Archive for January, 2009


How To Develop Parenting Skills

   Posted by: author1    in Home and Family: Parenting

Authoritative Parenting

Childhood is the time when most influence, most guidance, and most knowledge is needed in order for your children to grow to be successful and respectful children. However, what you do not readily realize is that not all influences, guidance, and knowledge your child receives are good ones. This is why you are here. You are responsible to discern the information your child receives.  Through active parenting you can influence how your child develops.

The ability to parent your child is innate in nature. In simple sense, it is instinctual and even new parents with little or no experience at all can be the best parents in the world. Authoritatve parenting styles is seen as the most balanced and healthiest approach.  However, there are also those that are learned, through exposure and classes and these ones are more commonly referred to as parenting skills development. It is called parenting skills development because parenting skills are present in the first place, these ones are not taught elsewhere but is realized within you.

Always remember that no one is born to be supreme in raising the best children in the world. Parents may have all the tools to help a child grow successfully but parenting skills development is still vital. Parenting skills development can not only be obtained through complex trainings and classes with the so-called parenting experts, but it can also be learned through constant exposure to your mother taking care of your little brothers and sisters or your older sister having her first baby.

Parenting skills development is necessary not only to better your ability to raise good kids but also to better yourself as an individual. This also holds true so that strong parental figures can be afforded into their lives earlier as possible. Being better parents does not only mean that you feed your child balanced diet each day. Because being better individuals does not only translate to who’s got the healthiest body in the world. Basically, this means that being better individuals would readily reflect your capacity to raise good kids, although this is not all that is involved, but an immense part of it.

Parenting skills development can be such a daunting task but to see your child grow in such a way that you wanted him to be is the greatest reward of it. Parenting, unlike other profession, would not require for you to have years of experience or previous employment related to it. It is a profession that doesn’t pay you anything monetary in return but it is still considered the best job in the world.

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the truth about six pack abs review

Have you fallen prey to the disease of the new millenia? Has obesity claimed your life, so much so, that your loved ones think that you prefer food to them?

Do your friends make fun of your obese figure? Then its time to shed that extra flab and reclaim your life! There are numerous options available to help you tone yourself and burn body fat, but they may confuse and baffle you, unless you do thorough research.

In the first instance, you should look at different websites and check out the fat loss programs offered by them. Don’t forget to consult a doctor first and get your body measurements done. This will be useful in deciding what sort of exercise pattern or diet will be suited for your purpose. Learn more about the type of body you have…

Is there something wrong with you genetically? Are you prone to gaining weight quite easily? Some medical tests would surely be a great help before you plunge into a new diet or get into the groove of a strenuous exercise regime.

Have you noticed how the number of overweight people is multiplying at an astronomical rate with every year that passes? What is the main cause behind it? An inactive lifestyle plus an extremely unhealthy diet, has resulted in this worldwide problem.

To cope with this problem, several health clubs and spas offer various kinds of diets for fat loss. They are not free, but these diets are also available on the internet. So before you invest your hard earned money on it, we recommend that you check out all the help with weight loss guides that are available on the internet, what do they comprise of, do you have the body to carry off such a diet, does it pack in the energy needed for your day to day activities, etc.

Not all diets are suitable for everyone, so instead of buying a useless product due to lack of research, choose something that will pay off in the long run. Read any reviews and customer feedback on these fat loss programs, and check to see if they are any good.

Discuss with a health professional whether this health product would benefit you or do you more harm than good.

Have you questioned yourself about what type of calorie intake would be suitable for a person of your bone mass ratio? Is this sounding strange to you? Don’t be afraid, because the internet is always there to help you out with these trivial issues. Some websites offer assistance regarding the exercises, cardiovascular and weight training equipment, recipes for different healthy diets(low calorie, high in Fiber), protein supplements, health capsules, herbal fat-burning medicines and others.

The obvious question that strikes us, is, whether there is a genuinely good 2 week weight loss program at all.

You must understand that the process of burning fat and keeping the weight off is not an overnight one. It takes time, so on your part, you need to be motivated enough to adhere to your weight loss program over the months and years.

Your determination to stay fit will make all the difference.

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Is Lipoic Acid A Powerful Antioxidant?

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Nutrition

antioxidant nutrition

Lipoic acid or alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty acid found naturally inside every cell of the body. It is a powerful antioxidant; a substance that neutralizes potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals in the body. Our bodies produce it in very small amounts and it is also found in foods such as spinach, Brewer’s yeast, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, organ meats and rice bran. It converts glucose (or blood sugar) into energy. Let’s take at look at this widely touted supplement.

What makes ALA unique and gives it nutritional value is that it is both water and fat soluble, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle and extend the metabolic lifespan of antioxidants such as of vitamin C, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10, and it indirectly renews vitamin E. Vitamin C lessens oxidative stress while glutathione helps detoxify the liver. Coenzyme Q10 helps convert food energy into energy inside every cell while vitamin E helps with nerve conduction.

Used to treat a common complication of diabetes called peripheral neuropathy, Lipoic acid speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream. It enhances insulin function and reduces insulin resistance, which are the basis of most cases of obesity and coronary heart disease. ALA quickly and greatly reduces the severity and incidence of symptoms like burning and sharply cutting pain, numbness and prickling sensations felt in diabetic neuropathy.

Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness. ALA helps neutralize those harmful chemicals. ALA can cross the blood-brain barrier; a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage and is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Because of those reasons, ALA is also used as a nutritional supplement to treat a myriad of other illnesses and diseases like cataracts, hardening of the arteries, hepatitis, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol levels, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Though very few, a small number of side effects have been reported when using lipoic acid as a nutritional supplement. They include muscle cramps, skin rash, tingling or a “pins and needles” sensation, or headache. Because ALA can improve blood sugar control, diabetics who take medication to lower their blood sugar should be monitored by their health care provider when taking ALA. People on thyroid medications should also be under the supervision of their healthcare provider if they take this supplement as it can alter thyroid hormone levels.

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