Archive for October, 2009


Menopause Cure – Have You Met Herb

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Menopause

It’s the best of times, yet, it’s the worst of times.  Your hormone levels swing up, up, up.  Your hormone levels crash down, down, down and do you ever know it!!!  Among the many symptoms we suffer are bloating, mood swings and hot flashes.  You and your friends, who are sailing with you in the same menopause boat, are now asking each other “What is my menopause cure?”

There are many herbal products that work wonders as a menopause cure.  Consider the following herbs in your quest to relieve your menopause symptoms:

  • Black Cohosh
    Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has been used in North America for hundreds of years.  Native Indians drank decoctions made of black cohosh to remedy multiple ailments including sore throats, bronchitis, indigestion, rheumatism and snakebites. But they primarily relied on it for female discomforts such as painful menstruation.  Black cohosh is one of the most well researched herbs for menopausal symptoms. It is an effective alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) based on the results of a German trial published in 1995, and taking into account the experience of over 1.5 million women.  In 2001, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists endorsed black cohosh for the treatment of hot flashes.  It is effective against hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, heart palpitations and vaginal atrophy.  It is also effective for psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances.
  • Schizandra
    Schizandra (Schizandra chinensis) is an important tonic herb that is widely used as a sexual tonic. It improves sexual stamina in both males and females and Schizandra reputedly increases the secretion of sexual fluids.  The berry has been traditionally prescribed to treat mental illness such as neurosis. For a menopause cure it has been used for insomnia and sleep disturbances. It can also be used to improve your concentration and to reduce forgetfulness as well as irritability.   Research on Schizandra has focused largely on the lignans which have a pronounced anti-hepatoxic (liver protective) action. Schizandra has proven benefits for the liver and is used in the treatment of hepatitis and poor liver function.
  • Vitex
    Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) also known as Chasteberry is one of the most popular herbs in Europe for treating menstrual disorders. The fruit of the chaste plant is used primarily to regulate your menstrual cycle. Vitex does not act as a phytoestrogen; instead it acts on the pituitary hormones responsible for triggering the female hormonal cycle. This leads to an indirect increase in progesterone and a decrease in prolactin levels. This action restores the estrogen-progesterone levels which in return decreases symptoms in the menopausal women, particularly bloating, weight gain, tender breasts and the plummeting libido.
  • Angelica
    Angelica (Angelica sinensis); research from China has shown that the herb regulates uterine contractions which explains its benefit for menstrual pain. Angelica is taken for anemia, particularly anemia due to blood loss.  It improves circulation to your abdomen and sexual organs.  Angelica regulates your menstrual cycle, relieves menstrual pain and cramps and is an ideal tonic for women with heavy menstrual bleeding who risk becoming anemic.
  • Ginger
    Ginger (Zingiber officinale), renowned as a spice and flavoring agent, is also one of the world’s best medicines. It is highly effective for motion sickness and an excellent remedy for many digestive complaints such as indigestion, gas and colic. Ginger has many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that neutralize free radicals (responsible for the aging process). 
  • Rosemary
    Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a well known and greatly valued herb native to southern Europe.  It has been used since ancient times to improve memory.  Today it is used as a mild analgesic, especially when applied to the skin.   Rosemary also has anti-inflammatory properties due to its many flavonoids which also strengthen the capillaries and tiny arteries. Rosemary works great on your tired and aching muscles.
    Rosemary’s greatest medicinal property is its ability to stimulate circulation of blood to the head thereby helping to improve your concentration and memory. It also eases headaches and migraines and encourages hair growth by improving blood flow to the scalp. It is an uplifting herb as a cure for menopause, particularly useful for those women suffering from mild depression
  • Evening Primrose
    Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a plant native to North America. The oil from the seeds is rich in essential free fatty acids.  It is often combined with Vitamin E to treat hypersensitive immune conditions like asthma, eczema and allergies. The oil is often used in menopause to reduce abdominal bloating and breast tenderness. You will also find this oil useful in lowering your blood pressure and in preventing clumping of platelets.   The flowers, stems and leaves from the Evening Primrose plant have sedative properties useful for the insomnia you have been suffering due to menopause.

Forward this article to your friends who are also searching for a menopause cure.  Be sure to visit my article titled “Menopause Therapy – Estrogen Gone AWOL” for more help in your search for a menopause cure.

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Just about everyone during their life time feels the throb of a headache. They can run the gamut from very mild dull ache, to a throbbing, face crushing, nauseating, debilitating pain. Fortunately, there are a variety of herbal and natural headache remedies that have demonstrated headache treatment success in clinical testing.

Before you start to treat a headache, it is very important to know what type of headache you have.

There are two general types of headaches: Primary and Secondary.

A primary headache is the most common. These are when the main condition is the headache and related head pain. Primary headaches include migraines, tension headaches, dehydration headaches, cluster headaches, etc. These are generally not dangerous but can be extremely painful and even debilitating. But, what makes it primary is the focus of the condition is the headache itself, not some other condition. So if you treat the headache, you will eliminate the medical problem, so to speak.

Then there are secondary headaches. These are more dangerous because they are a symptom of a (usually) major health problem. They are usually extremely dangerous and cannot be cured or treated with normal, natural OR synthetic remedies.   For example, a brain tumor can put pressure on the cranium and result in extreme headaches. Another source of a secondary headache is a brain hemmorage. A sharp blow to the head or other head trauma can cause water on the brain or other inflammation that can cause a serious headache. These are all very urgent medical issues, and some aspirin or lavender won’t be effective in treating these problems. It is necessary to seek immediate professional medical treatment for the underlying cause. Only this will stop a secondary headache.

So, once you determine you have a primary headache, here are several Tested natural headache remedies :

Feverfew – This is probably one of the best herbs for eliminating migraines. It will reduce the frequency of a migraine occurence, as well as the duration and degree of pain that comes with it. Best to take feverfew every day if you want the migraine relief. This is because feverfew works as a preventative step… it won’t treat a migraine once it is throbbing.

Peppermint oil – Rubbing a 10% peppermint oil solution gently on the forehead can relieve the pain and intensity of a regular dehydration or tension headache.

Tiger Balm – This is a mixture of essential oils and it has a similar application and effect as peppermint oil. It is often sold O.T.C. in pharmacys and health food stores or you can buy it on the internet. It has also proven effective to relieve headache pain.

Melatonin – When it comes to migraines, this natural hormonal supplement has proven effective in decreasing the amount of migraines a person will have in a month.  It needs to be taken every day, but it can be a great natural migraine remedy.

Of course there are other herbal headache remedies as well but these are a few that are proven effective for eliminating migraines and other primary headaches.

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Weight Loss Tips

   Posted by: author1    in Weight Loss

Everything from television, magazine and even the Internet has touted virtually unlimited ways to accomplish fat loss through miracle pills, diet tricks and seemingly impossible methods to lose weight and increase your body’s fat loss.

However, lots of the wonder products will only help you lose money, not fat. A commonality in a lot of the fat loss advertisements is the miracle ingredient or the secret method that flushes away the fat. In fact, food control or diet and physical activities are the realities of weight loss.

Although when we hear the word diet we already start to see our life in somber colors; remember the weight loss process doesn’t have to be a grim experience, but a change that you embrace freely and openly. Our bodies are extremely adaptable to all sorts of living conditions and will adjust to the changes we make in a rather short period. Real fat loss and an improved health will result from the efficient implementation of rules necessary to create a good body shape.

When you decide to lose weight and are determined to increase your body’s fat loss, it is best to not go cold turkey, rather set short-term goals to accomplish your task. Don’t give up all sugar from the diet cold-turkey, first reduce the amount you intake by half and after a week or two drop it completely. Another good tip is to start with minor exercises, such as walking, in the first week.   You could plan to walk an extra block or two and increase that amount a little each week. In this respect, you are not running a marathon the first week, rather building up to it over the course of several weeks.

In order to effectively boost up your fat loss, set small objectives to achieve within a week. Instead of trying to lose 20 pounds, you could start by trying to lose two first and progressively reach the bigger goal. You will find that by making small goals and working slowly toward your ultimate end of decreasing your weight and increasing your fat loss you will easily meet your goal.

Remember that you pile up the extra pounds in a certain time interval and they will not disappear over night. There are no 100% efficient weight loss programs that will help you shed 20 pounds in a week or increase your fat loss out of the blue.  It requires determination and adjusting your body to a certain mindset and environment of fat loss, diet and exercise.

Tip: Never Count Calories, Carbs or Fat Again And Lose As Much Weight As You Want – Quickly & Easily! Take action TODAY, check out the fat loss 4 idiots review and discover how the idiot proof diet can help you lose fat.

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