Archive for March, 2009


Which Condom Is Right For You?

   Posted by: author1    in Relationships: Sexuality

As with most health products, the variety of condoms available can be confusing. You can save money and find a great variety by shopping online, but sometimes it is difficult to know what to buy?Following is a discussion of some of the choices.

First, you have a choice of at least three different materials. The most commonly used material for condoms is latex. This is also the safest from the standpoint of preventing disease because it is the least porous of the materials used to make condoms. You must be cautious because these are subject to breakage, especially if you use them with oil based lubricants. If you choose latex condoms, be sure to select one or more of the large variety of water-based lubricants available online.

Natural condoms are made from membranes of animals. These natural materials include animal intestines and stomach linings. These were the earliest condoms ever made, but their porosity makes them ineffective for disease prevention. They are effective in preventing pregnancy, but unless you are in a monogamous relationship with a partner who is free of disease, they may offer a false sense of security.

Polyurethane is almost twice as strong as latex and is great for people who are allergic to latex. Allergies to latex can be severe, but polyurethane provides essentially the same level of protection as latex. The polyurethane condom can also be made very thin, and they can be made without odor or taste. The increasingly popular female condom is made from polyurethane. Some people find that these condoms increase sensation because of both their thinness and their ability to transmit heat better.

After you decide which condom material you prefer, you can then choose between lubricated or not, with spermicide or not, flavored or not, and even desensitizing or not.

The great thing about buying condoms online, along with the great prices you can find, is the variety. By shopping for condoms online, you can find many different sizes, shapes, colors and flavors. You can find condoms that are textured for better sensation, and even condoms that glow in the dark. And, of course, don’t forget that now you can even choose the female condom which has many advantages over the older male condoms.

Condoms can provide a safe sexual experience, but they can also do much more. Condoms can enhance your sexual experience. Experiment with several varieties for many hours of pleasure with your partner.

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The Chronic Tension Headaches

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Pain Management

Chronic tension headaches are a serious ailment that can detract from enjoyment of daily life.  Daily activities are subject to interruption by painful episodes that can occur any time.  Chronic tension headaches can easily lead to depression and a general pain crisis.  It is important that chronic tension headaches be treated as soon as possible.  Fortunately, the medical community is very experienced with the problem of chronic tension headache, and has several avenues of treatment available for sufferers.  In fact, headaches are actually divided into three individual categories.

The majority of headaches suffered can fit into the primary category.  A primary headache is frequently brought on by emotional or physical stress, and has the most frequent rate of occurence by far.  Primary headaches are almost never life threatening, but they can bring serious pain with them.  This pain can hamper everyday enjoyment of life, making even basic functioning difficult.  Although the exact causes remain something of a mystery, it is widely held that the symptoms are brought on by a tightening of the muscles that surround the base of the skull.  This tightening comes on as a sensation of tightness at first in the patient’s cranial area. 

Cluster and secondary headaches are a far rarer form of headache that occurs to small portion of the population.  To treat this kind of headache, serious medical attention is required.  Cluster headaches are easily identifiable by the amount of pain they cause.  Patients frequently describe cluster headaches as like having an icepick driven into the eye.  Treatment includes powerful sedatives and pain medications.  Secondary headaches can be a sign of deeper neurological issues.

A Chronic headache should be treated with an eye toward stress management.  Physical and emotional stress are both known to trigger chronic tension headache.  Circumstances that trigger significant emotional stress can prompt the occurence of chronic tension headaches. Prolonged physical stress can also be tied directly to chronic tension headaches.  Steps to manage both kinds of stress should be undertaken in order to reduce the occurence of chronic tension headaches.  If these steps do not succeed, then further treatment with more powerful pain medications may be necessary.  Chronic tension headaches that do not abate should be a signal to see a doctor.

The causes Of migraine headaches , chronic tension headaches and other type of headaches are still something of a mystery in the medical community but one should seek a doctor or specialist to help correct the problem.


It seems that a new diet program is brought to the market every other day, making consumers’ choices almost mind-boggling. These programs can range from fast detox programs that only last a few weeks to long term lifestyle changes. If you are looking to choose one of these popular new diets, it is best to know just what is involved and how they work before making a decision about which to use. No matter which you select, remember to consult with your doctor or other medical professional before beginning any diet programs.

Detox Diets

Often see on talk shows and in magazines, detox diet plans seem to be all the rage. These short term diet and fat loss programs can be very strict, but promise fast results. Detox diets help to cleanse the body and rid your digestive system of toxins. One of the extra side effects of a detox plan is fast weight loss due to reduced food consumption. While these plans can be effective for short term, rapid weight loss, you should not keep on using these programs longer than recommended.

Low Carb Diets

One of the biggest diet and weight loss trends in recent years is the use of low carb diets for quick results. These diets promote eating smaller amounts of carbohydrates, which will cause your body to burn fat instead of relying on carbs for energy. These plans are generally effective and often recommended by doctors, however close monitoring by a physician is recommended when using these plans. Fast fat loss is usually attained initially, however those who try to return to a normal eating plan can gain back as fast as they lost.

Vegetarian Diets

For hundreds of years, different cultures have used vegetarian diets for many reasons. These diet and weight loss plans can be helpful and relatively safe, if those who choose a vegetarian lifestyle are careful in their menu planning. Should you choose one of these diet plans, remember to find plenty of source of protein to fuel your body properly. This should include both complete and incomplete proteins, such as beans, soy, and nuts in order to stay healthy. Though you can lose weight on these diets, more often they are a social or political lifestyle choice.

Balanced Diets

The safest diet and weight loss programs are those who endorse balanced diets. Balanced diets, together with a regular workout program are the doctor recommended way to burn fat safely. These diets should be made up of plenty of vegetable and fruit components, lean protein sources and whole grains and fibers. You can follow the Food Pyramid or get sample menu plans from a dietician or doctor. Losing weight with a balanced diet can be a slow process, but if you stick to the plan, it’s the most healthful way to eat long term.

Selecting a weight loss diet plan can be hard, but with research and education you can find a plan that will work for you. Your best bet is to discuss your weight issues with your doctor and get his or her opinion. Together you can decide which popular diet plan is the right one for you.

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