It is natural to notice your body going through some changes, when you are pregnant. While a lot of the changes are expected, not many women are prepared for hair loss after pregnancy. Generally, people know that funny things happen to their hair when they’re pregnant. However, most don’t realize that a great amount of hair loss happens after pregnancy.
In fact, it is about three months after giving birth that most of the hair loss takes place. Hormones are on a high during pregnancy which helps avoid too much hair loss during the nine months. Hormone levels will begin to go back to normal about three months after having a baby.
As the body adjust to hormones returning to normal, you’re bound to lose some hair. This is completely natural. So, there’s no need to panic. The hair thins a little with the hormone changes and then the normal cycle for your hair will be back on track. It is possible and you will notice that the hair comes back completely; though it may take up to six to twelve months. This is a completely natural process. Let’s look at it this way. You didn’t have to pay a thing for the luxurious hair you gained when you were pregnant.
If the hair loss really bothers you, there are ways to deal with it. You should actually talk with your doctor so you can make sure that your hormones are at the level they are supposed to be at. Also try to avoid pigtails, braids, or tight hair rollers. Anything that pulls on your hair and gives it stress should be avoided. You should also make sure that your diet is high in vegetables and fruits. These type of food have antioxidants and flavanoids that will strengthen hair follicles. Silica and biotin in your shampoo and conditioner would help.
When using a blow dryer make sure that you are using the lowest setting, as wet hair is very fragile and can be easily damaged. Also, your going to want to make sure that you don’t brush your hair while it’s wet, because this can lead to more hair loss. Take vitamin supplements if you feel as though you are not getting enough nutrients and vitamins in your diet already. Take as many precautions as you can and you will end up in a better position.
Just keep in mind that you will not be able to stop hair loss after pregnancy completely. The best thing you can do is protect the hair that you already have, making it as healthy and strong as possible to minimize your hair loss. And remember, if everything fails you, it is only a matter of a few months before you have the head of hair that you are used to and you stop noticing the loss of hair after pregnancy.
Tags: female hair loss, female hair thinning, hair loss after pregnancy, hair loss for women, women balding