Archive for December, 2008


Some Easy Back Pain Treatment Ideas

   Posted by: author1    in Back Pain, Health and Fitness

Finding solutions to your chronic pain and stress in the back can seem like an impossible task for some, but it really doesn’t need to be.  There are some simple and easy Back Pain Tips ideas you can try right at home that can really help to alleviate if not completely eliminate your back pain.Different back pain treatments work for different people so lets look at a few ideas to try to help you.

First, try to lie on your back on a flat but soft surface such as your couch or mattress and put a pillow under your knees.Unknown to most, putting a pillow under your ankles can actually cause additional back pain.  When you put support under your knees you’re keeping this curved part of your body supported and transferring some weight to the supportive pillows, taking pressure off your back.  If you stay still like this for some time you might notice that it’s an effective back pain treatment for most minor backaches.  Far too often we have too much weight and pressure on the lower back and staying in this position with support under the knees can help tremendously.

Another way for Back Pain Remedies , and this one you’ll never hear from your doctor, is to try rolling your back on a basketball!  The firmness of a basketball can work like a good massage, opening up and loosening up cramped and stiff muscles.  This can also help to encourage more blood flow in the small of the back, which too is part of any back pain treatment program.  Blood and oxygen are both healing agents and can encourage the back muscles to heal themselves.  While you may not have ever heard of a basketball as part of any back pain treatment, it can really help!  Of course you don’t want to push too hard on the ball into your back but just a firm movement on a flat surface can open up those muscles.

Never underestimate the power of heat when it comes to back pain treatment.  This might include a good heating pad when you’re reclining on the sofa or even when you’re at your desk in the office every day.  Cold weather makes muscles cramp up, so even just keeping a warm air vaporizer in your bedroom during winter months may help to alleviate some pain in the lower back and help you sleep better as well.  A hot shower or hot bath can also help, especially if you take your time to really soak those cramped and aching muscles.

None of these back pain treatment options we’ve outlined are difficult, but it’s surprising how often people ignore them, thinking that only a doctor or some harsh medication can provide permanent relief for them.  But if you try these, and especially if you do so on a regular basis, you might find some relief! is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

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Lose 15 Pounds Fast

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Weight Loss

Do you want to lose 15 pounds fast? What kind of pounds do you want to lose – muscle, fat or water?

You see, when people talk about losing weight, they don’t always comprehend exactly what that means. Almost everyone connects weight with fat, which is not entirely true.

If the scale readout at the end is the most important part for you, then it probably doesn’t matter if you lose fat, muscle or water. If your desire is to lose the additional bulge around your stomach, then you are wanting to lose 15 pounds of fat fast.

Regardless of whether you want to lose fat or pounds, it’s important to know that water makes up part of that loss. Actually, especially in the first couple of days when dieting, the greatest part of your weight loss will be water.

Thousands of sites on the net pretend that they can demonstrate you how to lose 15 pounds fast. It can be a danger for your health if you are losing weight too fast, which is what most won’t tell you. Surely, it all depends what you believe to be ‘fast’. A month seems to be fast for some people, while other people consider fast to be more immediate, like a couple of days.

The most realistic goal would be to lose 15 pounds in a month, because that’s far more achievable. Still, it is not without risk if the weight loss is not approached correctly.

To lose 15 pounds fast, you can’t just lose water, which of course would be the easiest to lose. It is not possible for your body to stay alive without water. Take away the water and it will die.

Starving will not solve your problem either. Actually, when you stop to eat your body will slow down its metabolism and you might even build up weight. Not giving the body essential nutrients, will result in warnings going off. Your body goes into a survival mode, which leads to the fact that it will hang onto every morsel you eat, which leads to a weight gain.

A good way to lose 15 pounds fast is by eating foods like salmon which needs a lot of energy for the digestion. You could eat nothing but meat, but that wouldn’t be healthy either. To stay healthy, you need to feed your body a diet that gives it all nutrients it requires. A well balanced diet and losing weight can go hand in hand, you only need to know what foods are the right ones to eat. Before starting your weight loss plan, take measurements of your body including your weight and fat content. Special calipers (usually part of a weight loss or fitness center’s tool kit) are used to measure fatty tissue on various areas of your body.

Here are some things you can do to lose 15 pounds fast:

1) Use herbs instead of salt , because salt is the cause for water retention. Cut back on salt and you’ll begin to shed weight.

2) Always eat 4-6 small portions daily, instead of 3 big ones – this will help your body’s digestive system to work correctly.

3) Add foods that use more energy to digest, including meat, chicken, salmon, asparagus, cheese, carrots, squash and green beans.

4) Drink lots of pure water throughout the day as this helps boost your metabolism.

5) Exercise to build muscle, because muscle increases your metabolism naturally.

Always re-measure your body and weight every week or so and in case you aren’t seeing any positive improvements, adjust your weight loss plan and exercises.

It is possible to lose 15 pounds fast, if you take action and then stay with your plan.

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