Archive for December, 2008


What Is A Realistic Weight Loss Chart?

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Weight Loss

Is it possible for you to shed 10 pounds in a matter of 7 days?  Possibly, but you may never succeed.

There are many weight loss charts being published today, many among them guarantee large quantity of fats to be shed in an instant.  Which of these are telling the truth?  Which of these are realistic?  And which of these are just products of hard selling propaganda?

Let’s start with the basic. Individuals who are engaged into weight reduction courses of good reputation are highly probable to reduce 3 to 5 pounds in a matter of 30 days, typically.  Individuals who are struggling to reduce weight by attempting to burn a third of the calories they consume per day are most likely to lose a pound per month.  These are the feasible figures for a fat-reduction diagram.  These are the most probable results that you will get if you will start to pursue a weight loss program.

So, do you think you will shed 10 pounds in a matter of 7 days? Odds are, youcan’t… at least not in a healthy way.

Do you think you can shed 5 pounds in a matter of 7 days?  This is more possible, though, it will require gargantuan efforts on your part.

Can you lose 3 pounds in a week’s time? Oblige yourself to do a lot of fat-reducing actions from day to day and this is very much possible.

Do you think you can shed a pound in a matter of 7 days?  Most weight loss programs can guarantee this much of a result.

A qualification to the foregoing, still: we’re talking about sustainable weight loss, not quick fixes to the problem of being overweight.  Boxers can reduce as many as 10 pound a few hours before weigh in, through sweating, abstaining, and stimulating bowel movement.  But when they have already attained the necessary weight, they are most likely to add on double the amount of pounds they shed, in a span of a single night at that!

There are countless quick weight loss plans you can pursue,however the effect will be as fast too.

Sustainable effects should be the one to pursue, and to achieve them, a valued and most reputable fat reduction program should be observed.



In the early 1980s you could find me teaching myself Yoga and shopping in health food stores (although there weren’t many of them back then).  My friends and family thought I was nuts.  I was also buying environmentally friendly cleaning products.  I once invited my Mom to a meeting so she could learn more about the products.  At the time, this type of thinking was non-conventional.  She actually thought I was involved in a cult!! 

Back then I was also practicing healthy eating habits by washing my fruits and vegetables in a cleaning solution.There is mounting evidence in the scientific journals regarding the invasive ways in which small doses of pesticides affect humans.  This is particularly so while in the critical stages of fetal development and childhood where the results of exposure in the long term  may be unknown  Also, consider those that have compromised immune systems and the elderly who may not eat properly to begin with.  Why take chances?  Why not practice healthy eating habits and lessen the risk as much as possible for yourself and your family?

 These days we now have organic produce to choose from.  The Organic industry embraces an ecological means to farming.  This means farmers are unable to rely on, or permit the usage of, toxic substances, synthetic pesticides, irradiation, genetically modified organisms, sewage sludge, antibiotics or chemical fertilizers.  Although produce that is “certified organic” will cost you more it may be your best bet for serving your family pesticide-free food.  

Consider the following 3 steps to healthy eating habits:

  1. If you can buy organic then do so.  Buying organic is expensive and many people are unable to afford to shop this way but don’t despair – read on.
  2. Purchasing in-season, locally grown produce from your community retailers will help you reduce your risk of exposure to preservatives that are used in food transported over long distances.  These include waxes, irradiation, gases, synthetic chemicals like fungicides and sprout inhibitors that will lessen the nutritional quality of your foods while having a negative effect on your health.
  3. Whether you buy organic or not, do practice healthy eating habits by washing your fruits and vegetables.  Over 70% of conventional produce samples have traces of pesticides and chemical residue.  A major problem lies in the fact that most pesticides and chemicals will penetrate the skin of the fruit and contaminate the inside. In spite of this, it is still a wise choice to thoroughly wash produce to remove superficial dirt and reduce the risk of spreading bacterial illnesses such as salmonella.  You will still have the potential for exposure to harmful pesticides that have penetrated the interior of the vegetable or fruit but at least you are doing what you can to reduce your risk.   For washing your produce look for an environmentally friendly cleaning product that is biodegradable, contains no phosphates and comes with the green seal certification or try the following homemade solution recommended by Kendra of handprints on the wall:

Produce SprayMakes about 2 cups

  •  1 cup water
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
  • 20 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.  Stir slowly and carefully as the combination of vinegar and baking soda causes quite a bit of foaming.  Once the bubbles have gone down, pour the solution into a spray bottle.  Spray on produce before eating.  Let sit 10 minutes before rinsing well.
  • *Note: Don’t ever soak mushrooms in this solution as they will only absorb it.

Arm yourself with the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce produced by The Environmental Working Group.  This will give you a ranking of contamination found in 44 popular fruits and vegetables.  For example, peaches have the highest pesticide score followed by apples and sweet bell peppers.  This is not meant to force us to eliminate our favorite foods from our selection.  This is meant to help us with healthy eating habits and wise choices.  Armed with this list when you are shopping you can use the guide to shop for organic alternatives to the conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that are likely to contain the most residues of pesticides.  As organic food can be very expensive this list will help you choose conventionally grown food with the lowest residue of pesticide.  You can choose from the best of both worlds while keeping your family healthy and keeping your costs down.

The Environmental Working Group has also listed the “Dirty Dozen” contaminated fruits and vegetables and they believe that by switching those with the least contaminated or organic versions then people can lower their pesticide exposure by almost 90 percent.

The key is to reduce the exposure that you and your family have to pesticides.  If you are able then buy organic.  In the alternative, try to substitute the most highly sprayed fruits and vegetables with organically grown and continue to buy conventional fruits and vegetables for the remainder of your needs.  Fruits and vegetables that you purchase in conventional form should be thoroughly washed and peeled in order to remove, as much as possible, the surface chemical residues.

By adding these suggested methods to your healthy eating habits and washing your fruits and vegetables you will do more to reduce your family’s risk of exposure to harmful substances than by doing nothing at all.

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When you spot those nasty stretch marks on your body, your self confidence and self image can take a big hit. Many people don’t like to talk about the problem if they have the condition. But when they do show up, you need to find out as much as you can about the causes and about how to get rid of stretch marks.

Why You Get Stretch Marks

When your skin is stretched beyond its limits, such as during pregnancy or periods of excessive weight gain or loss, it loses its elasticity and becomes damaged. Your skin’s middle layer, or dermis, is where the damage happens. However, the damage shows up on the top layer of skin, making the stretch marks visible on the surface.

Researchers claim that the process that leads to stretch marks also expands your capillaries. That causes stretch marks that are usually purple or red in color. In their early stages of development, they are frequently purple in color. Over time they fade and can often become white.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks is to use a specially formulated stretch mark cream. These products include ingredients like vitamin E, lanolin or cocoa butter, or a variety of different oils like olive or lavender. The more advanced stretch mark creams include Vitamin A or AHA in their ingredient list.

By using these creams your skin’s flexibility will be enhanced and it will also regenerate cells more easily. Just about any one of these creams will minimize the appearance of your scars, in particular those that list cocoa butter among their ingredients.

Another simple means of getting rid of stretch marks is to use vitamin E oil, which is especially effective when it comes to pregnancy stretch marks. Vitamin E oil helps to keep your skin firm and taut, even during pregnancy.

When you’re trying to select the stretch mark removal cream that will work best for you, there are lots of choices, quite of few of which you can get without a prescription at your local store. There are a number of very effective stretch mark creams that can be bought on the internet.

Other methods of treating stretch marks include laser treatments, dermabrasion or even stretch mark surgery to banish those unappealing scars. Undergoing surgery just to get rid of stretch marks might seem rather extreme, but the reality is that it’s the most effective way to deal with the problem.

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