
Acai Berry Fruit – Super Food Or Super Processed

   Posted by: Fernanda   in Nutrition

As we become more knowledgeable about what we should and should not put into our bodies, we are choosing more natural ingredients. Natural substances are generally preferred over chemical ones and are also perceived as healthy.  This increasing demand for natural ingredients and improving health is also attracting attention to the “super-foods”. The so called super-fruits, such as grapes and pomegranates deliver an effective range of beneficial compounds, including vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants.  Berries are now grouped in this category called “super-foods,” as they are naturally rich sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.  The novel super-food; acai berry fruit from Central and South America has had tremendous attention ever since it was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show.

As a food source the acai berry fruit has great nutritional value while it also has valuable medicinal properties; mainly as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. A study reported in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found the acai berry fruit to be a potential cyclooxygenase COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor, accounting for its anti-inflammatory properties much like the pharmaceutical COX-2 inhibitors Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra and NSAIDS Naprosyn and Advil. Chronic inflammation is a major factor in debilitating diseases and persistent inflammation is frequently linked with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, aging and autoimmune diseases such as asthma, lupus, arthritis.

Collective research has shown that the antioxidant activity of the acai berry fruit may help prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It’s powerful antioxidants, known as anthocyanins, help the body defend itself against stressful life situations. Acai berries are also rich in omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, which help increase your metabolic rate and can help lower your cholesterol levels.

The acai berry fruit has been reported to be a great weight loss aid. Very limited research has been done on the weight loss properties of the acai berry fruit, therefore, these claims come mainly from testimonials and are not research based. Side effects have been reported from taking acai berry supplements, in particular, it can sometimes make you visit the bathroom more often than usual, and some people have reported abdominal discomfort, in particular bloating and cramping.

Acai Palm is a member of Euterpe genus (Euterpe oleracea) growing in swamps and floodplains of South and Central America. The acai berry fruit is a small grape-sized berry of which only 10% is fruit, the other 90% is made up of the seed or pit. The fruits grow in panicles (almost 700 – 900 fruits). Acai berries are harvested  by the thousands and put through a process that separates the pulp from the seed to produce a thick, edible puree which is then frozen.

Due to the fact that acai berry fruit has a high fat content, it rapidly deteriorates (within 24 hours) after collecting. Therefore it is not possible to buy fresh acai berry fruit outside the area where it is harvested. In order to keep the valuable nutrients of acai, it is necessary to freeze it after harvesting. If improperly processed the acai berry nutrients will be lost and the consumer will end up with an inferior product. So, as a consumer interested in buying an acai berry fruit supplement make sure you buy from a trustworthy company or brand.

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