Archive for December, 2008

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) the distinction between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is that plastic, also known as reconstructive surgery, normally allows for repairing abnormal structures of the body. These abnormalities may have been caused by birth defects, trauma, injuries and even tumors, such as breast and skin cancer. Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve appearance and boost self-esteem by restoring or reshaping normal body structures.

You may be surprised to learn that many men are now opting for this type of elective surgery. One of the more popular procedures for men is neck liposuction, which removes areas of fat around the neck and sculpts the area for an improved look. More often than not, this is combined with a face lift or other type of facial surgery, such as chin liposuction. When asked why they want the surgery in the first place, many state it is for work related reasons and view it as an investment in themselves.

Ultrasonic liposuction is the number one cosmetic/plastic surgical procedure being performed. The method behind the ultrasonic procedure is that the fat is “shaken or loosened” and this enables it to be sucked out of the body more efficiently.

Many people feel that we live in a beauty and youth fixated culture and that this type of procedure is almost necessary in order to succeed in both work and relationships. Is plastic surgery a viable option or alternative for you? Each of us has a self-image, a perception of how we believe we look to others. It has been shown that people who are happy with their self-image are more likely to be self-confident, as well as more successful in both work and social situations. Those who are not satisfied tend to be self-conscious, inhibited and less adept at holding their own in social situations.

With any specialized or general surgery you will need time to recover after surgery, and the time varies from person to person as well as according to the procedure. You will also need to allow time for both physical and emotional issues. Many physicians say that the emotional recovery is usually something the patient has not counted on and as such, they try to make sure to discuss this issue before all surgeries.

Even way back in 310 BC, beauty was seen as a stepping stone to a better life. Aristotle said “Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.” Is that true? Possibly. But is it reason enough to consider plastic surgery? That may depend on the individual and how they think the outcome will improve their life. As well, there are many variables that need to be considered, such as age and the persons overall health. They are not sculptors working with clay; they are surgeons working with skin. If they feel a patient understands this, then they may just be a good candidate.

There are so many cosmetic procedures currently out on the market, it is a wonder that we have not turned ourselves plastic with all the remodeling. Liposuction is one of these cosmetic procedures used to rid the body of unwanted cellulite. Before you make that important decision to have liposuction you should try less invasive procedures. Some of these procedures do show a dramatic difference in the cellulite pockets and are easy to use. No machines and no needles are the answer you should seek out first. Simply take a look at the non-invasive procedures before making your mind up. Click here for more information:Beverly Hills Liposuction and at New York City Liposuction


Workplace stress is as inevitable as death and taxes. Most people will experience stress in the work place on a regular basis. Some occupations have high levels of stress associated with them. Health care and law enforcement workers, for example, experience daily stress as a part of their everyday working life. Workplace stress can be reduced by identifying those situations which trigger it and reducing your exposure to those situations.

Common workplace stress triggers include:

Rude co-workers

An unprofessional, tactless, or rude co-worker can cause a lot of stress in your working environment. Considering the number of people that we are required to interact with on a daily basis to perform the duties of our jobs it is guaranteed that a clash of personalities will eventually occur. The goal is not to let an aggravating co-worker affect your work performance.

There is a lot of be said for ignoring problem persons. Most of the behaviors we find irritating are just that, irritating, but not devastating. Learning to accept the annoying behaviors of others as out of your realm of influence and unworthy of response is crucial to your ability to perform your job’s duties.

If this tactic doesn‘t work, try discussing the problem with them directly. There are times when they may be unaware of the way their attitude comes across to others. An open and honest conversation can be a simple solution that brings down the stress level immediately.

If direct confrontation does help quell the bad behaviors contact you supervisor. State your complaints in writing in a formal tone. Make sure to explain what behaviors are bothering you and how they are affecting your work performance. Try to avoid emotional pleas and high temper complaints. Remain factual and offer supporting information and your superior will most likely side with you and assist in rectifying the situation.

Poor Management

If unprofessional co-workers are unpleasant to deal with then poor management has to be twice as stressful. The options for dealing with poor managers are more limited, but there is no reason to let poor management style give you stress or anxiety. As will co-workers ignoring the behavior is the first and most preferable option.

If that doesn’t work, then you’ll have to go over their head to someone else and tell them what’s going on. Take down some notes of your complaints and share it with an HR person or whomever is suitable to discuss them with.

Most companies do not want the hassle and expense of employing new staff. In most cases, if the offenses of the manager are valid they will take steps to correct the behaviors and resolve any problems. Do not allow poor management to cause you undue stress. Always take action.

Huge Workload

Trying to manage an unreasonable workload will certainly cause a lot of anxiety. Accept only the amount of work that you can deal with in a given period of time. Take any assistance offered by co-workers and return the favor when they need help. Working together can have far reaching rewards.

Discovering, reducing, or eliminating workplace stress where possible is a positive step towards having a fulfilling and productive work experience. Stress in the workplace is inevitable, but correctly managing stress can help prevent job burnout and increase job satisfaction.

Get Josh Murphy’s latest free report ‘Self-Care Boot Camp’ – jam-packed with more great stress relief information at Check out the site for more great info on topis like symptoms of stress as well as a free weekly newsletter that subscribers can’t get enough of!

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Today there are more and more cases of Depression in Children being reported by doctors and physicians.  Whether it’s because doctors are becoming more skilled at diagnosing the problem or if there are more cases to report, the bottom line is that any concerned parent should be concerned about the causes of depression in children in order to treat it properly.

Bullying Causes Depression in Children

Bullying has been in the news a lot lately, especially when it happens over the internet.  There have always been bullies as long as there have been humans, but for some reason today bullying has reached a point where it is no longer teasing or taking a child’s lunch money but has become downright physically dangerous.  And with the internet making it so easy for someone to bully another child in front of a large audience, it’s no wonder that it’s causing more cases of depression in children.

There are a few reasons why bullying would cause Depression in Children .Children can really have a hard time with gangs or bullies giving them a hard time on a consistent basis at school.  But on top of that children often feel helpless and trapped where they are.  An adult can take action against someone that threatens them but children often just don’t know what to do.  They may hesitate to approach their parents for fear of being reprimanded or because they’re afraid this might make the situation worse.  This feeling of helplessness and frustration can also contribute to depression in children when bullying is involved.

Stress and Expectations

Children today are under tremendous amounts of pressure.Huge swings are home and in the homelife are things that kids readily can pick up on and really can worry and become depressed about.  This puts tremendous stress on them to excel in school when it comes to academics.  Being overwhelmed can cause depression in children because they often don’t know how to handle that stress and don’t know how to put those things in perspective.  Parents too can be somewhat guilty in this regard if they have high expectations for their children either for academics or athletics.  We hear a lot about “stage parents” that push their children relentlessly to perform and excel, and this type of pushing can easily cause depression in children who then take losses and disappointments so much harder.

Treating Depression in Children

Talking to your family doctor or pediatrician is important if your child has depression.  Medication is not your only option, as a good therapist can help with coping mechanisms as well.  He or she can explain things a parent can do to be supportive of their child and things that can be said or done to help them get through this.Whether the child has loving and supportive parents is a big factor in how the child deals with the depression.


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