Archive for December, 2008

Thousands of people undergo weight loss surgery annually and the popularity of the many types, such as liposuction procedures, continues to rise. Another such procedure is called Lap Band Surgery, which put simply is a silicone “belt” that is placed around the top of the stomach. The band is adjustable and a patient may need 6 to 8 adjustments of the band during the first 12-18 months, possibly once or twice during the next year and normally none at all during the third year.

However, as easy as some of the procedures sound, surgery for weight loss is not for someone who is looking for a quick fix or for those who just don’t want to diet. Most people who undergo this type of elective surgery for weight loss must still follow strict dietary guidelines or risk being disappointed in their weight loss. Exercise is still a key part of losing weight, even after surgery. Patients who exercise at least 30 minutes a day will lose weight 30% faster.

Even though the Lap Band surgery is considered a safe and effective weight loss solution, checking into a surgery center and having the procedure done is not for everyone. Whether or not you are a good candidate is a decision that you and your doctor will make together. One of the key measures of eligibility is your Body Mass Index (BMI), a calculation based on your height and weight.

As it is an invasive surgery, all factors need to be taken into consideration and figuring your BMI is one consideration. Your BMI is determined by calculating your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches squared and is categorized as follows: Healthy Weight has a BMI between 19 and 25, Overweight would be between 25 and 30, over 30 is considered obese and if your BMI is 40 or more it is considered morbidly obese.

However, your BMI is not the only factor that your doctor considers. For example, if your BMI is over 40, or more than 35 with obesity related health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, etc., then you may qualify for the procedure. A few other considerations for this type of operation would be if you were twice your ideal weight or at least 100 pounds overweight. If you have been overweight for 5 or more years and have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise, then you may be a good candidate.

If you are considering a weight loss surgery such as the Lap Band surgery, then you need to realize that having unrealistic expectations makes you less of an ideal candidate for the procedure. This may also be true for people who have a severe psychiatric illness, women who are planning to become pregnant with a year and cancer patients who are not in remission. As well, believing that you will not have to worry about your diet after surgery is unrealistic and may indicate that this surgery is not suitable for you.

To learn more go to Liposuction Of The Arm and at Face Liposuction In Tampa


Liposuction is one specific way for a person to get rid of fat in a relatively quick way. The majority of individuals turn to this option when they discover that they are incapable of adhering to a diet program for a long enough period to make a significant difference while simultaneously they want to look better as well. The latest advancement in this field currently is laser liposuction.

What Exactly is Liposuction?

Prior to educating yourself in the deeper aspects of liposuction you need to know the basics of this type of procedure. Liposuction is a way of taking out fat from different places in the body, such as thighs, buttocks, neck, abdomen etc.

The fat is dispatched by way of aspiration with the assistance of a thin tube which is inserted underneath a persons skin through a two or three millimeter surgical incision. Even though this type of procedure initially appears simple in nature it is classified as surgery and sometimes there will complications that do happen.

On the positive side of the situation, liposuction can furnish you with an ideal way to lose fat with a minimum amount of inconvenience. However, the success of this type of procedure is greatly dependent on the flexibility of your skin.  Because of this reason the procedure is not recommended for people over a certain age regardless if they were in ideal physical condition.

What Are The Differences In Laser Liposuction?

The majority of people develop some amount of bruising after a regular liposuction procedure which in normal circumstances disappears after a few days. This after effect is expected and should not be alarming, though for many patients they end up shocked anyways. Primarily this does not happen with laser liposuction since a laser is utilized to blast the fat that is beneath the skin. This is opposed to saline that is used in the older procedure in order to break down the fat.

Because of this laser liposuction has less pain, does not have a tendency to create bruising which essentially means having to spend less time for post-surgery recuperation and lastly, it is much quicker as well as more thorough. There is also less chance that there would be any type of scarring or any type of significant tissue damage when utilizing a laser.

Another excellent benefit is that because of the heat that the laser generates, it encourages the production of collagen which enriches the skins elasticity. This is one of the reasons why laser liposuction can be used on individuals who are middle age, because the odds of the skin having a greater chance of recovery are good as well as the skin having a better appearance after surgery are also good.

What Are The Risks and Limitations?

This kind of procedure is generally recommended for areas that are smaller. For instance the neck, face, upper arms, etc. because there is a danger of retaining fat fluid which could end up being a serious health threat in greater instance when used on larger areas. There are other factors to consider but using the laser option is certainly a great benefit over past procedures to those looking for a relatively quick way in sculpting their bodies.

To learn more go to Alternative To Liposuction and at Liposuction in Panama City

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It is possible to know someone that has Back Problems ?  A better and easier question might to ask you to list everyone you know that doesn’t!  Chances are that list would be much shorter.  It’s no surprise that there are many new medications being marketed every year that specifically target this problem; chronic and consistent back pain is becoming incredibly commonplace.  But why is this?  Why do so many have such a problem?  Humans today are genetically identical to what they were hundreds and even thousands of years ago, so why does it seem like this is some type of twentieth or twenty-first century plague?

Of course the issue of back pain is incredibly complicated.A doctors exam should always be taken into consideration when trying to diagnose back pain.  But most doctors agree that there seems to be a few common causes found in most cases of Back Problems today, and what is surprising is how often these things are brought on by the sufferer himself or herself!  Let’s take a look at some of these common causes.

For one thing, being overweight is almost certain to bring about chronic and consistent back pain.Sometimes people deny that this is a cause of back pain and don’t want to talk about it!  But your back is meant to lift and move only so much weight and anything beyond that means that it’s being constantly overworked.  If you had to carry around a bowling ball or a big sack of flour you know you’d be in some pain, and yet when a person is overweight they’re doing the same thing!  Most who lose even a good ten or fifteen pounds find that they get some relief from their back pain.

Working out too hard or misusing the back when exercising is also a common problem that typically causes back pain.  Many people try to pull or push too much weight when working out and wind up using the back muscles, which just injures them.  They are typically guilty of using improper form when working out which itself can strain the back; when the back is cramped up during exercise of course it will be in pain later.Sometimes back pain may show up after exercising or lifting weights which means you may need to work on your technique.

Of course there are other common causes of consistent back pain.We seems to forget that when we lift heavy objects we need to lift with our backs.  They also typically play sports without properly warming up or stretching, which can lead to stresses and strains of the back as well.  While many of these common causes of back pain are difficult for people to admit to, it also means that they can avoid these problems by making a few changes.  Stretching, exercising properly, and losing those extra pounds can really alleviate a tremendous amount of back pain in most. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

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