Archive for February, 2010

Well, wouldn’t you know it?  Tomorrow, you have an important business presentation in the boardroom at your office.  You will be meeting several potential new clients.  You can’t believe that Mount St. Helens is erupting on your lips!!!

This morning you woke up with a tingly sensation on your lip and now it has turned into a painful cluster of blisters. Cold sores are small, painful, fluid filled blisters that are caused by the herpes simplex virus 1.

Once you are exposed to this virus and infected with the herpes virus you are infected for life. Exposure to HSV-1 and the infection commonly occurs in childhood. The virus enters the body through a break in the skin in and around the mouth area. It can spread if someone touches the cold sore or the infected fluid.

Herpes viruses lie dormant in certain nerve cells of the body until something like stress, strain, a cold or excessive exposure to sun causes them to manifest. In the case of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 it shows up on the lips and the sores will last anywhere from seven to fourteen days.

There are no cures for cold sores, however, treatment for cold sores will help decrease the discomfort.

  1. Try using a wet teabag (black tea)  and apply for a few minutes as soon as you feel the tingling. If applied soon enough it may prevent a cold sore from forming or help reduce its size.
  2. Apply ice on it to slow the growth of the virus. This lessens the severity of the outbreak. Wrap the ice in a wet towel and apply to sore for five to ten minutes every hour.
  3. Apply moisturizing ointments which have antiviral agents and analgesics in them.  Try lemon balm, phenolic acid, salicylic acid or benzocaine. Treatment for cold sores with these products will lessen the pain and the severity of the cold sore.
  4. One study showed that zinc oxide cream reduced the duration of an outbreak
  5. As Sun exposure can trigger outbreaks you will want to prevent cold sores by using a lip balm with SPF 15 and reapply every hour.
  6. Cold, windy weather is also a trigger so be sure to bundle up and protect your mouth with a scarf or ski mask.
  7. Avoid salty or acidic foods as these can irritate the cold sore and add to the pain.

Cold sores are very contagious so while you have a cold sore avoid kissing, sharing cups, towels or other items. Wash your hands frequently.

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Hair Loss In Women: A Devastating Experience

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Women's Issues

A year ago I went through an emotionally devastating experience where I started to lose my hair. To some this might sound vain and trite but any women who has gone through significant hair loss will understand this type of grieving. I’ve always had dark, thick, curly hair, lots of body-too much body;  hairdressers always raved about my hair.

Secretly, I wanted the hair I didn’t have; silky, straight blond hair. However, when I looked around and saw my hair on the floor, instead of being attached to my head, I surely appreciated what I was losing.  At the time, wherever I went, I left a trail of hair behind me. When I washed my hair handfuls of hair would fall out. When I brushed my hair, after a few strokes, the brush would literally disappear in all the hair on it. I felt so vulnerable that I cried constantly. When I put my hair up in a ponytail and its thickness was a fraction of what it used to be I finally decided I had to do something drastic.

My first step was to visit my doctor. There are many medical conditions that cause hair loss such as cushings, hypothyroidism, diabetes, polycystic ovaries, etc. I underwent a number of tests and they all came back negative. Although I was pleased to know I was in perfect health, it did nothing to settle my anxiety about the hair loss.  Now I was convinced I had inherited the curse of baldness which runs rampant in my father’s family.  This catapulted me into a deeper depression.

My next step was to scan the internet looking for solutions. The internet was filled with all sorts of miracle cures for hair loss and baldness. I was alarmed at how compelled I felt to try something, anything, that would stop this hair loss. Particularly appealing were all those hair transplant clinics offering a permanent head of hair. But none of these advertisements offered an explanation.  Why was my hair falling out so rapidly?  I did find a sensible solution. Through the internet I found a medical clinic with a dermatologist who specializes in hair conditions.

I called the clinic and was told I had to have a referral from my physician with test results to rule out other medical conditions. Once I called my physician and the results of the tests were sent over we set up an appointment. I saw the specialist and he did a thorough check of my head and my medical history. After talking to me for half an hour he knew the cause of my shedding. I don’t remember his name but he will forever be “GOLDDOC”.  Previously that year I had suffered from pneumonia which was very stressful to my body.  Mother Nature being what she is, decided my body needed all the nourishment possible and nourishing my hair was not necessary. “GOLDDOC” in his infinite wisdom told me that the loss of my beautiful locks of hair would be temporary.

True to his word my hair stopped falling out after another five or six weeks. Then I went through the opposite experience. No hair fallout at all, not even the normal fallout of 100-200 hairs per day. This lasted for six months or so. Now I have all my hair back and I sure appreciate it.

If you, or any woman you know, are experiencing hair loss, please do what I did. See your physician; get the needed tests done to rule out underlying medical conditions. If these turn out to be negative, find a dermatologist who deals with hair loss. He/she will give you information and options that allow you to make a more sensible choice. 

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Bioidentical Hormones – Consult Your Body

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Menopause

Are you experiencing some symptoms of Menopause? Have you discussed with your physician what treatments are available to you?  Were you given the option to use bioidentical hormones? Are you still asking questions?  Let’s unravel the puzzle together.  Read on to find out why bioidentical hormones may be right for you.

 What are Bioidentical Hormones?

 Hormones are chemical messengers that are delivered to the body tissues through the blood. They affect many different processes (growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood…).  “Bioidentical hormones” refers to substances that have the exact same chemical structure as the endogenous hormones in our bodies: estradiol, estrone, estriol, progesterone and testosterone. These bioidentical hormones are made from botanical plants such as soy and yams. Our bodies cannot convert the plant hormones into human hormones, so the plant hormones are pharmaceutically processed to match our endogenous hormones.

 Bioidentical or Synthetic Hormones?

 Much confusion exists for both women and health professionals over the latest buzzwords “bioidentical or synthetic” hormone therapy.  The word bioidentical is often equated to being natural while in contrast synthetic is equated to being man-made. Synthetic hormones indicate hormones created in a laboratory that do not chemically match the hormones made by our bodies.  Whereas bioidentical hormones match our hormones precisely. Both bioidentical and synthetic hormones are created in pharmaceutical laboratories using chemical means. Also, both bioidentical and synthetic hormones come from natural sources (yams, soy…), and then are manipulated in the laboratory to create either identical or synthetic hormones.

 Why use Bioidentical Hormones?

 Since these have identical molecular structure to our endogenous hormones their effects are more consistent with our own hormones. According to some studies women respond more quickly to bioidentical hormones while finding relief from hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal dryness within a few days of commencing use.   Also, these are not mass produced, they are compounded in pharmacies so they can be tailored to your specific needs.  Synthetic hormones in order to be patented, were created to be different from human hormones. This causes them to interact differently with hormone receptors allowing for a greater chance of undesirable side effects.

Where Are They Available?

Bioidentical hormones are available by prescription, at any compounding pharmacy. The compounding pharmacist individualizes drug therapy at the request of the physician or patient. Usually these hormones are compounded into creams to be applied on the skin (transdermal) or vaginally (transmucomal). They can also be made into oral lozenges, but these require higher doses of hormones since they must pass through the liver and be metabolized which can lead to unwanted side effects.

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