Archive for February, 2009


Quick Weight Loss Diet Secrets

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Weight Loss

Are you struggling with maintaining your ideal physique? Are you carrying too much weight and not sure of how to lose weight quickly? The answer to achieving your perfect physique may lie in learning how to create a positive mental attitude to losing weight.

Step 1 in creating a positive attitude to weight loss and weight management is set your goals and be serious about achieving them. Then, when you truly focused on attaining your weight loss objectives, it’s critical to commit to what you really want to achieve with your weight loss. Managing your weight and losing weight in particular is very challenging for most of us. Most people give up before reaching their weight goal. A huge number of people still embark on unhealthy and low calorie diets, or fad diet pills, or quick weight loss diets plans and then discover that once they stop they gain it all back again and usually add more weight besides. Healthy weight management is a process that will work much better when it is looked at in a positive light.

However, to help get you on the right path, one of the easy ways to lose weight (or at least get started losing weight) involves some simple green tea weight loss tips. Quite a few health consultants say this herbal tea can help kick start your weight loss program, and enhance your health at the same time.

If there are any secrets to lose weight they are knowledge, learning from your mistakes, and backing from friends, family or support group as you are going to be changing the way you do things that will help you create your new healthier habits which will ultimately result in you achieving your weight loss goals. Owing to the fact that learning how to lose weight is down to healthy eating habits, you may stumble along the way, your positive attitude will determine how long you stay down when you stumble.

Having a positive attitude leads to better and more consistent efforts, and gains you’ll be impressed with when it comes to taking the small but daily steps towards your goals. Success is guaranteed if you expect nothing else and if you think like a loser you have no where to go but into failure. You know that regular exercise improves and strengthens your muscles, by continually channeling your emotions and thoughts the powerful emotions have a way of boosting your attitude and emotions meaning success will become a way of life for you in whatever you do.

Learn how to change negative thoughts into positive action. Determine how you can improve your self esteem and self image and spend some time learning how you can recognize and stress your unique strengths and talents.

There are other things to consider in losing weight as well as healthy eating, it is also about your lifestyle and how much sleep you get, drinking your daily 2 liters of water and ensuring you get plenty of exercise. When you feel good about yourself you will naturally want to give yourself good things. The greatest gift is the gift of great health.

Being positive about your health and weight loss goes beyond just you; building a encouraging support group around you with friends and family makes a big difference. You may want to consider building your support group of family and close friends, a dietician or health counselor and your family doctor.

What are you doing to make your ideal weight look realistic and achievable? Determine the steps you can take to ensure you succeed. Are you emotionally prepared to commit to a healthy way of life that can give you the health and happiness you keep dreaming of?

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We dearly love our 2 dogs BUT we made a huge mistake right from the get-go with our cockapoo, Casey Jones. 

We allowed him to sleep on our bed!! No, wait, my husband allowed him to sleep on the bed.  I would give him the boot by telling him to get down and my husband would gently pat his side of the bed inviting him back up where he would remain for the rest of the night.  It was all very funny at the time but it has turned into anything but funny with the end result being sleep deprivation.

Rather than remaining in one spot he migrates to all parts of the bed throughout the night.  I have woken up to find him lying right beside me with his head on my pillow snoring gently.  I have woken up to find him pressed against my legs so I can’t move.  I have woken up cold and shivering with no covers because he has plunked himself down in a way as to steal the covers.  I have woken up practically falling off the side of the bed because he has taken all the room.  It’s been 11 years and these wake-up sessions, resulting in sleep deprivation, have been happening at all hours of the night.

Kick him off and make him sleep somewhere else you say?  Can you teach old dogs new tricks?  We are long past the stage of wanting to go through with the hassle of having him bark, cry and scratch doors while he re-learns a new habit so in the end it is our own fault if we are suffering.  Dog lovers will understand this lame excuse.

Despite the obvious dog-rearing errors in allowing him on the pillow while I am left clinging to the edge and allowing him to take positions of authority by sprawling out and  taking up our space as well as destroying our own standing as pack leader, my point is the sleep deprivation.

This is one of the biggest problems with people not getting enough sleep.  Even having your dog in your bedroom can keep you awake at night.  Dogs will:

  • Snore;
  • Get up and shake;
  • Moan;
  • Whimper;
  • Have nightmares;
  • Wander around the room.

If you get a new pet NEVER let them sleep with you during the night on your bed.  As comforting as it may seem at first it can become detrimental to your health in the form of sleep deprivation.

If you already have this problem, then ensure you do not allow your dog to challenge you for positions of authority.  If he is stretched out in luxury, in your space, then demote him right on back to the foot of the bed or if you are brave and have the patience then right off the bed onto the floor.

Our pet sleeping in our bed with us during the night is only one of many reasons for sleep deprivation.  Sometimes it can be very beneficial to have a little help with an herbal formula.  Fido might not need it but sometimes we do.

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Life is quite stressful when you have to deal with a picky eater at home. Daily you stand in your kitchen wondering what to prepare and if they will eat it. The power battles during meal times are driving you one step close to the grave too. Having little children that are picky eaters is not unusual. Many parents are in the same boat. I’ve been told that the fussiness over food will disappear when the children get older. But waiting it out isn’t really going to help you now. So, here are some tips to overcome their pickiness:

1. Let them plan meals and go grocery shopping with you. If you give them the chance to write the dinner menu, you increase the likelihood that they will eat it.

2. Be careful of the snacks they eat before meals. You can’t blame them if they say no to meals when they just had a snack to filled them up. Apart from the snacks, limit the drinks too. Don’t underestimate the filling power of juice and milk.

3. Avoid giving them too much at the first serving. Give smaller portions and if they can eat more, let them have seconds. Doing so, you create opportunities for them to finish their meal and they feel good when they do so.

4. Employ their little hands to prepare the food. The fact that they helped to cook it, motivates them to want to eat it. For instance, while preparing dinner, I persuaded my daughter who is 7 years old to help me chop up the broccoli and cauliflower. What do you reckon happened next? She eagerly put them on her plate and finished it and we’re talking about a girl who straight out refused them before.

5. Present to them 2 types of foods to choose. Make them feel the decision is in their hands. You should say “do you want pasta or sandwich”, “fruit salad or vegetable salad” etc….

6. Learn to make snacks that are nutritional. Fruits and vegetables are ideal. Prepare them as finger foods like carrot sticks and dip.

7. Bring to their attention what foods other children are eating, more so what their friends are eating. Do you notice that your children are always more interested in eating other people’s food then yours? Their friends could be eating something they’ve never had before but they are willing to try. Maybe you should consider inviting your children’s friends over more often. If you do this, make a pact with the parents first that only healthy food will be served.

8. Sometimes it’s not the taste that is the problem but rather the texture of the food. If this is the case, prepare the food in a different way; like making bananas into a smoothie, or sneak in carrots into your muffins.

9. Labeling them as a picker eater can be detrimental. Hearing you make a big deal of it all the time may encourage them to play out the role.

10. Decide that you will not cook them a separate meal. Yes, you suggest a choice of foods to them but it’s not something different from the family menu. If you give in to their demands, you’ll never get them to expand their list of like-able foods.

Dealing with picky eaters requires much patience. It may prove to be a difficult challenge but you must strive to keep meal times a happy time. Talk to the children about meal time rules and enforce them consistently. One thing that will also help is to search out easy recipes for picky eaters. It definitely helps to get a little creative in preparing meals.

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