Weight Watchers is one of the most popular weight loss programs on the market today, and recently, the program has experienced changes. They have made changes in order to make the program more inclusive.
The Basics
Those who participate in Weight Watchers use a POINTS® system. People subtract points every time they eat a food. Participants start off with a number of points and they subtract points when they eat.
Meetings are also available every seven days for those in the program. Once there, they will weigh in and then get to talk to other members of the group and listen to leaders.
The Cons
Weigh ins can be stressful when people are retaining water or have hit a slump in their weight loss, the weekly weigh ins can end up bringing them down.
Other Points
It is important to note a small fee is charged for meetings. With the fee comes full access to meetings and the support of the online tools. Many people benefit from this part of the program. They are able to use the meetings for guidance during their weight loss journey.
Extra Choices
People can follow the plan and eat chocolate, cereal, bread, and frozen meals, just to name a few. With these choices, more people are expected to sign up for the plan. It is not as restrictive as it once was.
Does it Work?
Based on the reviews of Weight Watchers we’ve seen, here is our conclusion. This plan has managed to help a large number of people lose weight. Those who follow the plan as they should can lose weight, but they need to incorporate exercise and healthy foods as well. Also, some foods make exercise more effective, and dieters need to think about that when they are choosing the food they are going to eat. It works when people use everything the program gives them.