Archive for October, 2008

Cellulite is often misunderstood. The appearance is often likened to that of cottage cheese or is given the nice little term dimpled. Regardless of what you want to call it, cellulite is simply subcutaneous fat deposits.

Regardless of popular thought cellulite is not a “fat” problem, in fact it has more to genetics. Individuals are predisposed as to how their body will store its fat. This is the reason why you will see thin individuals with cellulite and over weight individuals who do not appear to have any cellulite at all. In addition environmental damage, aging and hormones are also thought to play a role in the formation of cellulite.

If you are looking for a natural solution for cellulite than essential oils may be an option. Many essential oils may be safely used to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. The applications that are most commonly used are bathing and massage. For a bath use approximately ten drops of your chosen essential oil in your water, do not however add the oil to your bath until you have finished running your water. Ensure that you agitate the water with your hand before getting in to ensure that the oil is not sitting in a clump on the surface.

The other application that can be used is by making up a mixture that can be massaged into the affected area. To make a massage oil for this purpose simply add two to three drops of your chosen essential oil and add it to one ounce of your favorite carrier oil and enjoy. Regardless which application you choose, use regularly.

1. The aroma of Tangerine essential oil can be described as sweet, fresh, comforting and lively. This essential oil is extracted from the outer peel of the fruit by cold expression. If you decide to give Tangerine essential oil a try ensure that you to do not use it before you on an area of skin that will exposed to direct sunlight as it is has been known to be phototoxic.

Other citrus essential oils that can be applied for this therapeutic use are lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit.

2. Geranium essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves, stalks or flowers of the plant Pelargonium graveolens. This essential oil has an exotic, spicy, floral scent and is known as the “women’s oil” because of the benefits it provides for menstrual and menopausal issues.

3. Wintergreen essential oil has a warm minty scent which is recognized world wide. This essential oil is extracted by steam or water distillation from the leaves of the plant Gaultheria procumbens.  

4. Oregano is one of the most popular spices found in kitchens however Oregano essential oil is one of the most popular oils in aromatherapy. This oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried herb and leaves.

5. Juniper Berry essential oil is believed to be one of the first aromatics used dating back to ancient civilizations. This versatile essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried or slightly dried ripened fruit of the plant Juniperus communis.

6. Pine essential oil has a very recognizable scent and is often associated with winter and the holidays. This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the needles, twigs and buds of Pinus sylvestris. Do not use oil from the dwarf pine Pinus pumilio.

If using essential oils interests you then choose an essential oil that has the therapeutic properties that you are looking for but that also has a scent or aroma that you find appealing.

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Escape The Nicotine Devil

   Posted by: author1    in Health and Fitness, Quit Smoking

Finding the best way to stop smoking is something that is almost impossible because every person reacts differently to various stimuli or triggers so there are very slight chances for someone to come up with the best way to quit smoking that will help everybody. Finding it difficult to quit smoking, sit down with a pen and paper and write down the reasosn you want to stop, look at the list and identify the main reason, put that one at the top of the list and read it as many times as possible during the day. There cannot be one way of quitting smoking that applies to everyone as we are all different, however it is well documented that self hypnosis is the greatest aid expecially when tied to one or mor eof the different anti-smoking aids that are available.. Do whatever it takes to stop smoking, the information you have about health problems when you smoke are not kidding, you only have one life make it a good one. Stop smoking products can help you win the nicotine battle when they are tied with your strongest reason for stopping smoking. It has been proven that if you write down all the reasons you want to stop smoking, simply reading the list when you feel like a cigarette will take the craving away, yes it really is that simple.

When are you most likely to smoke, identify the situations and eliminate them from your lifestyle until the cravings go, it doesn’t take long. Such decisions make the best way to quit smoking within a specific case, the chance to work the same way for another person is very low. For some people there are alternative best ways to stop smoking, which include spiritual practices that bring about inner balance and positive thinking. A prime reason for quitting is the risk of lung cancer or thrombosis or strokes, powerful reasons but not enough for many to kick the habit. When talking about classical medicine miraculous cures as the best ways to stop smoking don’t exist, so you shouldn’t believe claims that someone discovered the best way to quit smoking that works within a blink of an eye. Someone somewhere successfully stops smoking every 31 seconds, you are not alone in you effort just think of all the others who have decided to stop smoking today and join them.

They people who say they do not want to stop smoking for whatever reason they can think of are afraid of failure, failure can be removed by replacing it with a powerful reason for them to stop smoking. Weight gain is an excuse not a reason it is not necessary to gain weight when you stop smoking, do not turn to sweets and excessive amount of food eat normally and eat a lot of fruit you will not gain weight. Begin with the end in mind, although when quitting you take one day at a time when you know where you want to end up the way there is far easier. Within 72 hours of your last cigarette your breathing will be easier and within 3-9 months your lung capacity increases you feel so much better inside and start to look better outside. Goodbye to cigarettes and rooms of the blue fog of second-hand smoke. If you like searching the Internet for solution you can take a look over Stop Smoking in 17 Days or Less it might give you some valuable information.

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You want to lose weight and you want to lose it as quick as possible so how does water affect your success? Find out more below.


Water plays a big part in our lives. You body is made up of about 70% to 75% water. That means you are more water then anything else. Why so much water? Water is essential to proper body functions like flushing toxins out of your body, transporting nutrients, lubricates and cushions your organs, helps with digestion, helps you metabolize fat and assists in maintaining your body temperature.


Now that is just the broad range of areas of what water does for you. If you wanted to dig deeper then you would discover the finer points of all that water does for you body.


Each of the aspects that water helps with is very important but the ones you probably should be aware of are the metabolizing of fat and the flushing of toxins and transporting nutrients. These are all essential to your weight loss goals.


As you lose weight you want to be sure you are getting the essential nutrients you need and water help this happen. But you do have to put them in your body. The ability to help you get ride of the toxins as the weight comes off is also important. But what you really want is the help in metabolizing the fat you want to say goodbye too.


Drinking enough water is essential to help you lose weight. How much water? Most people say at least 8 glasses that equal 8 ounces each. This is the lowest amount you should drink. If you are active or larger you will likely need more then this. Some people drink a gallon of water a day. When you start uping your water intake you will want to do it slowly.


The best way to get the water down is to have a bottle or jug of water with you during the day and keep sipping from it all day. Doing this will help you get a constant amout of water entering your body. By drinking more water you will be able to not retain water in your body. Yes it will get ride of any extra water as you are now giving it all it needs.


Go grab a glass of water and get started ensuring that you get the water you need.


Find out how to leverage your weight loss with Calorie Shifting. Lose even more weight fast with a Calorie Shifting Diet Today!

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