips stretched out while other people may feel relief standing. Let your pain be your guide when it comes to lower back pain exercise but whatever you do, do not take it easy for a few days and be lazy about physical activity as this could make matters worse.

Suffering from any sort of extreme lower back pain can be challenging and painful. If you suffer from terrible lower back pain, as do millions of individuals, you can rest assured that there are some great options for treating Severe back pain.

However, before finding the best therapy plan for your pain, you will need to learn what causes the pain you experience.

Various Reasons for Back Pain

Your intense lower back pain can actually be caused by a variety of different possibilities. Understandably, lower back pain is one of the most common complaints taken care of by Medical Practitioners today. While lumbar muscle strain is one of the many common reasons for lower back pain.

Another common reason for back pain is a ruptured disc. Determining the proper course of treatment for back pain with a herniated disc depends upon any particular situation the patient may find themselves in. Do you know that stress can be a reason for the pain in your lower back? Many such cases can be treated successfully by massage, whereas many other individual cases require more intense treatments, such as prescriptions and other useful treatments.

Other common causes of intense lower back pain have to do with various types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis. Osteoporosis may be the cause of numerous orthopedic problems as well as the general discomfort or soreness and aches. When you visit your Physician for Terrible lower back pain, the routine tests your family Doctor gives you can detect arthritis conditions as well as other issues, that aid in pinning down the cause of your particular case of lower back pain.

If you are suffering from severe or constant back pain, the one thing that is very important, is that you take the time to get to your family Doctor as soon as possible. They will check for underlying health conditions by performing some urine and blood tests. In order for you and your family Doctor to figure out the best treatment plan for your pain, you must work together as team players.

Thankfully, most individuals who suffer from moderate to severe back pain can find the most effective treatment for the relief of their lower back pain within about six weeks. Although, medication is a common treatment option, you should know what types of side effects are associated with any particular medication before you start taking it.